I sucked oxygen in my lungs, keeping my eyes shut due to the horrible headache as I laid on the cold floor.
The woman was not in my head anymore, she was in pain, pain because of me. For what I'd done.
Someone was pushing me down, or more like leaning on me. Their hand rested on my shoulder, it was cold and shaky. Realizing that made me tense and blink my eyes open, gritting my teeth as I tried to push down the pain that sourced through my chest.
"You, lady, will not hurt my oblivious friend, okay?" a raspy voice coughed, awfully familiar, it made me relax slightly. "You okay dude? That chick was truly trying to kill you there." he whispered, slowly standing up as he leaned against the wall, still keeping his calloused hand on my shoulder.
I swiped the corner of my mouth with my sleeve, glancing at the drop of blood that soaked in my dark coloured zip hoodie. "Come on, Atlas. Have they hurt you?" he pulled me up, making me sway as he kept me steady.
"Pietro? Guys, am I dead?" the man with white hair turned around so fast I thought he'd get a whiplash. A man with blond hair stood next to Steve, staring at the man who was currently holding a tight grip on my shoulder. Oddly, I didn't feel threatened by him.
"Damn it, I'm so sorry Atlas. I should've gotten you out sooner. I should've... I should've done something." he murmured, pulling me in for a side hug. I wasn't sure what to do, I was sure if one thing thought. I didn't like being so close to someone, but it felt right to let this strange white haired man have his ranting moment.
A broken voice whispered the man's name, making his clvibranr blue eyes snap at the woman who was now on her knees, staring up at us with her large eyes filled with relief.
"P-pietro. You're alive." she cried out, stumbling up as she made a run for us. Pietro pushed me behind him, immediately going into fighting stance as he glared at the woman, making her stop.
I wanted to slap the white haired man upside head for pulling us into a corner.
I didn't even know why was I siding with him, why was I trusting this guy, but it just... Felt right to trust him.
“Stay there, I don't know how you know my name, and what you all want from us. But we don't want anything to do with this. We won't answer any of your questions, we've have enought.” Pietro growled, making sure the woman understood that he was serious. A tear escaped down Wanda's cheek.
In a blink of an eye, Pietro had heaved me over his shoulder and made a run for it.
And in a blink of an eye, he collided with something that felt like brick wall. We both went scattering on the ground, I clutched my chest as I gritted my teeth in pain while Pietro groaned as he pushed me further away from the people.
I looked up, glaring at the red, blue and white shield that had suddenly appeared on the doorway. Steve's eyes were apologetic, but he didn't wait and speed in the room, making the doors shut behind him. “I bet you didn't see that coming, huh?” the other blond man said, the one I had never seen before.
“That's my line you copycat.” Pietro murmured, pushing himself up. The blond man smirked. “That's the Pietro I remember.” he chuckled, but it was a sad sound. “Well, yeah, sorry, if I hadn't been hit with a damn shield I would've-- wait, remembered? You know me? You and I were friends? Psh, what was I thinking, you're obviously a snob.” Pietro sneered, yet he remained a safe distance away from them, still standing between me and them. I would have hit him for disrespecting them like that, didn't he know it often ended with punishment? I tensed, waiting for their anger to hit. Instead, the blond man roared with laughter. “glad to have you back man, you might not remember things, but you'll get there eventually. I'm Clint and I'm not your friend.”
Clint said, cracking his knuckles. Pietro tensed as I stood up, stepping in line with him. I could feel how weak he really felt. A quiet sob made us snap our eyes at the woman who was still sitting on the floor.
“I would usually go try and help a crying person, but considering she was trying to kill my only friend, I wouldn't like to approach her. Sorry honey.” the white haired man said, and considering I felt better knowing Pietro had my back, there were still some things bothering me about Wanda. Her emotions that came in waves were so pure and raw, she was so happy and so very sad, devastated.
“Come here Wanda. Give him time.” Steve said, pulling the girl up from the floor as he placed a strong arm around her shoulders. “What, were we friends too?” after ayaing that, the woman cried even more.
