“very well, vitals?” I've never in my life felt so frustrated.
This woman, Helen Cho, had redone the skin on my back as if it was nothing. As if it was okay, and perhaps some time ago I would have agreed with her. Agreed that injuring someone to the point where they can't even move, is fine, because it is easily fixed.
I sensed the nameless lanky man stand next to the table, a clipboard in hand as he wrote down something.
“So, mind telling me how your adventure was?” he asked, voice laced with amusement. He found it funny, ridiculously that someone like me could even wish, desire to see anything else but the four walls they keep me locked up at. It was making me mad.
He leaned on the table, his eyes steel hard as he stared down at me.
That's what Hydra does, stares down at everyone.
“You see Helen? The small, beautiful woman? She is our only Hydra agent ever who has gotten throught to SHIELD's ranks.” he said, his steel eyes following the woman's movements as she fiddled with a machine.
“SHIELD is hard to take down. That's why it requires long time and professional agents. They wouldn't even know that someone as delicate as Cho would give us the information we need. Fury let's his men keep watchful eye, but there's one thing he does wrong. He keeps hie eyes up in the sky and before himself. But he never looks down. And that's where we are, Project BEAST. Our main base is exactly under the Avengers Tower.” Avengers Tower? I knew of it, it was what I and Pietro had briefly seen.
“So, when you and your buddy caused some fuss, Fury sent his heroes after you. But Cho heard, and notified us.” there was a glimmer of victory in the mans eyes. “what's once Hydras, will always be Hydras” he whispered lowly, chuckling to himself.
I didn't understand why was he telling me all of that, I was not the one who was informed of things. I didn't have high status, in fact, I was the lower of them all. An Experiment, no Subject has right for words.
“For years this woman has been a spy for us, we were hoping that you could have turned out like her, if not better. You could have started working side by side with the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. But you blew your chances, Freak. And your friend? We will find him, and he shall too, pay for his wrong doings.”
I saw red, I never realized how fast anger burst thought ones veins. It was like electricity, unexpected and deadly.
I heard a scream of surprise before the reality hit me. I raised my hand to my eye level, staring at the thick claws that had came out, and the slight hint of blood that covered the tips of them. The man shuffling next to the table made me snap my eyes to him, he spat in the floor, stumbling away.
The door opened and armed guards flooded in the room, immediately my muscles tensed and I hissed at them, unable to keep quiet. My mind kept screaming at me, saying it's danger, that I gotta run.
“I knew it had been too long! Ah, let a dog out once and he shall start biting for freedom. Restrain him!” the man growled, fixing his glasses as he snuk near the wall towards Helen Cho. I growled at the agents, snapping my pointe teeth as my saliva flew on their masked faces.
I pushed myself up, sinking my teeth into an agents hand fiercely. I could feel the bone with the tip of my teeth, yet the agent made no sound as he hit the back of my head with the end of his gun. I released his hand, hissing at him.
I jumped off the table, ready to bounce on the injured agent when suddenly two rough hands gripped my shoulders, throwing me backwards onto the metal table. Something cold was thrusted against my neck and my body pulsed with electricity as I stared at the masked agent above me, eyes wide with anger.
It was cut off, but I was given no time to think as my legs and arms were tightened with cuffs. I curled my hand into fist and with all my might, I pulled my right hand free, breaking the cuff. “I told you idiots make it vibranium! I told you!” the voice of the unkonw man shrieked with panic.
I growled, throwing punches at the agents, but there were too many hands gripping my shoulders, pushing me down. I whined in pain as someone jabbed my burnt side with their finger, tugging it into my bleeding flesh. The pain made me arch my back and see black, darkness filled stars dance across my hazy vision.
It was just a second, but it was enough for them to lock me down, put that one, humming collar on me and tie me down.
My heartbeat rose, I glared at the agent who striked at me with curled fist, punching my injured torso as a payback for his right, bloodied arm. I coughed at the feel of metal knuckles under the mans cloves.
No, for heavens sake.
I trashed, trying to break free of the bonds tying me down.
I didn't want that! I didn't... I wanted more time, I wanted to feel alive. I had promised Pietro.
The nameless doctor from before appeared back in my line of sigh, his glasses had cracks in them, his hair was a mess and there was ugly cash on the side of his face, four long, bleeding lines made by me. I growled at him, my spit flying on his face as I once again pulled my arms.
He screamed and jumped away from me, almost dropping the needle with see-throught liquid if it wasn't for Cho to snap it away from the trembling man.
I hissed at the emotionless woman and howled in distress as she jabbed it in my side, pushing the liquid in my blood system. “Hurry, it's working, get it on!” She voice her thoughts, snapping his fingers at the remained agents.
I huffed helplessly, feeling my limbs losing their feel. I heard wheels behind me, and something hummed strongly.
It was so, so familiar sound. Something so average, yet so strange. I could swore I've heard it before.
I was so focused I almost missed the thing they placed over my head as they tightened it, making sure it won't come off.
Pain rippled through my eyes and head as visions, no, no... Memories of my past ran before my eyes.
How many times had I been under this machine? How many times...
I choked, my hands trembling as I remembered all the deaths... All the pain filled training sessions and all the cold stares, breaking of bones and snapping of necks I've done.
Before I could scream at my memories and beg them to go away, I was silenced.
Silenced by them turning on the machine.
Silenced by my hearts steady beating.
Silenced by my mind being swept.
Silenced by the cold, hatred filled eyes staring down at me.
Silenced by my empty, hollow and lonely mind.
And for hundredth time in this lifetime, I was a nobody again. A doll who could be pulled by the strings. A robot who was installed to do their bidding.
I was their Experiment BEAST.
Yo people, shoutout to PetersAshes because why not.
I'm still sick, still at home. So, doing good. :)
Thank you for reading! X
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