Sometimes I find darkness to be much safer then any light ever could be.
You can hide in darkness, you can be darkness.
But darkness will be killed by light. That's how it always have been, and that's how it always will be.
Slowly, I blinked my eyes open. I stared at the ugly, pale yellow ceiling that had slight cracks on it. I could smell dust and mold, I flickered my eyes up, as I was sleeping under a small window and a streak of sun shone in from between the two dark brown curtains. I looked at the small sprinkles of dust that swirled in the sunlight.
The room was small with two beds, one drawer that had a vase with dead flowers in it and a scraped mirror.
I pushed my upper body up, listening to my surroundings as I tilted my head.
Some kind of parasites were running under the floor, I could hear people, lots of people behind the house, or wherever I was. It was a dull sound thought. A running water behind dull brown door and low humming of an unknown sound.
I sat up, my bare feet touching the cold floor.
My mind was attacked by the events earlier that day, or maybe it was yesterday?
The girl who invaded my mind, I did not like her. She was dangerous, and I had been oblivious to that fact the whole time. Of course I had sensed something off about her the moment she stepped into the diner, but perhaps I had been blinded by all others, the weak kind.
If Hydra was trying to protect the world from people like her, I trusted them. What right did she have to inflict pain upon me like that? I hadn't even attacked her for heavens sake!
"would you look at that, you're finally up. Go on, there's some warm water still left, you stink dude. Like, stink. And there's a toothbrush I got ya and also-" he threw a bag at me. "-some clothes I snatched, after that, we'll talk." he said yawning, standing in front of his bed a he dried his hair with the towel.
I nodded, getting up I entered the small bathroom, the bag with clothes firmly in my hand.
The shower was actually quite relaxing and refreshing, minus the smell of rust. But it was easily ignored in a situation like that.
The clothes Pietro had gotten weren't that much different form the last ones, but they were comfortable so I did not mind.
The towel was pale orange, making me believe it had been white a long long time ago. After getting myself washed up and refreshed I joined Pietro at the minimalistic room I had stayed in. He was laying in bed, his feet on the wall as he skimmed through a random book, by the look on his face and the book being upside down I believed he didn't pay much attention to the object.
I sat down on the opposite bed, the creak of the worn out mattress made Pietro glance at me upside down, he closed the book and threw it aside, pushing himself up. “Alright, talk. What the hell happened yesterday.” he said, resting his head on his hands as he stared at me expectedly.
“I-I” I gulped, feeling my hands getting clammy. I flickered my eyes back up at Pietro who was still waiting for my answer calmly. “I don't know. She-” I cleared my throat, feeling slightly anxious for no reason. “She was so-some kind of Enchanted. She looked into my-my mind. I just--” I sighed, looking outside where sun was high in the sky already.
“I just felt her. She was strong. I don't think she wanted to hurt me, my mind is sensitive to these kind of things. She was surprised as was the man next to her.” I looked back to Pietro who was grinning. He stood up and I followed him with my eyes. He crouched down, pulling on his combat boots. “you have a slight accent you know that? I'm not sure what exactly, but an accent nevertheless. Come on, but on your grown up boots and lets investigate.” I nodded, following him out of the room after I've looked the room over one last time.
I stepped in the elevator, it looked old and very small. Pietro clicked some button and I cleared my that, his blue eyes flickered at me. “Ask away, you know you can ask me anything, unless it's a big ass house and a Lamborghini, that I can't do. Not yet at least.”he chuckled, crossing his arms. “where are we exactly?” I asked, touching my pointed teeth with my tongue. It was a bad habit.
“I think it's one of those poor neighbourhoods, some random motel I picked named Travelers Motel and Spa. Even thought if I was you I'd skip all this Spa experience. Place looks nasty, they didn't even blink an eye when I dragged you up here unconscious yesterday, didn't even ask my ID, which is fine by me. Because I got none.” we walked out of the elevate as it stopped suddenly, making me stumble into the wall.
I followed the Speedster towards the reception as he threw some kind of small object on the table. The large man looked up as he hid a cigarette under the table. It was pretty pointless considering the smoke was still swirling in the air. “Here's the bill, hope you enjoyed your stay.” the man said in monotone voice, coughing at the smoke that had invaded his lungs. His dark eyes went back on the computer as Pietro paid him and said goodbye.
“You know, I stole the money from him, so, basically he paid for our stay.” Pietro laughed when we were walking down the street. There weren't that many people, but the ones who were didn't want to interfere with us. It suited just fine with me.
“Okay, tell me more about that diner thing. Why you? And did you get a name or something? Maybe she's with Hydra? Oh, shit, shit, shit.” Pietro mumbled, his eyes tarting from one corner to another.
