27. keep driving
I thought it's time I updated after 2 whole months.
Like Jesus Christ, get your shit together. I hope you like it anyways T-T
And thank you if you still care about this fic <3
" Did you get the stuff " I ask when I hear the door click.
" If you mean 10 bags of candy and 3 boxes of popcorn, then yes I got the stuff. " Harry says walking in holding his tote bag.
" Yes! " I exclaim and harry laughs.
" Okay so movie night 2.0 and this time it's going to be amazing " Harry says getting the stuff and plopping himself on the couch.
We scroll of a couple minutes and finally decide on " The Holiday ".
I watch Harry's face drop at every sad scene, and light up at every happy one. I turn around, my chest on Harry's. Him staring at the screen and me staring at him.
" Stop staring " He says when he notices.
" Don't flatter yourself " And he rolls his eyes in the cutest way.
I turn my head back to the TV. I wonder if when he made that boyfriend joke he was being serious.
"Nope, look at me " He sits up getting me off his chest.
I groan and sit up too, " what do you want hazza, I was so comfy ".
" Louis " He says slowly, as I turn to the T.V, distracted.
" Mhmm "
" Louiisss " He whines.
" what is it hazza " I ask, giving him my full attention.
" We should date " He blurts out and my eyes widen. I did not expect that. Of course we had a thing going on, but I never thought harry would trust me this soon. My eyes swell up. He was being serious.
" I mean, like obviously I fucking want you, but are you sure? Are you sure you trust me? " I ask, seriously.
" I am, I'm sure. I know you won't leave again " He smiles slightly.
" Okay well then " I say and cut myself off by kissing harry.
" You're mine " I whisper in his ear when we separate.
" I have nothing to wear ! " Harry shouts for the third time now.
" We literally just went shopping a week back harry, just wear anything " I sigh.
" But I wore everything ! "
" Harry, love, we're getting late. Can you please just wear a fucking shirt and come out " I say and hear him groan.
He walks out a couple minutes later wearing a simple green shirt.
" see you look perfectly fine " I say, pecking his lips.
" yeah but that's the problem " He says and I laugh.
We drive to the restaurant that Liam sent us the link for, it's a pretty long ride from here.
" 2 hours, wow " harry says, setting up maps.
" I mean considering that we're all in different parts of the state, it makes sense " I say and he nods.
" Seatbelt " I remind and he buckles up.
His hair is in a loose bun, messy strands of brown hair falling on his cheeks. His eyes are intently staring at the window, at the sunset. His lips curled in a slight smile in appreciation of the landscape. He begins humming a tune which I've never heard before.
" what's that " I ask.
" what " he asks back.
" what were you humming just now "
" I don't really know, just something I've been working on " He says, uncertain.
" lets hear it then " I smile.
" It's not even half done lou, it's just a tiny idea " he says, not giving in.
" I know a good melody when I hear one "
" Okay fine " He says and I smile, content.
maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two,
*humming* I will always love you
A small concern with how the engine sounds
We held darkness in with held clouds
*humming* should we just keep driving "
So " He asks after finishing up.
" It's okay " I say and his face drops.
" Oh, I quite liked it " he says, still frowning.
" I'm joking you doofus, it's so pretty I love it " I laugh.
" really? " He asks, leaning towards me.
" Yes, it's beautiful " I say again.
" thank you " He smiles and lays his head on my shoulder.
I fix my eyes on the road and the next time I look at harry, he's fast asleep. His chest moving up and down quietly and his eyelids almost fully hiding his green eyes.
After about an hour of driving Harry finally stirs, he rubs his eyes and sits up straight.
" Morning love " I say and he blinks, adorably.
" how much longer " he says, his voice grainier than usual.
" T- minus 36 minutes, your majesty " I joke.
" I haven't seen the boys in forever, I'm so excited ! especially zaynie" He says and looks at me for my reaction. I don't react.
" Yeah, me too " I agree.
" Oh come on lou " he sighs.
" You know exactly what happened and you know I have enough of a reason " I say, slightly annoyed. I won't forgive zayn, not after what he did. Friends stand by you, even when it's hard. He left, he put his ego over me.
" but you've never even heard what he has to say " harry counters.
" oh I think I've heard enough "
" You know zayn, you know how hard it was for him. " Harry starts.
" I do and I was there with him all along. But when it was hard for me what did he do ? He didn't show up. You know how heartbroken I was after Mum passed away and he promised he would come to the concert. All of you did. He had his chance, he could have let me know, he could have called me or even sent me a bloody text but he didn't, he chose to leave. It wasn't about him not showing up, it was about him not giving a shit. That day I decided I won't call him my best friend anymore. " I speak fast and steady.
" louis, I understand, but " harry tries again.
" no harry, do you know how hard it was for me to accept the fact that one of the most important people in my life didn't give a shit about me? " I raise my voice.
" He cares ! and you know he does ! " He scoffs.
" yeah well then he would have come "
" you both are just as stubborn " He grumbles and I don't reply.
The rest ten minutes before we reach the restaurant are silent. When get out of the car harry says, " sometimes you have to be the bigger person "
" I'm 5' 7", Harry " I say and earn a loud laugh. I take his hand and we walk towards the door.
We find Liam, Niall and Zayn seated in a round table. They all get up when they see us approaching.
" Harrehh " niall shouts, hugging him.
" Louis, mate " Liam acknowledges, giving me a tight hug.
Zayn looks at me for a brief moment and then he extends a hand. I ignore it and sit down. He looks at Liam and shrugs in disappointment.
" It's been forever, hasn't it. " Niall breaks the tension.
" yeah, One Direction is back " harry agrees.
" Shall we order then boys? " Liam asks and calls the waiter.
We order our food. I avoid looking at zayn, I don't want to create any more awkward tension.
" Louis, Can we talk, please? " He says suddenly. I hear zayn's voice, firm and laced with hope.
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