I followed the God of Mischief, grunting as he didn't slow down at my uneven speed.
He was making me struggle, and he knew it.
Having learned to walk with crutches was new for me, I had never even seen those thing, but I soon found out that they were pretty handy under certain circumstances.
My eyes widened as I saw what was behind large, metallic doors as they hissed open. I froze, watching as the God of Mischief marched out, leaving me leaning on the crutches in a daze.
"The doors will close if you stay unmoving for too long." I could hear the smooth voice of Loki call out from the darkness. I nodded and did my best to walk throught the minimal amount of pain I still felt.
I headed over towards the God of Mischief and sat down, resting the crutches in between us as I carefully stretched out my sore leg. But sooner then I'd realize, I was forgetting the presence of God as I took in the scenery around us.
We were on the roof, there seemed to be many different plants and trees growing on it, making it look like a forest partially. But what really caught my breath, was the view on the night city. The sun had disappeared a long time ago, bringing out the blanket of stars. I was sure that down from the streets, nobody could see the stars, but from up here it was the most magical thing I had ever seen.
However, the smell that came from the streets was just a small minus.
I sighed in longing, feeling my heart rate speed up as I just wanted to soar throught the night sky. How wonderful would that be.
"you're mortal. You're damaged goods and horribly naive. You don't even know how to read. At your age, I had already learned my first killing spells." Loki said, making me turn to him. I tilted my head slightly, studying his features against the cold moonlight.
"But you're not as puny as humans. Despite what your uncle did to you, I can assure you, that these people here won't repeat such a mistake." he turned his green eyes away from me, staring into the distance as the noise of honking cars and buzz of the city reached my sensitive ears.
"I am just here to tell you that you needn't to be afraid of them. They trust you, and even when you're former Hydra, they wish to offer you a helping hand. Don't push it away, Atlas. It's not often when Monsters are being given olive branch." The God emitted coldness, the air was rather chilly, but it didn't bother me one bit.
"Are we friends, Loki?" my voice was even and it was slightly raspy. The God raised his eyebrow and peeked at me from the corner of his eyes. "that would be a mistake. You can not befriend the God of Lies, Atlas. That would be utterly stupid."
"Have you ever lied to me?"
"Was that another lie?"
He turned towards me, a large smile gracing his thin lips. "yes." I smiled, or at least tried to smile back. But which one of those answers was truly a lie? "We can't be friends, but I will, however, keep teaching you. I simply can not allow you to be clueless about education. And these fools inside still have not figured it out. Also, I can offer you help with your empathy powers, if you keep working on them, you can one day be like Wanda. And maybe, perhaps, if you try really hard, you could nearly reach my level. Of course, I highly doubt that, but you need a purpose, don't you?"
I rapidly shook my head, startled by the fact that I could not feel my long hair. "No, I don't want to learn about them. I have absolutely no wish to ever use them on anyone. I block them out most of the time anyways, Loki. I really don't want to, is that... Is that possible to just ignore them?" The gods green eyes were so intense they made me turn my head away. "very well, but my offer still stands. And no, Atlas, you don't have to use them." I sighed in relief, something about having powers was frightening. I didn't want to hurt anyone, I had already caused too much horrible things to happen.
"Loki, can I ask you something?" I cut the quiet atmosphere after some time of silence. He nodded, making me stare at him curiously. "Why did you release me? Back in the base?" for the first time, I saw a frown on the gods face as he ignored my stare.
"It was the collar, I just can not stand anyone wearing a collar like a mindless Mongrel." the god traced his own neck with tips of his pale fingers, I saw a small row of scars there, the ones I had never noticed before. "But you and I both know it's a lie, Loki." I said quietly, snapping my eyes back up to his eyes. He smirked, looking pleased with himself. "You're catching on, good." he said simply. "It was really what was on your mind. Besides, I could possibly not pass up the opportunity to see what would happen if I let one of their own subjects loose, the one they were most afraid of escaping. You can not possibly blame my curiosity." I nodded thoughtfully, combing my fingers throught my short hair, feeling pleased how soft and clean it was.
"It was a payback. But for what?" Loki's green eyes narrowed, an air of annoyance and disgust surrounded him. He was still agitated. "Those idiots stole something that belonged to me. I have absolutely no clue how humans are such a narrow minded creatures. Who could be stupid enought to steal from a god." he scoffed, gently sliding his finger over an elegant ring he was wearing. It was slightly blue.