“no, I don't, uh, I don't know. She just l-looked at me and, and, I don't know. But she wasn't with Hydra. She was no agent.” Pietro looked down at me, his eyes flashing with anger for a second,which I didn't understand.
“You weren't Agent either.” his voice was distant, but I did not miss the past tense. What does he mean, we are going back after... After he's found whatever he's looking for. “I was going to be.” I said lowly. He sighed, changing our direction suddenly as he entered into a small food store.
“choose whatever you'd like, because I sure as hell will eat everything here.” The Speedster said, walking in between the packed isles.
I was lost. There was so much food packed everywhere and I could hardly understand how one human being could be able to choose something from such a big place.
I frowned, walking slowly in Betten one radom isles, avoiding the people who walked past me.
Most of the foods were something I've never seen or smelt before. I took something, smelt it, and if I like it I took it. If I didn't, I simply but it back as it had been before.
Until the moment I stopped in front of a glass that held all kinds of different drinks. I saw the familiar, dark coloured bottle with white writing on it, Coca-Cola. I was surprised that there was so much of it. As I was grabbing as many bottles of it as I could, I noticed a larger bottle down below. Throwing the small bottles back, I took three large ones.
I'll take more next time.
Holding everything in my hands, I finally found Pietro who was lazily leaning against an isle, holding some food in his hands as well. “alright, lemme take a look.” he said, pushing his sunglasses up as he placed one pair on my nose as well, pulling the small tag off from it. “damn, you're trying to get sugar over dose or something? Because I'm so in. Wait no, these raw chicken legs are going back. And this beef, and goat, yep, let's put them somewhere here randomly. Biscuits? Alright, cheetos, bread? Didn't you like, I don't know want butter on it or something? No? Just bread? Alright, gummy bears, lollipops, holy shit you've got some soda there. Come on, let's go.”
I glanced over at my right, frowning at the package. It had some... Odd looking thing on it, but it smelt pretty okay. “no, no, no, no. That's dog food. You're not eating that. Come on, we got some work to do.”
After Pietro had sped out of the store with the food, we headed to a place he called Park, we sat down on the grass near a large pond.
I decided that was the place I liked most about this huge city.
He threw a cola bottle at me, opening a pack of crackers for himself. “so, since you're finally speaking to me, tell me what is your name?” he asked, his eyes half closed due to the heat of the sun. “Project BEAST.” I said as if he was stupid. He opened his eyes, looking at me bemused. “no, not the experiment name. In that case I'm Quicksilver. I mean your real name, like mines Pietro. What's yours?” he said, closing his eyes to the warm afternoon sun.
“I only have one name. And that's Project BEAST.” I said, getting annoyed at him as I took another gulp of my soda. Pietros blue eyes snapped open as he pushed himself upright. “what the... You never got a name? Like, a name given by parents?”
I frowned “n-no” I was starting to regret it. It was not a good idea, and by looking at Pietros facial expression I felt as if I had said a wrong thing. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I did not reach out to touch his emotions, it didn't feel proper.
He took a shaky breath as he opened his eyes, they were filled with fury I've never seen on his face before, it made me tense immediately. “alright, okay. We'll figure it out. Remember I told you that there's something pulling me here? Look, I don't remember anything from my past. But... But I still have a name. And something deep inside of me guided us here. I'm going to figure out who I am, and then, and then we'll see what we can find about you, alright? But until then, we can trust no one here, okay?”his voice was quiet and dead serious, I nodded sharply.
I did not have a name like Pietro had. And that was bothering me. A hand on my shoulder made me tense my shoulders and tick my jaw. “Don't worry, dude, I'll help you. Now, can you remember anything about that woman? She might be onto us if we're not careful. Hydra won't leave it like that.”
I shrugged Pietros hand off, getting uncomfortable.
“Wanda. Her name was Wanda.”
I watched infinity war again. And A4 should start like this.
There's a winter, a small house somewhere in northern Europe. The wind howls outside while the roads are being blocked by the heavy snow. Inside the house, there's a warm, yellow light coming from the fire place as a tall figure sits in front of it in a soft chair, his legs resting on a table. He's reading a book, it has dark purple cover and elegant golden writing on it Hamlet. There are couple of dark strands loose from the neat man bun on top of his head, his amused, mischief filled green orbs are looking up. He pushes the strands of raven coloured hair out of his eyes as he closes the book with a soft thud, a small smile gracing his lips. “are you surprised yet?” Loki asks, placing the book on the table.
Mwahahha I don't know what my brain is doing but... Whatever I wrote, hope you liked it.
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