I found myself enjoying Bruce's company. He was quiet and kept to himself most of the time.
I however, slowly lowered myself on the chair Clint had spun around with earlier. Anxiously glancing up at the man who was behind the computer. He didn't seem to be mad at me, so I loosened the grip on armrest, making sure my claws wouldn't make holes in them.
“Atlas? Can you change into your other f--” his sentence was cut off by the hissing of doors announcing new arrivals.
A plate with something sweet smelling was thrusted into my hands. It looked plain, and it had some kind of golden liquid poured over it. The food was warm, it did look like a stake, minus the brown part and it being warm. “go on dude, eat it up. I saved it from Thor. You know, these people here are horrible at watching after a minor.” Pietro said to me, the usual amusement back in his accented voice. I averted my gaze from the girl on the doorway, shuffling her feet awkwardly.
“So, what have you been up to doc? Been poking him with needles? Been trying to figure out what's wrong with him?” Pietro said accusingly, crossing his arms as he glared at the seemingly calm man. “No, Pietro. I don't see anything wring with your friend.” the doctor said, sounding tired. “yeah, sure, that's why you're scooping him up here all day, running your stupid test.”
The two bickering men failed to see Wanda who was approaching quietly. I tensed, staring at the girl. She held out something to me, I realized it was a knife and a fork. She sighed at my stoic expression, placing them quietly on the dish on my hands. “I believe you would need those to eat waffles. Pietro, like always, forgot the minor things. Looking at him I suggest you eat before he starts stuffing it down your throat in fear you'd starve.” she said quietly, holding the tense eye contact. I knew she didn't like me, I could feel it. Even when she tried to sound friendly, she didn't see me as an acquaintance, she felt deep hatreds towards me.
And I couldn't blame her, for some reason, I just couldn't hate her back.
I relaxed when she retreated, going to see what Bruce was up to. Yet, her focus remained on me. “sure, just because you are having trouble keeping a leash on the thing inside you, doesn't mean that Atlas has. He can't even change forms willingly.” the white haired man said matter-of-factly, taking a seat on the armrest of the chair I was currently sitting on. Pietro reached out for the waffles, he took one, broke it in half and rolled, eating it in one bite.
Bruce peeked up, glancing over his shoulder st Pietro who was munching at the food. “he can't? Then how does he turn into a... Dragon?” Banner asked baffled, his green eyes flickering between Pietro and the dish in my hands disapprovingly. The speedster was obviously pleased that the doctor was unaware of that small fact.
“with words, words only I happen to know.” Pietro said smugly, leaning back slightly. “go on, eat dude. It ain't gonna stay warm forever.” the man whispered, smirking as he turned back towards the surprised doctor and Wanda who was sitting on the work table legs crossed, glaring at me for unknown reason.
I didn't care, I placed the fork and knife on the floor, deciding I'd eat it just like Pietro did. He showed me it wasn't poisoned and was safe to eat.
I widened my eyes, surprised by the flavours I never would have imagined. That was so sweet, so amazingly tasty I found myself disappointed when the waffles had disappeared from the plate.
And I was still hungry, but the uncomfortable pinching feeling would be gone.
I almost licked the plate clean, but knowing it would make the other cringe I simply placed it in the floor, tracing my tongue over my pointed teeth to make sure I had gotten everything of those waffles.
“and how do these words sound?”
“yeah, not gonna tell you buddy.”
“and why not?”
“I don't trust you, Captain Obvious. And neither does he.”
Bruce groaned in annoyance. Making Wanda snap out of her bubble. “But Pietro, you can stay here. I can promise he'll be alright.”
“it's not your promise that I want. And it isn't even up to me. It's Atlas' choice.” I could almost see the red surrounding the woman. “he doesn't even speak, Pietro. It's like giving right to animals, unable to understand wh--”
“get out before I do something I regret.” Pietro hissed standing up and placing himself between me and the woman. Wandas eyes widened, only now realising what she had said during her angry rant.
