It didn't take long for the speedster to actually find the right word. But instead of saying form two, he of course said form one. Which led us to the situation at hand.
I was staring up at him unimpressed as he blinked down at me. He was down on fours, the English-German dictionary laying next to him, open on random page. He narrowed his eyes, a smirk dragging across his lips. I was about to jump on his face and scratch his eyeballs out, but he seemed to sense my trail of thoughts as he pushed himself up, still grinning down at me.
“well, that's so cool. You're like, mini-dragon, Mushu. I don't understand the logic here, but that's awesome. Like, so cool.” he exclaimed, clasping his hands behind his back. I crouched lower, glaring daggers at him. “Well, one things for sure. You can't be put behind bars! Because like, you're the size of a lizard.” Pietro snickered, even thought he tried to hide it behind a cough.
A lizard.
I'll show him lizard.
The moment I pushed myself off the ground, his blue eyes widened as I lashed myself onto his face. I dug my claws into his moon coloured hair as I held on, hissing at the man.
Pietro kept yelling, trying to brush me off but I laid my wings on either side of his face to cut off the light. He stumbled, still yelling out cuss words I've never heard in my whole life.
I slapped his cheek with my tail, making him stumble backwards as he lost balance. He screeched as I hit his other cheek with my tail as well.
He cupped his cheek and I found my teeth sinking into his forehead. He howled in pain as his hands slapped my head off, and suddenly I felt him fall. I pushed myself off, beating my wings as I looked down at the busy street.
Pietro was gone.
I growled under my breath, my eyes tarting from shadow to shadow as I searched for the Speedster.
I knew he was somewhere close. I could sense him, keeping his distance and bonder ing over his next move.
Of course I didn't have to wait long when I suddenly felt his fingers locking around my body, pushing my wings down so I was unable to fly. He laughed mockingly, raising me to his eye level as I growled at him lowly, keeping the eye contact. “you little rascal, you tho-- ow! You little sh--” I bit down at his thumb, making him let go and drop me.
I opened my wings and howered in mid air, looking at Pietro smugly as he nursed his bruised thumb. He narrowed his eyes, glaring at me. But I could sense his astonishment and amusement.
Noticing I was getting battle ready again, he sped to the book and mumbled the words, his blue eyes flickering between me and the words.
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from making any sound. Pietro flinched when the cracking of bones was heard on the rooftop.
I panted, curling and uncurling my fingers to get the blood back running.
Suddenly my vision was cut off when soft pile of dark coloured clothes was thrown at my face.
I pulled them off, glaring at Pietro who was simply sitting, his back towards me as he skimmed through the book, tangling his legs over the rooftop whistling.
I sighed, getting dressed slowly due to my sore feet. The pants were made of soft, dark material.
The t-shirt was of very light fabric and hung close to my body, even though it didn't feel uncomfortable at all, the exact opposite actually.
The jacket was black, and on the chest was a small brand I couldn't quite identify, it looked like a tick mark. On each sleeve there was three white stripes.
Три Полоски was written under the brand and I furrowed my brow. Three stripes.
My eyes moved to the last piece of clothing. Socks and shoes, I grimaced, leaving them there as I silently padded over to whistling Pietro.
For a moment I considered pushing him off the rooftop again, but thought against it. Another time.
He peeked over his shoulder up at me, closing the book loudly he pushed himself up.
“yes, now you look like a true gangsta. Like me, your superior.” he grinned from ear to ear. “alright, it seems like our little scaly problem is solved, let's get some food because I'm starving. And... Would you please put on those shoes? Do you know how hard I searched for them? For one entire минут.” Pietro crossed his arms, staring down at me daringly as he pointed towards the black and white shoes laying on the ground.
“go on. People here don't approve you walking around barefoot. Trust me, they'll call police and you'll be swept off the madhouse. They'll even stare at you as if you'd ran over their pet cat Fluffy” Pietro shuddered. “trust me, you don't want them to look you like that.”
I shook my head, glaring at the shoes as I pulled them on. I looked up at Pietro as I narrowed my eyes.
“yes, very. I just saved you a huge lot of trouble, dude. So you better thank me! Now, I think I'm starving. Come on, there's a ladder on the side of the house. I ain't going to carry your fat body around all the time.”
I trailed the speedster, staring at him in disbelief. I wonder which one of us just carried the other the whole way here.
Stupid Pietro.
Through all this mess I had completely blocked out the horrid noise down below on the streets.
I found myself wondering over everything. I didn't know why were there so many buildings around us. Why were they all so tall.
This, the outside world, truly was something very unexpected. And I couldn't wait to discover more of it.
“Hey, I just realized something. You just spoke to me without stuttering.” he looked at me wide eyed, blinking once, twice. “I must get you some chocolate for that. Now come, we don't have all day!” he yelled at me, already disappeared from my line of sight as he climbed the ladder.
Before following Pietro, I skimmed the place with my eyes one last time, making sure we left no evidence of our existence behind.
Satisfied with the howling emptiness of the place, I followed Pietro down the ladder into the noisy, smelly streets full of chatting people who cared about nothing else but their daily activities.
Interesting place indeed.
Short, I know. I'm sorry, it's been hectic at home. It's a always a sad reminder that reality is always much worse then the inside of any book ever could be.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter thought, any thoughts what's going to happen next? Theories are welcomed.
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