Food fight part 3
Alphinaud: Partner Jackie! Is it done?
Jackie: Yup. They will be arriving any time now.
Alisaie:¿Y quién es esta noche?
(And Who night this be?)
Haurchefant: Załoga Chick-kill-a jest tutaj!
(The Chick-kill-a crew is here!)
Wedge: Príomh! Is iad na naimhde is mó atá againn!
(Chief! They're our greatest enemies!)
Cid: Ó níl. Tá an ceart agat.
(Oh no. You're right.)
Jackie: But they are OUR greatest allies!
Krile: Nur Verbündete
(Only allies)
Jackie: Like you would know anything about allies. You don't even have another member of your team!
Aymeric: Przybyliśmy, aby pomóc twojej sprawie, surferzy metra!
(We have come to help your cause, Subway surfers!)
Alphinaud: We Thank you for that.
Estinien: chick-Kill-a! Opłata!
(Chick-Kill-a! Charge!)
Urianger: Non l'hai notato? Anche noi abbiamo i rinforzi!
(Hasn't thou noticed? We too have'th reinforcements!)
Tataru: sì. Sono un orgoglioso membro dei bucanieri delle stelle!
(yes. I am a proud member of the Star-buccaneers!)
Wedge: Tataru! Tar éis an tsaoil a bhíomar tríd, an oibríonn tú le THEM?!
(Tataru! After all we've been through, you team up with THEM?!)
Tataru: Mi dispiace Wedge, davvero.
(I'm sorry Wedge, I really am.)
Krile: Ihre Liebe war verboten, bitter und traurig
(Their love was forbidden, bitter and sad)
Wedge: SHUT UP!!
Yda: 私たちのことを忘れましたか? ウェンディの戦士?
(did you forget about us? The Wendy's warriors?)
Papalymo: 私たちはすべてを勝利します!
(We will triumph over all!)
Minfilia: Olmaz! McDonald's askeri restoran zincirini yönetecek!
(No way! The McDonald's trooper will rule the restaurant chain!)
Estinien: Po moim trupie!
(Over my dead body!)
Thancred: ¡Fuimos el primer imperio, tontos! así que obviamente vamos a gobernar!
(We were the first empire, fools! So obviously we will rule!)
Alphinaud: That's what you think! Jackie!
Jackie: On it!
Y'shtola: Su cosa?
(On What?)
Haurchefant: Niezłe!
(Nice one!)
Alphinaud: Haha! I told you we would rule! Wait, where'd Jackie go?
Krile: Oh, du meinst den Jackie, den ich gefangen und in mein Gefängnis geworfen habe?
(Oh, you mean the Jackie that I caught and threw in my prison?)
Jackie: Help.
Krile: Nur wenn du dich mir hingibst!
(Only If you surrender to me!)
Jackie: Don't do it!
Alphinaud: We have to!
Estinien: Nie możemy! Przegramy!
(We can't! We'll lose!)
Alphinaud: Jackie is more important!
Jackie: You think that? I mean, no I'm not! Don't surrender!
Alisaie: ¡La duquesa de batidos tiene un prisionero!
(The milkshake duchess has a prisoner!)
Thancred: No te preocupes Nosotros también.
(Don't worry. So do we.)
Y'shtola: Lasciami andare!
(Let me go!)
Thancred: ¿Por qué? ¿Quieres unirte a nuestro lado?
(Why? Want to join our side?)
Y'shtola: Mai!
Thancred: Pues bien, entonces. Supongo que tendrás que quedarte allí
(Well all right then. I guess you'll have to stay In There)
Haurchefant: Idę po ciebie, Jackie!
(I'm coming for you, Jackie!)
Aymeric: Haurchefant, nie! Ona też cię dopadnie!
(Haurchefant, No! She'll get you too!)
Papalymo: だから私に言って、すでに失敗したことはどう感じますか?
(So tell me, how does it feel to already have failed?)
Minfilia: Seni geri getireceğim! Kimse benim mutlu yemek jeneratörümü yok etmez ve onunla kaçmaz!
(I'll get you back! No one destroys my happy meal generator and gets away with it!)
Yda: まあ、私たちは明らかにそれを避けたので...
(Well, we obviously got away with it, so...)
Alphinaud: Jackie I'm here!
Krile: Aber ich auch
(But So am I)
Aymeric: Mówiłem ci, że tak się stanie!
(I told you this would happen!)
Alphinaud: Oh no...
(To Be continued)
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