I looked at the steaming cup of sweet smelling liquid that Bucky had pressed into my hands nearly a minute ago. I could not identify the odd drink, but it was awfully hot and smelled heavenly. I had to make check the corners of my mouth, to make sure I wasn't drooling like an idiot they thought I was. Was it even drinkable? Maybe it was spiked with some kind of serum or poison? Was it a test to see if I would drink what they offered me?
The doors hissed open, revealing Tony Stark in all of his messy haired, crumpled clothed and coffee smelling glory.
He raised his hand in greeting as he went past Steve, grabbing the mug of hot coffee from the mans hands who only sighed in annoyance and went to make another cup. Stark sat down opposite of me, pulling off his sunglasses and throwing them on the spot next to him as he took a sip of his drink, wrinkling his nose. "Alright, spill the beans Shruikan because I have been busying myself all week trying to dig up your hidden files, now that you have decided to grace us with your voice, let us hear the story." The cocky man said impatiently, resting his burning dark coloured eyes on me. I was confused at first, who was Shruikan?
"Don't mind Tony's choice of nicknames, he found another movie dragons name to call you." Natasha said, giving Tony a pointed look, the billionaire immediately sat up, letting Romanoff sit next to him on the lush couch.
What the hell is a movie dragon? Does it mean there are more creatures like me? More people who can turn into dragons?
A bit too shy to ask, I looked down into the cup of liquid that looked like a mix of pale brown and pink. I felt my cheeks heat up a little, but I blamed it on the hit steam making me blink my watery eyes.
"Hey, don't start crying on me baby faced assassin boy, I didn't mean to make you emotional. Oh wait, I actually did." Tony ducked from the vase Wanda had sent towards him, I blinked up at Pietro who had appeared next to me from thin air, comfortably resting his long legs on the see through coffee table. He leaned against the soft surface, making me wonder how come he felt so comfortable in this kind of environment. Unlike him, I found myself trying to grasp the amount of people staying in one room, just to be sure there wouldn't be any attacks or surprise visits.
"So? Come on now, how long have you been part of Hydra?" Tony asked, his dark eyes burning into mine as I stared back, frowning at the question. Pietro tensed, rolling his sky blue eyes as he keenly kept eye on Bucky and Steve who were inspecting the situation abstemiously. Both men looking awfully similar yet so different, their stances made them seem as if they had fought and trained side by side for so long, it made me wonder how long and dark was the history of those two men really.
"I-I d-don't know, s-sir." I answered, feeling drop of anger for sounding so unsure and small compared to Tony's own gigantic ego. The man's dark eyes widened in surprise as if he hadn't really expected me to answer. The corners of his mouth curled slightly upwards as he looked at me in wonder. Natasha's poisonous green eyes were calculating and I could nearly see the wheels running in her mind. Steve and Bucky stayed quiet, even thought I felt one be more tense and on edge then the other.
"Don't, really, i'm not that old to be called sir, Tony will do fine kiddi-o. Next question, do you have any ideas how old you are?" There was only innocent curiosity and unanswered questions mirroring from his eyes, yet it was the most terrifying part for me.
how could anyone want to know anything from me? No one had really ever asked me questions like that, and to my own surprise, i could not answer the question. "N-no, sir."
"Eh, that was expected, how far back can you remember?" I could tell that question made the air in the room thicker, Pietro was looking bored but I could feel the anxiety eating the white haired man inside out, he wanted to know the answer very bad. Something in me wanted to keep that answer to myself, it felt oddly like shame and quilt. "Th-the base, back in-in Long Island."
The mood on my right changed drastically, the orange angry and scary vibrations i had felt before from Pietro, had been replaced with cold purple disappointment and bent down anger. "So they did get to your brain." He growled, yet remained by my side, I let out a breath of relifef as I realized I had been holding my breath. He peeked at me curiously. "It's fine Atlas, you'll get your memories back soon. No ones holding a grudge." The familiar voice of Bucky announced " And also, you might want to drink this before it gets cold." he pointed at the mug I was gripping for dear life. Without another word, Pietro grabbed it from my hands and took a sip, humming in appreciaton as he pushed it back into m hands.
No one asked anything as I slowly dared to drink it, widening my eyes as the sweet drink touched my taste buds. "Alright, moving on, if you could visulaise the inside of the base, wold you be able to draw it for us, or better yet, explain and let FRI visualise us a 3D verision of the base." ah, there they were, the questions I was sure they would ask. Suddenly the hot drink in my hands didn't taste so sweet anymore.
"Tony!" Steve hissed, making Stark look at him lazily. "We were't supposed to get to those just yet. "
"Then when? You and me and all of us know that if we don't have anything for Fury tomorrow, they'll take this puppy looking boy and throw him into another nightmare, so, get over you compassion for this once and let me handle this Capsicle." The messy haired man said matter-of-factly as he turned his attention from annoyed Steve and disturbed Bucky back to me.
"Good! Now, as Bruce filled me in earlier, there are very familiar scarring tissue on your back. Of course FRI took scans and they are part of something I made. Tell me, cold you recognize the face who healed your wounds back in the base and can do you by any chance know their name?"
Tony ignored Steve who didn't sound very pleased with the situation. Wanda and Pietro were both equally quiet and looked how it would all play out.
I glanced at Bucky for a moment, acknowledging the small nod he gave me.
"I th-think they c-called her, Cho, Helen Cho."
Would I had known what kind of uproar that one name would bring I would have perhaps tried to tell the name more quietly. I flinched at the sudden loudness, grasping my ears that had gotten used to the silent atmosphere.
"What! Someone tell Fury, now!"
"No, everyone shut up, no one can know at the moment"
"What, How?!"
"Cho? I can't believe it"
"Are you sure?"
I gritted my teeth, somone's smooth, cold hands gently pressed against my sensitive ears as I hissed at them, they hissed back. Making me tick my jaw.
"Be quiet you all."
And quiet they became, glaring at Loki who was standing behind me, pulling his hands away from my ears. He had done something, making me feel relaxed and at ease. "Must you all gnashgab? Some creatures in this room have more delicate senses then you all combined, so I gently suggest you tone it down and stop acting as if you are a group of uncivilised bespawlers."
"excuse me, Loki is throwing Shakespearian insults again, someone bring him comics to read." Tony said cockily, raising an eyebrow at Loki who was standing still as a statue as I looked him upside down, I was sitting on the couch as he was standing behind me and Pietro. The tall man looked at his nails "ant has no quarrel with a boot." he said, boredom glistening throught his silky voice.
Natasha was up, pointing a knife towards the raven haired man. I looked at her, she wasn't feeling angry towards Loki, she was feeling angry for something completely different, she was furious, hurt and tired. And she had found Loki to be a target. "shut up, Loki, or I'll cut your tongue."
Loki gasped, his green eyes widening in mock surprise as he stared at the knife Natasha had pulled from her boot. "a knife? Are you flirting with me lady Romanoff?"
The knife Natasha threw was stuck on a wall, the place Loki had been seconds ago, was empty.
"Natasha. Go cool down, we'll handle it from here." Steve said gently, receiving a glare from the red headed woman who left shortly.
"well, you lot sure are dramatic here."
"tell me about it Speedster."
"and you're the head of drama, Stark."
"That I honestly can't deny."
Let's all take time to acknowledge that trailer.
I update just because of that trailer.
I'm awake at 2am just because of that trailer.
Im getting goosebumps and even thought the movie isn't even out yet, I feel like crying, really. Just because of that trailer.
Guys, I'm scared of it 😢
Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I love you all :) x
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