I felt bad for her. I looked at Pietro, glaring at him, he simply shrugged and kept his vibrant blue eyes on her. “Well, she is your sister mate.” Clint said, leaning against the door. I immediately knew he was the guard dog.
Steve's eyes snapped at Clint warningly, making him go quiet. so Steve was the leader. I looked over Pietros features, trying to match the shape of his jaw, nose and eyes with the woman who had gone quiet in Steve's arms.
They did look a like.
“What? I don't think I ac--” rest of his talk was muffled as I placed my hand over his mouth, having enought of him offending them. He bit my palm, making me pull back and flick his forehead.
I didn't even know why was I feeling so comfortable with that guy. Maybe it was the fact that he was the only one who seemed to know me and didn't treat me like I was a ticking bomb.
“Look, Pietro. Maybe you would like to discuss it over a cup of coffee or tea? You must be hungry, we could also get to know more about... Your friend and what you both can remember and what not. We have a lot to talk about. Clint, can you get him some of your clothes?” the man near the door didn't look that happy to leave us alone, or maybe it was the fact that he didn't want to lend Pietro his clothes. My lips almost curled upwards as I noticed what the white haired man next to me was wearing. A white hospital gown that looked utterly ridiculous on him.
He mock glared at me, as if he sensed my amusement. As Clint left to get Pietro his clothes, I started wondering whose clothes was I wearing? I unnoticeably sniffed the hoodie I was wearing, scanning the scent with others.
Bucky, those were Bucky's clothes.
Steve cleared his throat, catching all of our attention. Wanda was still looking at Pietro, her face going paler within minutes. “I guess I will leave you to change then, Clint will show you to the living room. Come on Wanda.” he said gently, pulling the now quiet girl with him. Steve looked over his shoulder, his eyes locking on me. I tensed as he rised an eyebrow as if to ask me if I'm coming. Pietro answer his question as he shielded me from Steve. It was unnecessary, but I was thankful. I prefferred Pietros company to their tense atmosphere anyway. Not long after, Clint entered, throwing Pietro a pile of clothes as he left with a warning not to try anything sneaky. He was waiting outside.
As Pietro started changing from his ridiculous attire, I studied the room. “How's your... How's your back, Atlas?” he whispered, not looking up at me as he faked to study the clothes he had been given. I frowned, my back was fine.
He peeked up, his eyes filled with confusion “Oh no, no, no, no dude! Not that look again! Nope, you're not looking at me like that! It's the I got F at school because I didn't know what the heck was I doing look.” he scolded me, making me even more confused. Maybe Pietro was mentally unstable.
He groaned, slapping his hand over his forehead. “Those weak bastards got ahead of me. You don't even remember me, do you?” he asked quietly. My look must've said it all because he simply frowned, going back to the clothes.
Red baggy sweatpants and yellow shirt that smelt of caffeine. As he pulled the ugly yellow shirt over his head, I cringed at the scar that my claws had made on his pale skin. But what made me curious was how the large bruise didn't look like an ordinary scar, but it looked slightly more ashen, as if the skin had been rebuilt.
The clothes looked awful on him, he glared at me and I just knew Clint had picked those clothes on purpose. “okay, I know you're going to play mute again but... Don't utter a word about that shirt. I swear I'm going to strangle that man with that yellow potato bag.” he muttered, walking past me. “And dude? I'm glad you're alive. And don't fret about that scar, it looks so cool thought, I can show it off to ladies, girls dig that kind of stuff.” he said cheerily and I jogged to catch up to him.
Puzzled, I trailed behind him. Something just forced me to trust this man, he felt like home. And he seemed familiar.
We were met with the blond man from earlier, his smile widened as he noticed Pietros bad mood over the ugly clothes.
“Was about time, come on kids, it's your first day in the kindergarten.”
For those who didn't know where Hawkeye was during Infinity War... Well, he was making music.
AND I'M OBSESSED WITH THAT SONG! Gonna be sitting here for the rest of my life and wait for the album Renner won't ever release. His voice is so awesome.
P. S. I'd let Clint copy off me anytime ;)
Okay, so, another chapter brought to you by my insomnia, hope you enjoyed it and woohoo guys, Pietro is baaaaack!
Oh, and my birthday is this month :)
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