I pushed sunglasses up my nose, placing one hand under my head as a pillow as I rested on the soft grass.
I felt that if I ate another cheetos, I'd throw up absolutely everything I had eaten the past hour. Glancing at Pietro, he didn't seem to have any problems like that as he kept inhaling biscuits, getting the crumbs all over his shirt.
"Okay, so, I think we need to do our research. And where do we get to use computers for free? Libraries." he said with his mouth full, throwing the empty bag next to the pile of trash that was between us. "but what do you think? Should we investigate?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.
He was asking me. That's a first.
I licked my lips, enjoying the salty taste of cheerios. "I think" I cleared my throat "I think that we need to know more. We can't defend ourselves if we know nothing a-about the enemy." I stated, my eyes flickering up at the tree branches when I heard a rustling in the leaves. A bird tarted out from the thick leave, makinf me relax slightly.
"alright, what are we waiting for? Get up, breakfast is over. Come on, you're so slow!" when I pushed myself up and cleaned my new dark jeans from the dust, Pietro had already gotten rid of all the empty packets.
I jogged to catch up with the speedster, he winked at a group of females as they walked past us, giggling like crazy. I raised an eyebrow at Pietro who just shrugged. "what? Don't look at me like that, it was just saying hello in a, uh, body language! But anyways, tell me." he whispered the last part, leaning closer to me, making me immediately take a step away from him. He didn't seem to be bothered by it. "how does this-" he flew his hands up and down, lookin as stupid as ever and catching a few odd looks. "-this dragon thing work? Were you born with it? Can you like, live forever and do magical stuff? Oh, better yet, can you turn me into dragon?" he whispered, looking at me as if I was the answer to all of his problems. "I don't know. Always been like this and no, don't do, uh, magic. And that's... No, only Hydra can do that." Pietro snorted "Hydra and Hydra, forget Hydra, dude."
"Forget... Hydra?" I asked, unsure what he meant by that. I was getting angry, and I knew that it wasn't my anger, it was something much stronger, meaner. It was the instincts kicking in. "Don't turn your back to Hydra. Hydra is good. Hail Hydra." I said in deep, monotone voice.
Yet, I wasn't the one telling it. It was my body following the orders that had been thrilled into my brain for so long. Not having control over anything I did, my hands lashed out, claws out.
But Pietro was gone from the spot, standing next to me. I swiped at him, getting angrier when I didn't even graze at him. "okay! Yes, yes, HYDRAs cool and good and whatever, I agree! Just, calm down! Hey, snap out of it kid. We're getting lots of unwanted attention right now!"
And just like that, I was back in control over my own limbs. I was breathing heavily, looking up at Pietro startled, the man chuckled nervously. "you back... There, right? Youre here, not, whatever it was, yeah?" I nodded, looking down at my retracted claws. I hid them from prying eyes. Pietro grabbed me by the shoulder and dragged me away from the circle of strangers.
Back at the base I had been so used to not having control, but here, it bothered me. I didn't want to kill Pietro. I really didn't.
"I'm sorry. It wasn't, I don't, it just-" "shut up, kid." Pietro said, like it was no big deal that I suddenly wanted to kill him back there. "perhaps I pushed too hard. I don't blame you, neither of us knows what kind of crap they injected you with." sensing my annoyance he corrected himself. "serums! Things, liquid stuff!" I nodded, annoyed with myself how I had no control over my actions the moment someone insulted Hydra.
It was really starting to bother me.
Pietro opened a mahogany door and I was met with rows of books and a pleasant smell of them.
The room was warm and fairly quiet. Pietro said hello to the woman who worked there, she smiled and nodded in greeting. I noted that Pietro does that a lot, interacts with strangers.
The speedster sits down on a chair and turns the computer on, it starts humming.
I, however, find myself looking the books. I'm amazed by the amount of books there are, all different colours, sizes and themes.
I took a random book, it's a history book. I frown when I realize I couldn't remember the last time I read a book, but I know how to read.
I sit down in a quiet corner, not far from Pietro who's typing away in a computer his blue eyes wide as he clicks the mouse from time to time.
I turn to the book.
The first chapter is about the first World War.
I frowned, sensing someone's presence next to me. I read till the end of the page and looked up emotionlessly. First, I saw the dark covered book in his hands. It's Hamlet. His pale fingers traced the writing, I looked up.
I know this man.
"I see you got out. I assume your friend is doing okay as well." his quiet, rich voice fills the silence. I nodded, feeling slightly unsure in his presence. He chuckled, opening his book. "if I were you, I wouldn't be out in the open so much. Tech works almost like magic in this realm." he drags out, his green eyes on the book.