"So, all this, taking down Hydra, it has been your plan all along?" I asked the realization hitting me. Suddenly I saw the god in a completely new light, it had all been his idea. His lips curled upwards slightly.
"I wouldn't have meddled with their puny affairs if it wasn't for the fact that they stole my ring." I nodded, shaking my head. He must really like that ring.
"Enought of that, I believe your new acquaintances are searching for you inside." he stood up, standing tall and proud. All this time I had felt the longing, anguish and hatred that hung over the God. But seeing the mischievous glint shining in his unnaturally green eyes made me feel as if he was on the way of accepting everything. I never really understood what had happened in his past, but he seemed to be moving on.
I grunted, pushing myself up on the crutches. I was really starting to get annoyed with those. "look, you're really nothing interesting. But you entertained me." Loki said lazily, pulling off the ring that he had gone lengths to get back. I raised both of my eyebrows as I realized he was holding it out for me. "I haven't met such an interesting creature for centuries now. Here, watch this for me, will you." I opened up my palm, watching on amazement as he dropped the ring on my open palm. It had golden swines seeming to protect something blue. It looked old, very old. And I felt as if it was the most precious thing I had ever held.
"Keep your eyes open, once you are settled, we will watch into your reading abilities. Until then, don't forget to get into trouble once in a while." He smiled widely, clasping his hands behind his back.
As the blue slowly crawled up Lokis neck, I realised the man before me, the God, was the most dangerous thing of them all. His scheming and plans had no beginning and no end.
He was the reason I had been set free.
He was the reason Pietro's mind hadn't been erased to endless black abyss.
Loki was the reason I had found a way to learning who I was.
He had brought me back to Bucky.
I looked up from the ring that had caught my interest, only to be met with the emptiness Loki had left behind. The wind was picking up, it was getting colder. I curled my pale fingers around the ring, Lokis ring, clutching it to my chest as if it would disappear just like Loki.
I frowned, tearing my eyes from the New York's iconic skyline as I stared up at the stars. Something was putting my senses on edge.
I soon realized what it was as enormous leathery wings made the air swirl around me. The beast was large as a building and its wings were long and sharp from the ends. I could see glimpses of black and green as he flew higher and higher, nearly blending in with the stars and the moon. The last thing I saw of Loki, were his mischievous green eyes giving me one last look.
I laughed in astonishment, my eyes wide in wonder. He was full of surprises.
"Atlas? What are you still doing outside? I just saw Loki inside drinking tea, did he just leave you here?" the quiet steps of Steve Rogers got closer. I slipped the ring on and it seemed to tighten around my boney finger to fit better. It felt as if it wasn't even there.
I turned to Steve, my eyes still filled with joy as I leaned on the crutches. "I'm coming in, sorry, the air just felt better here. It is very beautiful." The soldiers blue eyes glanced towards the city filles with thousands of lights, a gentle smiling gracing his lips. "It is indeed, come on, I think there's something Clint wants to speak to you about." The soldier said, walking back inside with me, his eyes always on the crutches.
Unlike Loki, Steve was slowing down enough for me to walk comfortably. I really couldn't understand if I liked it or if it was bothering me. As we walked back inside, I was wondering how clever Loki was. Leaving behind a clone as he was already miles away from here.
"I was wondering if you'd like to help me cook? I could use some company. Wanda is busy with chasing Pietro around anyways, and Tasha has managed to sneak herself into Tony's lab and refuses to leave him alone. And Bucky was never much of a cook. So, what do you say?" Steve asked me, looking the carpet for everything that could possibly make me trip.
"Yes, I'd like that very much."
The days went by in a blur. The clone of Loki was like an empty shell to me, it had no emotions. I was surprised that Wanda hadn't suspected anything, and neither did Natasha.
Thor had gone back home as Bucky said. To be honest, I never really liked Thor. Sure, he was a nice fellow, but he also controlled lighting, electricity. And as much as I wanted to deny it, I was absolutely scared of it.
I healed, well, as much as I could that is. Some wounds turned into scars, old memories that would stay on my skin forever.
My leg took more time. I got rid of the cast and finally the crutches. But there was a permanent limp. Even trastic weather changes made it ache horribly, but I didn't bother to tell anyone else. It was my pain, and only mine to bear.
