I heard someone's heavy footsteps coming over the half dryed grass in the foggy morning. The closer they became, the stronger the hum of electricity in the collar got, letting me know that the man was heavily armed and ready to strike if I even made one wrong move.
Lucky for him, I was pretty much incapable even lifting a finger.
The guard stopped, I could sense his uneasiness as he dropped something in front of my face and made his way back towards the gate faster then he had approached me.
My nostrils flared as I inhaled the smell of big, fat juicy meat couple of meters from my face. Yet, it was too far for me to reach.
Act like an animal and you shall be treated as such.
I huffed, blinking my eyes open slowly and tiredly. The growing pain in my back hadn't let me have an ounce of sleep the whole night.
My half closed eyes landed on the steak and I pulled a face. By the smell of it, the meat was at least a week old. It looked slightly green due to being on the sun. The flies and small, white worms on it made me believe it had been left in a warm place intentionally.
Even thought it was starting to rot, the smell of it was still making my empty stomach growl in anger.
I tiredly looked at the flies who flew over the meat, landing from time to time to have a taste.
I swallowed, closing my eyes as I sighed when the rays of morning sun slowly caressed my messed up and shredded back. I flinched when cool breeze touched my open skin, making me bit my tongue.
I didn't move the whole morning, simply trying to distract myself by listening what was happening. I counted the footsteps, the quiet whispers between two hydra agents who kept hiding their affection in fear they'd be seperated. I heard a group of guards having lunch, some experiments having training outside.
But what caught my attention, was rapidly approaching footsteps, they were too fast, i knew only one person was capable of that. And that was no one else but Pietro.
He became to a halt near the fence, croutching low since sun was out and there were no shadows he could hide in. I forced myself to look his way, flinching when my neck cracked and a jolt of pain ran down my spine.
"oh god, dude, you look awful. I dont... What is that?" he asked quietly,his voice filled with disgust as he pointed at the fly-covered steak behind me. "alright, thats it, who do they think they are! They are sick, you hear me? Sick! no compassion, no heart. Thats... Thats abuse. Thats mistreating a minor. Thats... Thats so wrong and your back, dude, ill help you, alrght? Ill help you. Give me a second, ill go and snap their necks, they wont even see that coming." Pietro hissed the last part in anger, he was furious.
As he turned around, ready to go head on into something he hadn't though through again. “Stop.” he froze, peeking over his shoulder, his eyes still filled with hot fury. “Drop it, Pietro. Just... Go away before they get you. They're already... Searching. Searching for you.” the moon haired man groaned, turning towards me.
“you're dying, Atlas. They're killing you here, do you really think I can just leave you to them? To these... These mad people?” I was tired, I really was.
“it's a trap, can't you... Don't you see that? They put me out here for a reason, to lure you out. Just think, Pietro. Let them have one of us, what good does it do if you let them catch you, if you go now you'll walk right into their trap.” I whispered, too drained to really speak louder.
Before he could say anything else, I cut him off “besides, I have a plan.” his blue eyes widened, searching for answers. “but you have to go, far away.”
“yeah, no way. I'll help, tell me the plan.” if I had more strength I would have kicked him upside head. Instead, I just blinked, too tired to glare at him.
“first, you get the hell out of here. Give... Give me couple of days--”“ what? No-” “listen! Give m-me three days and I-I'll be out. I'll meet you... I'll meet you couple of miles to south from here.” I said, trying to put as much reassurance in my voice as I could, which was rather odd.
Unintentionally I reached out to touch his emotions, he was angry, irritated and surprisingly, frightened. He was trying to turn his fear into anger.
“You didn't tell me your plan.” he said, his voice tight as his blue eyes danced from one spot to another. “you don't need to know that. Just be ready to take off in three days. Find... Find a vechile, a car, and search for a hideout. That's all you need to know.” it's safe to say he was not pleased to be left in the dark. He crossed his arms, staring down at me. However, his stoic pression didn't last long, his eyes softened and I sensed pity.
“go on now, I'll... I'll see you again.” there was hesitation. “don't be stupid, Pietro.” I said quietly.
“Promise me you'll get out of here, I'll keep watchful eye to the base, okay? Because if I see a way to get your arse out of here sooner than three days, I'm going to do it. Okay? I'll be close by, and you... Just. Promise me you'll be careful.”
“Yes, now get out of here.” I forced out, ignoring the stinging in my back.
He wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by approaching agents. He was gone in a flash, the last thing I saw were his eyes full of determination and quilt.
My breath was knocked out of me as I was roughly pulled up from my shoulders, making the healed wounds reopen again.
I gritted my teeth, completely oblivious to where I was being dragged to, the pain and sleepiness making my vision blurry. All I could feel was my broken, damaged skin and the two firm hands keeping me up.
“yes, yes. I know, he won't be here for another four days. But we have his permission to use the Subject until then.” I hadn't realized I had closed my eyes until the moment I had been roughly thrown onto hard, cold metal table. I snapped my eyes open, sucking in a deep breath as my back made contact with the metal. I arched my back, wanting to get away from the pain.
“Ah, you brainless, useless brutes! Here, Helen, I'll turn him to his side and you can do your magic.” a voice said roughly, but it seemed so far away and muffled. Someone's calloused hand pulled me to my side, keeping me firmly in place. “try anything and you'll be sorry, Mutant.” the voice hissed in my ear.
“and remember doctor Cho, not the whole back. Just enough so he'd be conscious. After all, he needs his job done.” the same man who was keeping me on my side said, his voice sickly sweet. “But of course, Sir.” a woman said, taking a step closer.
I almost sighed in relief when I realized what they were doing. They were healing my wounds. “you, my darling Helen Cho, are the miracle, my Madame Hydra” the woman giggled, yet said nothing.
They kept exchanging their flirtatious remarks, yet I couldn't help but think about the escape plan.
The plan I did not have.
I'm sick, so enjoy another chapter.
Also, if anyone knows any good Spiderman + Avengers fanfictions you can recommend, I'd be glad.
But please the ones that don't have spideypool, not a fan of this ship. (seriously, guys, I know I have a crush on Tom hiddleston and all, but at least I don't write fanfictions about 17 and 37 year olds romance)
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