"who are you?" I asked threateningly, yet quietly so I wouldn't draw much attention. He smirked, looking down at me as if he knew something I didn't. And that was pissing me off. "I am Loki of Asgard, and you as well as your friend Pietro, owe me for freeing you." "we did not ask to be freed." i stated, almost accusing him. He turned serious. "maybe you didn't psyhically, but your mind? Your mind was screaming silently, asking for it to end. Don't push against the current." I snapped my head towards Pietro as he called me over, letting me know he had found something.
I looked back, but the man was gone. Only a book was left on the seat he had sat earlier. Atlas Map.
Steve Rogers was stirring the hot soup, his worried baby blue eyes flickering to his childhood friend, Bucky, once in a while. The living room was quiet, except the blaring of TV that Steve had turned on after he got tired of the silence.
Bucky was sitting next to the glass wall, looking down on New York thoughtfully. Buckys eyes looked at his own reflection, hatred filling his broken eyes. Another sleepless night, another nightmare.
Which wasn't really a nightmare, just another, horrendous memory of what he'd done.
Bucky had been in the tower for over two months now. He hadn't spoken at the very beginning, but Steve didn't give up on him, it just wasn't something Steve did, he would never give up on his best friend.
Because he blamed himself, he was a soldier, and yet, he couldn't save his best friend all these years ago. Leaving him to something worse then death.
Tony entered the living room, typing away in some kind of high tech device, Steve noted the smell of smoke, meaning he and Bruce had blown the lab up again. "no, no soup Steve. Again. I'll order some Chinese or something." Steve turned the heat off, sighting at Stark. "no, it's good for your health Tony. I know you and Bruce are eating fastfood in the lab." Tony huffed, looking at him annoyed, one eyebrow raised as if to say do you know who I am, that's right, Tony Stark.
Before Tony could say anything witty back, the ding of elevator brought their attention to hysterical Wanda.
Steve sighed, walking closer to Wanda. He understood her loss, it had been so long, but grief never leaves, if anything, it gets stronger.
"Wanda, I'm sorry but--" They were all startled at her laughter, they looked at Sam who trailed behind the girl, not looking at anyone in the eyes. "he's alive, I saw him." Steve's eyes widened and Tony shook his head, he understood her.
"Look, Wanda, I know what it feels like. But dead people don't come back alive. Once dead, always dead. Face it, he's gone, Wanda. Stop hurting yourself like that! He's dead." Tony growled under his breath, looking up at Wanda under his dark lashes.
"no, you don't understand! Me and Sam were in this diner and I saw him throught a boys eyes! And the next second he was gone, you have to believe me, Tony please! He's alive and he's here."
The look Tony gave her said it all. He didn't believe her, how could he? He was right there when Pietro had done the heroic deed and saved Clint and the civilian. The bullets had killed him. Wanda pointed an accusing finger at Bucky who hadn't moved an inch. "You said dead people don't come back alive, but he did. He was thought to be dead, but here he is. Alive." the scarlet witch hissed at Tony. She turned to Sam. "Tell him, Wilson, tell him!" Sam looked down, not meeting Wanda's eyes. "Wanda... All I saw was how you hurt the boy, and the next second he was gone. I didn't see Pietro."
Steve, who had stayed silent took a step closer to Wanda to comfort her. "fine, if you don't believe me... Look at the camera records. I have to find that boy." Steve stopped, looking at Tony expectedly. He shook his head "There's no point, Wanda. Stop this nonsense."
"Stop what, exactly?" a sly voice cut in. Tony glared at the God of Mischief as he marched in as if he owned the place. Tony hated him. "Stop letting fossils like yourself into my tower." The previous owner of The Avengers Tower hissed at the trickster God.
He didn't let it bother him thought, Loki sat down on the couch, looking at the TV. Boring, he thought. "pardon me if I'm wrong but, doesn't this building belong to SHIELD now?"
"Alright, that's it. Guess what reindeer games? Remember the lovely bracelets I got you? Well, we got something more. Me and Bruce came up with this serum. Considered you have fast metabolism you would have to be injected twice a day to keep you from using your trickery magic, fossil." Lokis stare was murderous, if he still had all of his magic, he would have buried Stark ten feet under.
"ladies, leave the scratching for later please. Right now, we are discussing my brother."
"your dead brother, Wanda."
"shut up Stark. He's very much alive."
Bitch it's Loki.
I don't know what I'm doing, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways.
And thank you for sticking with this book, you've made it so far what even...
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