All this time, I didn't go outside the building. Even after Peter Parker had offered to take me to lazer zone ten times in a row. I didn't like the noise outside, and the smells were all so strong.
That's how weeks later I found myself in a large, sleek car. I wasn't the only one in it thought.
Clint was driving with Tony sitting beside him, arguing with the archer when the man had forced everyone to leave behind electronical devices. Tony wasn't very happy about that.
Bucky and I were stuck together now, he was my official guardian. Which was still a bit weird to think about. But as time went on, I started remembering him more and more.
Pietro had just planted himself in the middle seat, telling he wanted to see where I was going to live, so if he got fed up with Wanda and all the secret missions he could take a run and pay us a visit. Natasha was with us as well, she seemed to be amused by the way how agitated Clint was of Tony.
And of course, Steve Rogers was keeping an eye on Bucky. I could sense his fear. Fear of losing his best friend again again.
"Tony, I will drop you off here, in the middle of nowhere if you don't shut up now. You wanted to come along! No one forced you!" and so the arguing continued.
I snorted, trying to cover it up with a cough as Bucky's unamused eyes landed on me.
We pulled up in front of a large house.
The first thing I could smell were animals, and the familiar, one eyed dog ran out of the house to greet us. "Lucky my golden boy!" Clint cooed as he forcefully closed the van door. The dog jumped on two legs, licking his owners face as his golden tail wagged with happiness. Clint let out a bubbly, airy laugh as he tried to push the dog off. "Honey! I'm home!"
Patter of feet made me shot my head up in alarm. I watched as three, small humans ran outside, laughing happily as they crossed the space between us and the house barefooted. "And I have my confirmation, the little agents are indeed, not actually agents. Actually, scratch that, I'm still convinced there's an explanation."
"Aunt Nat!" for the first time, I saw the red headed assassin smile a honest, wide smile filled with soft, true love. "Lila, how's Cooper and Nathaniel?"
I blocked their greetings out, for I was too shocked of the sweet smell and sounds of the forest.
This, this was heaven. I heard the rustling of leaves, the two deers that wondered just one mile up north and thousands of small mammals who roamed the forest floor.
I was startled by the heavy hand that landed on my shoulder, I peeked up at Bucky, my yellow eyes meeting his cold ones. He was nervous.
"Come on you two, get here and meet the family."
Steve went first, greeting the beautiful, dark haired woman who they called Laura. Clint introduced us and I just stared at the little people, he called them his children. Lila, Cooper and the smallest one, Nathaniel. They chatted endlessly, asking questions and laughing like there was no tomorrow. Pietro befriended them immediately, to Clints annoyance.
"I have prepared the house for you, the children and I carried some firefood in for you two. Clint told me you enjoy the nature, so we thought it was better for you to use my parents' old house. The noise of children won't bother you there, we only ask for some help once in a while when Clint's not home, if that's alright with you." Laura smiled, curling her tender hand around my elbow as she gently tugged me closer to the house. I held my breath, not many people touched me.
"We'd be happy to help with anything we can, ma'am." Bucky said, saving me from answering the friendly woman. Laura nodded, giving Bucky a wide smile. "come on in now, the kids and I have been cooking all morning. They are all very excited to have new neighbours."
It had been decided that me and Bucky go and live off the grid some time, heal, like Steve said. Pietro decided he wanted to spend time with Wanda, relearn his past. I didn't blame him, for I knew Bucky was sad to know Steve was going to be gone as well.
I halted, looking at Bucky expectedly, hoping he'd see the question in my glowing eyes. To my utmost relief, he did.
"Sure, go on. Just be back before others have to go." he didn't need to tell me twice as I gently removed Laura's thin arm from my bicep, careful not to claw her as I shot out of the house, down the steps and right towards the dark, gloomy forest.
It didn't take long for me to hear Pietros laugh echoing from the direction of the farm, as if it was challenge to him I could sense him catching up.
I, however, didn't care. I simply ran and ran and ran. Enjoying the life, the new adventure that was awaiting for me.
And this time, I was not letting anyone keep me locked up. Nobody was ever going to use me as a pet ever again.
I was free, and that was the dream all along.
Only Epilogue is left.
I don't want to say I'm emotional. But I'm emotional.
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