I always thought what would really be going through someone's mind as they die.
The truth is, I don't know.
If I don't know, then does it mean that I'm still alive?
What use am I? A Subject with no name. Experiment with no control over his own doings, I'm dangerous. I do things that make me feel invincible and deadly quilty at the same time. I don't know why am I like this. I don't know how did I turn into something... Like a monster. One moment I'd lust for blood, the next I'd be ashamed of my existence.
“he helped, Son of Stark. Give him a chance”
Inside my body there is a small glass ball that is filled with different coloured threads. These threads symbolise emotions, stuck, colourful and hidden in the darkness. But what if that's who I was born to be? Not be in the dark, but be the darkness? And was I even born? They say I'm no human, I am not named project BEAST for nothing.
“Tasha, be careful.” “Mind your own business.”
I was numb. So that must mean that I am dead. I wished to be dead. Wouldn't it be an adventure.
Adventure. Why does it sound so familiar? Yet so strange? I could see glimpses of endless amount of water, waves being pushed by the strong wind. Flashes of pictures, how could there be so much water? So... Breathtaking. I wasnt there, yet once I had been. Were those some kind of memories? I just knew there was the smell of salt tickling my nose.
“You'll be alright, I'll help you. I promise. They helped me, now its your turn. I promise you.”
Promises, even the voices were mocking me. There are no promises in the life of an Experiment, its just a word to make something impossible seem more possible. It's just to mask failure, the failure you know is coming.
“I'm sorry, it needs to be done.”
I was warm, at least, it felt warm. Perhaps it was the presence of devil finally visiting, but I could almost swear someone was holding me close to them. Someone's calloused fingers were massaging my head, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. That must be the wind calling my name, calling me home. And I was ready to just let it all go and leave, turn into ash and be gone in the endless waters or forests full of life.
“Don't give up yet, you hear me kiddo? Don't give up, he didn't, so why should you.”
Give up, why shouldn't I? And who was it talking to me? The voice, I could almost swear I had never heard it before, yet it felt warm. It felt like home.
What am I thinking. There is no such thing like home.
“he is doubting. Let my brother help, he can and will do his best.” “over my dead body will someone ever mingle with his mind ever again.” “even if it means he could die? Do not take a risk like that.”
I was disturbed, the quiet, warm feeling from before was changing drastically. Why was that? Was it just a journey from life to death that was comfortable? In that moment I realized that I wasn't afraid of future. I was afraid of past, and the way it might keep repeating itself.
“That's right, you do not have to be afraid anymore, the past will be unable to catch up if you let go of it.”
A voice spoke to me, and this time I was paying attention to it. It wasn't in the distance, not at all. It was inside of my head, was it madness creeping in?
“as much as I'd like to say yes, I am afraid this is no time for tricks.”
I tried to look, tried to see what was it. Or who was it?
“easy, I am simply here to help you back to your feet. I would rather not be in your mind, but I owe your friend. Now, if you would stop thinking those awful depressing thoughts, that would be great. Mind is a powerful thing, Atlas. If you wish to keep using it, then try to feel, not let go.”
The voice was clear and strong, yet smooth and filled with nothing but confidence. I dared to try and ask him a question.
“who are you?”
“I am Loki, God of Mischief and Lies, rightful kind of Jötunheim, Prince of Asgard and possibly, your saviour.”
I was confused by the amount of names this voice had. After thinking that, I could almost swear there was muttering of stupid mortals in my mind.
“just try to feel and not fade, do not look for the darkness, mortal. I'll let you in on a secret...”
The voice was serious now, forcing me to listen and pay attention.
“I have searched there and I found nothing. There is no peace, only dust of fallen warriors and smell of death. You'll be nothing but dirt under the feet of lost souls. So, turn back until you still can. And if anyone shall hear of this conversation, I'll deny it. And later, possibly cut out your tongue.”
Then I felt it, I felt the man's presence in my mind. It was ice cold and surprisingly calm, as if it was frozen.
“who could I possibly tell?” I asked from The God of Mischief. I noted that my voice was much weaker then his, as if it was being carried away by the raging sea.
There was a brief pause and for a second I wondered if he had left. But the frozen roots of his mind were still present.
“You'd be astonished, but I believe you would need to wake up to find out the answer.”
“What would change if I woke up?” I asked Loki, hesidence seeping into my quiet voice. I was tired, and him waltzing into my mind as if it was nothing, was already showing the weakness.
“by the looks of it, everything.”
There was my biggest dilemma. How could I trust his words? Did he not say that he was the God of Lies just mere seconds ago?
His annoyance was making me annoyed.
“My brother is the God of Thunder, even if I would enjoy it immensely, I do not see him striking mortals with lighting all the time. If not trust, then have faith. Have faith in nobody else but yourself, young mortal.”
I could feel his claws made of ice slowly letting go of my mind, retreating, yet the prints of cold still remained.
“And now, it's time to wake up Atlas.”
Wake up
Wake up!
My eyes shot open and I gasped for air, sucking it in my lungs as if I had been drowning.
I swear Loki is the key to everything.
I wanted to get this chapter out as soon as possible, so, that's where my sleep hours went again. Hope you enjoyd this chapter!
Love y'all little mortal readers 💚
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