I stood up as well, staring at the ground.
I was being thought of as an animal again.
And in some ways, I knew she was right.
I opened my mouth, ready to defend myself, ready to prove her wrong. To say that I will agree with Pietro, that I am not mindless creature. I wanted to tell her, wanted to let her know that I do have thoughts and feelings, even if they aren't like hers, I still have them.
But the pain in my throat made me shut my mouth and look down on the floor, ashamed. “n-no, Pietro, I didn't-- I didn't mean--” she mumbled, taking a fearful step closer, her wide eyes filled with regret. “get out.” the man in front of my growled, pointing at the door, his shoulders tense.
The sadness in Wandas eyes was making me feel bad, but the hatred that grew in her heart as she left, was making me feel even worse.
Don't think much of it, Midgardian women often say things they don't mean. Humans, mindless creatures all of them. Don't you agree? Young draki?
A comforting voice announced, I relaxed slightly, feeling unusually alright with Loki conversing with me.
If that's what you say, could you let Pietro know that I'm alright with changing forms? I want to get it done with.
I changed topic, not wishing to speak of Wandas deep dislike towards me. . I could feel amusement that didn't belong to Pietro nor Banner who were in heated conversation. Loki's feelings were making me unsure. That, I can't do Atlas. You're on your feet now, learn to speak for yourself. I will not be your voice, find it yourself.
Loki? Please, you know I can't speak with them. It hurts, it's making me feel anxious I.. Loki? Are you there? I asked, feeling annoyed with the God of Mischief for not helping me out with this seemingly simple task. I tried to reach out for him couple of more times, but all I felt was amusement and all I heard was silence. He was ignoring me, or had completely left my mind.
I sighed tapping Pietro on the shoulder, already I could feel my heartbeat getting faster, my fingers starting to tremble. “--no, you don't tell me what to do! Yo-- what Atlas?” hearing him speak my name, Banners curious eyes landed on us.
I nodded, feeling my throat go dry. “what? You sure?” I gave him another, small nod. “what? What do you mean? What did he say?” Bruce stumbled up, grabbing the clipboard as he walked closer. “he agrees to change forms.” Pietro said, his voice defeated as he glared at the doctor.
“excellent! Thank you! How... I, I don't understand, I haven't gotten any response out from him. How did you..” the white haired man snorted, picking up the plate and unused fork and knife, going to put them on the table. “because unlike you, I actually try to understand him. And we've been friends for long enough to know that you can actually get answers from someone's eyes rather then the words they speak of.” he muttered the last part, coming back to stand next to me.
And that's how I found myself being the size of a van, laying on the floor as Bruce, wide eyed took the length of my wingspan. “so... Fascinating.” he muttered, knocking some kind of sharp object against my scales gently. I half closed my eyes, resting my head on my paw as Pietro sat next to me, sliding his hand over my neck in reassuring way as he glared at the doctor who barely noticed him. “you know what's more fascinating, Atlas? The way I'm gonna kick his green ass if he doesn't shut up.” Pietro muttered to me, making my lips curl upwards slightly.
My head lulled to side slightly, making Pietro warn me not to crush him if I decided to fall asleep during his speech of 'our way to freedom'. I quite enjoyed his sarcasm, oddly enough I was comfortable with him talking to me all the time. I got the feeling that we had known each other for some time.
I sighed, feeling the Speedster lean against my leg, he stayed quiet, not even snapping at the doctor for muttering something unaudible again. For some reason, this kind of check up didn't hurt at all. I hadn't realized how tired I was after being up for two days straight.
The last thing I felt was Pietro's head falling on my paw and his soft snores reaching my ears, I could sense no danger as Bruce quietly left us alone, going back to his computer. Before I knew it, I was in deep sleep, covering Pietros sleeping form with my wing.
Thoughts? Ah, the bromance is so cute guys.
I love yall, thanks for sticking with my story. Funny thing, when I first started wiring it I thought it was gonna be a short story, yeah right.
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