35.jelly powder?
Pov : Louis
I woke up with a sharp pain in my back and realized I fell asleep on the floor. When I get up and opened harry's door I saw no one, like I expected. I found a note on the counter. Of course, he left tablets and water. Fucking cupcake. I took the tablet and read the note. " love you " he signed, I mean that's a good sign right? He still loves me. It's gonna be okay
It's not gonna be okay, fuck. He literally just left and said he needs " time ". Classic line in every rom-com. This isn't going to fucking end up well.
Maybe he finally realized you were nothing. I wouldn't blame him, you're a cheater.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, he said he just needs time. I'm not a cheater. He said he loves me.
It's harry- he loves everyone, you're so delusional.
I needed a fucking drink. I got out a bottle of whiskey and take a sip, straight from the bottle. The bitter liquid runs raw down my throat and I wince but after another couple gulps it tastes the same. Finally my mind feels fuzzy.
Drinking away your problems, you're so weak. It's not going anywhere, unlike your boyfriend.
And with that I chug the whole bottle down.
I wake up on the floor again, with a splitting headache. The whole bottle is empty, fuck. I take two aspirins and fall on the couch. I can't fucking do this anymore. I open my phone and text harry.
Harry , where are you? I can explain this I promise
Please tell me you're safe
Harry, I'm so sorry about what happened but I swear I had no part in it, just come home so I can explain
Before I switch my phone off a call comes through, Liam.
" Liam? "
" Yeah, lou, how's it going ? " He asks.
" Fine. What do you want ? "
" Jeez are you okay? You sound like death " He chuckles.
" Just a hangover "
" You guys went drinking without us? How could you " Liam gaps, mockingly and I lose it.
" No liam, yesterday eleanor showed up and made harry think I was cheating and then he left I woke up on the floor and drank myself to sleep again " I say in one breathe.
" woah woah woah eleanor? how did she get it? " He asks and I have to think for a minute to remember.
" She has a key " I state.
" Louis, why the fuck does eleanor have the key to your house " He asks.
" She walks cliff when I'm not here okay ! I didn't have anyone else ! " I shout at him.
" Okay, okay makes sense. Do you know where harry went? " He asks.
" If I knew do you think I'd be fucking standing here " I scoff.
" I'll check up on him, don't worry and are you fine? like have you- you know? " He asks, softly.
" No- No, I haven't, I promise I won't. Just check up on him please " I promise.
" Okay, I will, Eat some food and have a shower okay lou? It's gonna be fine " He convinces
" Yeah thanks mate " I say and hang up.
Maybe Daddy Liam is right, I need a shower. I hope in the shower and focus on the water hitting my skin.
You know you want to. It's right in the shelf, you know you deserve it.
No i don't, I don't. I may have hurt harry but I don't deserve to hurt myself like that. Shut up.
Oh save it, the scars on your wrist say otherwise.
Fuck. I turn up the heat on my shower until it burns and I stand under it for a good minute, feeling the satisfying burn on my skin.
" Lou, you promised " Harry's voice says and I immediately change it to extreme cold, my body shudders in this sudden change.
I step out of the shower and get dressed in tracks and a hoodie. I put some tea on the kettle and wait for it to boil.
Before the kettle goes off the bell rings. I open the door and it's Liam and of course that fucker brought Niall.
" I can't believe it, I can't. I feel like the captain of the titanic. " Niall says inviting himself in, he's carrying 2 bags of groceries, I suppose.
" What are you on about mate, nothing has happened okay, it's just a storm not a fucking ice berg " Liam says, coming in too.
" Yeah, I'm good, Why don't you both come in and make yourselves comfortable, Thank you for asking " I mock as they fall on the sofa.
" Oh come on lou, I thought we were mates, lads, bros, you know my house is your house kind off thing but now I'm disappointed " Liam says.
" Yeah yeah, get your own playstation Liam " I say and Niall laughs.
" I'm fine you know, you didn't have to come all the way here " I say after a beat.
" We know lou, we just wanted to keep you company, since lover boy dipped " Liam says and I nod, mentally thanking them because god knows what I would have done without them here.
" Alright, tell papa Niall the problem " Niall said, opening a packet of chips.
" It's pretty simple, Eleanour tricked me into kissing her, Harry walked in and he thought I was cheating and he left " I said.
" I don't think he thinks you cheated though " Niall said and I was skeptical. I mean he practically saw me snogging my PR stunt in private.
" He has no reason to think otherwise " I stated.
" No see, it's you. He knows you would never do that. We all know you would never do that " He said.
" Then why would he leave " I asked.
" Maybe he just needed to think it through you know, like this is a lot " Liam said and I nodded.
" Well we'll give him 3 days and after that we're flying over there " Niall says in a final tone.
" Mate, we don't know where he is that's the problem " Liam says and Niall laughs, fucking Irishmen I swear.
" What do you mean? He literally just drove to Anne's house? " Niall says still laughing.
" How do you know that? " I ask, annoyed.
" The pictures?? " Harry styles steps out in Holmes Chapel, check out his outfit here " Niall mocks.
" Smart, didn't know leprechauns had brains " I sass and he smacked me.
I walked over to the grocery bag,
" Niall " I screamed.
" What the fuck is jelly powder "
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