I pulled the red zipper all the way up, enjoying the soft material against my skin.
I gulped, looking around the small, sweet smelling and pale room. I leaned agains the bed, afraid that I would collapse if I didn't have anything solid holding me up. Oddly enough, I felt weak and awfully tired. My legs felt like the weighted a ton, as if they were tied to a rock.
I glanced on the floor, where a pair of dark coloured shoes and black socks laid. I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking around swiftly, I pushed the shoes and socks under the bed and out of sight.
I did not like socks.
After the doctor named Bruce Banner had walked in the room, he had looked over my vitals. It was safe to say he wasn't very pleased with my results, but just like Steve, he suggested that I get some food in my body. They had left me with the clothes and walked out after that, leaving me unguarded and alone with my thoughts.
Of course I wasn't naive to think I was really alone. The red dot in the ceiling was still blinking.
I swiped all the emotions from my face, but there was still some things bothering me. It was what Barnes had said to me earlier, about the justice and revenge.
I knew Hydra was my creator and handler. I knew their rules, and I had already ruined rule number one.
If you get caught by enemy, always go for suicide.
Yet, here I was. Being nursed back to health by those so called enemies. Enemies, who offered me food -- even thought I did not eat it--, and warm clothes. They offered me care, even when they knew what kind of monster I was capable of turning into.
Didn't it mean anything?
I knew it shouldn't mean a thing, I shouldn't care about it. Yet deep down I enjoyed it, I liked being taken care of. It made me feel wanted, just for once. I wouldn't mention it to anyone, of course.
I pushed myself off the bed, dragging my tired feet towards the door. Not believing it would open, but to my surprise, the doors slid into the walls with quiet hiss and I was met with Bucky leaning against the wall, arms crossed and glaring at the floor.
Hearing the hiss of the door, he looked up. “Come, Steve went to the kitchen already.” I looked across the hallway, noting the emptiness of the gigantic place.
I followed Bucky, forcing my weak legs to carry me down the hall. Noticing my lack of energy, he slowed down almost unnoticeably. He didn't say anything, which I was glad for. I would have denied it anyway.
My eyes flashed over the possible exits, so many closed doors and tech hanging on the walls. It was truly another level of systematics. It was as if the very walls were alive.
Throught the small trip, Bucky stayed silent. It was as if he was trying to say something, opening his mouth but then closing it in defeat. It was an obvious sign that he did not know how to communicate. And that was totally fine with me, I would not have answered anyways.
We entered a bright and large living room that was connected to another room. I would assume the other room was kitchen, considering the aroma that came form there made my mouth water. And that fact itself was startling, I could feel just how empty my stomach was.
The blond man, Steve, was placing the last dish on the table as he peeked up at us. “I thought Clint and Nat were here too?” he said, one eyebrow raised. Bucky gave a sharp nod and left back the way we came from, leaving me standing in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do next but to stand there and stare at the table filled with odd looking food.
Steve turned around, searching something from cupboard. My muscles tensed when he started talking. “It is still a bit hard for him to understand the difference between a simple question and a command, but we are working on it.” he turned around, his blue eyes meeting my yellow. He cleared his throat, averting his gaze for a second.
“I wish to apologise if I have caused you any distress” he said, and his words sounded so sincere I almost believed him. I tilted my head, studying him.
I jumped slightly when the door opened and a booming voice announced Steve that Loki had been released. “Friend Steve! Man of Iron has finally freed my brother from the shackles he had been bound to! Loki is now allowed to walk without tracker.” the large muscular man said, his smile almost reaching his ears.
I stared at the huge man, eyes wide in horror at the loudness of his tone and the vibration of his emotions that threatened to overthrow my hearing. With large steps he walked towards the table, grabbing something small and throwing it in his mouth.
Steve frowned, crossing his arms. “Stark freed Loki? When?” he asked the muscular man who was currently making a mess of the food Steve had placed there earlier. “just mere minutes ago.” he answered, his mouth full. Steve grimaced, looking around.
“Okay, but where is he?”
The tall man froze, dropping piece of food he had been eating, his eyes widening. He turned on his heels and stormed out of the room screaming “Loki!”
Steves expression grew guarded as he followed the other man, briefly telling me to sit and eat before he disappeared.
My tense muscles slowly relaxed as I bondered over their naivety. They were searching for Loki.
“Glad to see someone here has common sense.” a smooth voice said from behind me, making me glance towards the source of the voice.
Loki was sitting on the sofa, skimming throught pages of a thick leather book as if he was bored. His raven hair reached past his shoulders in slightly messy way, his legs resting on the glass table. I stared at him suspiciously, finding him familiar. He looked up, his eyes meeting mine as he raised an eyebrow.
“Familiar? Just familiar?” he clicked his tongue, looking back down at the book. “I saved your mortal life, be grateful.” his words were accusing, but his tone was amused. He closed the book loudly, placing it gently on the corner of the table as he stood up. He was fairly tall, not as muscular as the other two blond men who had stormed out of the room, but tall nevertheless.
“Now, I suggest we get eating, or do you wish to stare the ways peasants do when they can't understand things?” he said, looking bored as he strolled towards the table with food.
I took steady steps closer, finding the man's quiet tone and boldness much more welcoming then the softness of Steve's voice or the loudness of the other mans tone. „Thor, not the other one. They call Hulk the other guy. But that big oaf who had been inhaling the... Biscuits was my brother, Thor.” he said, not looking up as he took seat behind the table.
I sat down opposite of him, realizing he was able to read my mind.
I looked closely as he observed the food on the table, frankly, i did not found any of the items familiar. He sniffed the odd, yellowish looking things. “Potatoes and ribs, of course peasants make peasants food. I believe it's better than nothing.” he took two and offered the bowl to me.
I followed his lead and did exactly like him, taking one potato. Ribs, however, smelt wonderful, so I took five.
“How has your mind been fairing?” he asked, cutting a piece of meat. I wondered why did he ask, I thought he knew I was going to stay silent.
His wolfish green eyes flickered to me. “And I thought you knew better. You're capable of answering.” he said matter-of-factly. Taking another piece of his potato.
And who did he think he was to tell me these things? What did he knew? I thought bitterly, taking a bite of my food.
“I am a God, young mortal. Don't disrespect me, even if it's in your mind.” he hissed, glaring at me.
I froze, not meeting his firey eyes.
“Now, I'll ask you again, how has your mind been fairing?”
“no memories?”
I looked at him, wondering briefly if...
“Yes, I can pull your memories forward, but you are not strong enought to face what's there.”
Is he saying I'm weak? How dare he? He doesn't know--
“What did I say about disrespect?”
I looked down, gripping the metallic fork making it bend slightly. “I never said such thing, foolish midgardian. Your mind is fragile. If I do that now, you'll surely lose your mind. Believe me, I wouldn't have anything against seeing you killing all those fools because you just feel blood lust. Them, however, don't share the same outlook in their mortal lives.” he said, smugly, going back to his half fi ished food.
But how can I make my mind strong, Loki?
I asked quietly, hesitant about the question.
“your mind is strong.” he said. Confusion flashed throught my mind. First he said my mind is weak, then he said its not. Must he be so confusing?
Hearing my inner turmoil, a smug smirk appeared on his pale face.
“You have strong mind for a person who has been slave for almost his entire life. You just need to get your strength back. Time, you need time. And is this the sound of footsteps? Go on, eat as much as you can, because Thor will leave you empty handed.”
when you can't meet with a hero, make your own. So, Thor is going to stare at me from the wall once i acrually finish him haha
Thoughts about this chapter? And pls ideas, I need some ideas to get my imagination running again
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