Briefcase- Emotional baggage, secrets, lies, past experiences weighing him down. No one could see it it those who wanted it the least - he hid the depression, suicidal thoughts, money issues, and kept it to himself, letting it fester. He wishes he could fix it, wishes it would get better but it can’t, not when he keeps it to himself like that. When he let go of the briefcase he was letting go of his earthly worries, and it made him “smile” to be free of all those bad feelings.
Animals - Life events, what led to that moment.
Rabbit - looking desperately to make money, to earn money, to provide for a family in a harsh environment/economy.
Squirrel - “Thin for this time of the year” money came up short, taking what he had and saving it, trying to have enough to be able to use later, kids college etc, or money coming up short and he’s trying to make money but it’s all being put away- trees- banks and bills or unplanned expenses.
Fox - Something bad is lurking around, could be depression, the beginning of suicidal thoughts.
Deer - Warning signs, he could tell it was going bad, he knew something would happen, he could see it was going downhill.
Blue Jay - The blue jay at the end, flying over the water represents his “final freedom” as the title says. The “figure” and “briefcase” are gone and it could represent his soul flying away, free of the grief he felt on Earth as a human.
The “figure” - His inner demons. When The figure got closer it symbolises him paying more attention, listening more, his inner demons were getting stronger - it's walking getting more dignified. When the figure got to him and took the final step it was his demons catching up to him, it became too much, the figure pushed him over the edge... Both literally and figuratively, and he killed himself. The figure looked like him because it was his own mind that pushed him over the edge. When it “gave an inveigling grin” it was luring him in, luring him to listen to it and trust it, and let it take control, which he did... unfortunately
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