I sat on the soft chair Doctor Banner had pointed at, studying the large room. I was pleasantly surprised when there weren't cuffs or ropes being tightened around my wrists or legs.
The man sat behind a table, putting on his large glasses. “Guys, do you have to be here?” Bruce asked the three standing awkwardly near the door. It was quite a sight.
Pietro glared at the Doctor. “If you think I'm going to leave him here alone with you after all he's been through with white coats like you... Well, think again, doc.” I could sense the surprise and hurt that flickered over Bruce as he turned away from them.
“Sorry, I promise we won't bother you Doctor Banner.” Steve said apologetically and with the same soft manner he always spoke in. Those people were different, they seemed almost too nice.
I stared doctor Banner intensively in the eyes as he turned to me with an odd, small device in his hands. “Come on, I'll check your ears first, if anything is making you uncomfortable don't hesitate to pull away, alright?” when he got no response he averted his gaze, standing up. My silence and staring was making him uncomfortable, but he didn't mention it. As he stood next to me my shoulders tensed, there was still hidden anger around the seemingly calm man.
After he had checked my ears, he wrote something down on the clipboard. He asked me to stand on a small object that was supposed to get my weight. After he saw the number, he frowned. “175 pounds.” he muttered, gesturing me to stand next to another... Thing. I've been in labs so many times and had check ups as he called it, but never like this, to just stand from one place to another and be asked rather then commanded to do this or that. “Heigh 6ft 1. You need to add more weight to be healthy, but that's okay at the moment. We'll figure that part out.” Bruce said, his glasses slipping down his nose that he pushed up from time to time, it seemed to be more of an habit.
“I already took your blood sample when you were brought in, it's in Tony's hands right now. I hope you're alright with it? If not, I'll go and get it from him right away. He was just so eager to see what made you... You.” the man said, looking up from the clipboard. He nodded at my silence, gesturing me to sit back down. “so far, I suggest you eat more vitamins and drink water, also, you need at least eight hours of sleep, you're worn out. I would also suggest psychologist, do you not talk at all?” I stared at him, taking in a deep breath, flinching internally at the pain in my neck I averted my gaze from the man, glaring at the floor.
“he's not crazy, he doesn't need some kind of psychologist.” Pietro defended me, I looked up at Bruce confused. What even was psychologist? Banner sighed and massaged and glared at the men at the doorway. “I didn't say he was. Considering the trauma he must've been gone throught, he needs someone to help him understand the real life. Someone who would support him l-” “I am supporting him.” The speedster hissed back, looking offended.
Bruce sighed but I could feel the annoyance. Before he could say anything, Steve cut in. “it was a suggestion Pietro, no one forces him to meet a psychologist.” Bruce ignored the trio as he turned his attention back to me.
“Alright, dental checkup. Would you mind opening your mouth? Do you have any tooth ac-- holy sh-!” Bruce jumped away from me, dropping the clipboard. His eyes wide as he stared at me, fear oozed from his mind as I snapped my mouth shut, hiding my pointed teeth from him as he clumsily picked his glassed off the floor.
“I didn't expect that. Not at all.” he mumbled, clearing his throat as he sat back down next to me. “what was that?” Steve asked startled, not having seen what made the doctor jump like that. “Nothing! Nothing at all.” he answered.
There was an odd emotion filling my heart as I noticed the way Bruce hid his eyes from me. It was shame and the feeling of being abnormal.
“alright, I think I need to make a scan of it. Is it alright with you if we leave it for tomorrow? It's almost midnight and I wouldn't be a good doctor if I'd say you needed sleep but would keep you up all night.” he offered me a friendly smile. We both blocked out the heated conversation between Bucky and Pietro.
“Alright, I just need to check your lungs and heart, can you take off your shirt please?” he asked me quietly, grabbing the stethoscopes from the table. I noted the chatter near the doorway died down.
“no, he ca-” I cut Pietros sentence off as I pulled off my shirt, not seeing anything wrong with it. A small thud made me look up at Bruce who was staring at me in horror, the sound had been him dropping the itema in his hand.
Bucky balled his fists and stormed out of the room, his anger almost knocking me off the chair as it came like tsunami waves. Startled, I flickered my eyes between the three men who had remained in the room.
Pietro looked down, heavy guilt written all over his face as he breathed heavily, not meeting my eyes. Steve didn't look like the gentle friend he did earlier, in fact, he looked like one of Hydraa guards, his lips were in thin line, his blue eyes hard as steel as they rested on my naked torso. The man was furious, I tensed, knowing that anger was usually followed by pain. I covered my torso, hugging myself as I flickered my yellow eyes up to Bruce who was still frozen. He collected himself, going to collect his things from the floor. He mumbled apologies, saying how unprofessional situation he had caused, and then apologising again.
What for, I did not know.
I looked down, there was nothing that could make them so angry. Even though I could hardly remember where did I collect all the jagged scars that littered over my body, I didn't find it to be a topic that anyone could be angry over.
After all, didn't everyone have scars?
Bruce's shaking fingers made me focus back on the situation at hand. He pressed the metal gently on my chest, flinching as he placed it over a pale pink line that ran down my shoulder to my stomach. It must've been the most hideous one. “t-take a deep breathe, in and out. Repeat.” he said, looking the wall behind me instead of me. I felt hurt, what for, I couldn't quite tell.
“that's fine now, I'll just do the same on your back. If it is uncomfortable for you, please let me know. I don't want you to feel like youre forced to do anything.” he said gently, moving behind me. His breath hitched, Banner held his breath as he did the same thing over.
I felt embarrassed of myself as I fidgeted with the black shirt on my lap, what was wrong with them? I realised their dark, angry and pitiful emotions were so much harder to accept then the sneers and amusement I had gotten from Hydra. Their caring was making me... It was making me feel sad.
I tensed when Bruce's finger slowly touched my upper back, I knew there was a scar, I could feel it.
“that tissue... It's so familiar. Steve, didn't Tony make something that could heal up wounds fast?” Bruce asked a bit louder. I looked up at Steve, wishing I could see his friendly eyes and gentle smile. Instead he was pursing his lips, staring at the floor shoulders tense. “he did.” “Alright, I want Clint here tomorrow morning if he's free. Go on, put your shirt back on, and please, come back tomorrow morning, Atlas was it? Your heart beat is extremely low, I'll have FRIDAY keep an eye on you during the night. I don't know if you have problems with heart or it is your mutation. But I'll be up and in your room if anything should change in your pulse pattern.”
I nodded, pulling the shirt hurriedly over my head. “Come on, let's go Atlas. You heard what the doc said, you need your sleep.” Pietro said hoarsely, his accent thickening. I kept myself from reading his emotions as I looked up at Bruce, afraid he'd lash out if I left like that. He just shrugged and went back to the information he had gathered.
I followed Steve and Pietro out, back towards the elevators.
The room I was given was too large and filled with furniture, the bed was too soft and the blankets were too warm. I didn't sleep that night, I could feel restless Bucky from across the hallway, he didn't seem to be sleeping either.
So, I stood near the huge window and studied the night city down below, thinking, wondering what could my life had been if I was like those people.
Can't they just in A4 have the last scene where they all just part ways and bid their farewells. Why must someone always die.
I don't want my childhood to end with them killing off the true soul of America, the man who fought nazis and saved his war buddy from Hydra.
There will always be one Captain America in my life. All hail Capt'n.
Funfact: whenever I write Pietro in my phone, it changes it into Puerto.
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