Blurred lines and shapeless shadows passed by, not knowing what it all was, was angering me.
Was there someone else or was I alone? How was I even moving? What the hell was going on? I wasn't flying, that's not how flying feels like. I was tangling, or was I simply moving in some kind of a current? Or had I been injected with something new and it was all an illusion once again? The twisted, demonic pictures that never left my scarred mind?
I growled and pushed at something, whatever solid ground I could find I pushed with all of my strength to get me off of this crazy flying current. The colours weren't as dull and I felt my outgrown hair in my eyes as I collided with something strong and fell down with a loud thud. I could feel the minor cuts appear on my elbows as the rough tree bark left its mark on my pale skin.
Pietro huffed couple of meters away from me, trying to rub his sore back I had punched mere seconds ago. He shook his head, his silver hair a mess and his blue eyes confused, they landed on me. With a blink of an eye the speedster was crouching next to me as I heaved under the tree. Trying to get my breathing back and analyze the situation.
Pietro had kidnapped me, thrown me over his shoulder, sped heaven knows where. I had punched his back, which made me somehow fly into a tree.
What even is my life became to.
"You alrigh-- omph." I could feel the man's nose under my knuckles as I punched him, catching him off guard I kicked him back with my legs, ignoring the small ache.
I pushed myself up and stood in fighting stance as the man clasped his hands over his bleeding nose, whining pitifully. “what was that for!” the blue eyed man hissed, his eyes wide as I went for another punch.
Of course I was met with nothing but thin air, I turned on my heels, feeling his presence behind me. He tucked easily, and he was gone, again, again and again. It was impossible to hit the man. He was simply toying with me.
I used my senses, feeling Pietros presence as I relied on the whispers of wind and earth. It was of no use as he was like a ghost, one second there and the other gone. Like somebody else I once thought I knew.
Thinking about the traitor fueled my anger like a shot of adrenaline, I threw another punch at him.
I was thrown off balance and onto my stomach as Pietro twisted my arms behind me, his knee pushing in my back to keep me locked. He wasn't even breathing heavily.
“Listen to me! Calm down alright? And stop throwing punches at me! Seriously, calm down.” his rich accent was stronger than usually, I could vaguely sense panic in his voice as he held me down, his knee still digging into my back.
Even thought still tense, I placed my head down on the ground showing him my defeat. I grit my teeth and stumbled up the second his larger hands disappeared from my wrists and his knee from my back.
I was agitated and angry, if he wasn't in Hydra I would've killed him.
Glancing around, I realized we were in the middle of a random clearing. I had no idea how far we were or where exactly were we.
I would never admit it out loud, but the smarter move at the moment, would be to stay with Pietro. He could get both of us back.
“Well? Are you done with your tantrum?” I snapped my yellow eyes at him, narrowing them as I glared at the blue eyed subject. He sighed, trying to clean off the blood under his nose, I had been lucky to get the first punch in, he hadn't expected it.
Pietros white clothes had dots of blood on them, but they were nowhere as dirty as mine were, covered with dirt, mud, leaves and dwigs I could only imagine what I looked like.
“jeez, stop vocalizing so enthusiastically.” he muttered, wiping the blood in the sleeve. “alright, listen closely now. We can't go back, alright? And no, you're not going to hit me again! I am going to get you away from these horrid people, find out what real life has in store for us and possibly try to get my memories back. And yours too. But how about that, we build a fire and crash somewhere. It's like, night or something. I'll tell you all I know if you don't run away or scream or try to kill me. Are we clear?”
Pietro was actually being serious.
I couldn't remember if I had ever heard him being serious at all. He was holding eye contact, waiting for my answer. “are we clear? Answer me.” his voice wasn't threatening or commanding, it wasn't even begging it was just quiet and expectful.
I gave him a small, sharp nod to let him know I accepted and understood. At least until I heard what he had to say.
The speedster sighed “eh, at least it was worth a try to get you talking. Alright, I'll find us somewhere to stay, give me a second.”
When Pietro told me to give him a second, he meant it, literally. Because all I saw was a small blue hue that left behind as he suddenly reappeared again, literally out of the blue. He hadn't even broken sweat. “alright, found something but you're not gonna like what I'm going to say next. Now, I'm gonna give you a piggy back ride!” he explained, almost fearful smile on his face. I looked up at him emotionlessly.
Pig on whose back now?
Noticing my lack of emotions he lowered his hands that he had raised for special effect. “you don't know what piggy back ride is?”
Should I?
"Okay, you nodded earlier. If you still don't want to talk, let's settle to that for now. Nod if you do know what that is, but you're just keeping your super well learned poker face on, and shake your head if you've had a poor childhood and never had a piggy back ride.”
Childhood? I didn't remember that.
Almost unnoticeably I shook my head. If he hadn't paid close attention to my movements he couldn't even tell I'd moved at all. But Pietro was sharper then he let on. His facial expression turned from hopeful to disturbed one, a frown appeared on his pale face.
“alright, let's change that. But first, promise not to strangle me alright? I trust you little dude, don't kill me. Now, hop on my back.”
I tilted my head as if he was stupid, which he pretty likely was. He encouraged me with a friendly smile and I took a step closer to him. He wasn't normal, but I didn't see him as a threat. At least not like Soldat had been.
I'm not sure how we ended up like this, and I knew for sure that I hated to be close to anyone like that and especially touching someone, but I had to admit. It was pretty damn cool.
My hands were around his neck, for the first time in my life i wasn't trying to choke someone with my grip around their neck, I was just holding on as Pietro sped through the dark forest.
I knew he was running, in circles or back and forth I couldn't tell, he just wanted to show me what he saw and I... I appreciated it. The wind lapping at my face and playing in my outgrown hair was refreshing as the cold wind was biting at my cheeks. My eyes were wide as I stared at the different dark colours flashing by, having hard time to focus on any certain objects as they moved by too fast.
A bubbling odd sound left my throat for a second, I didn't know what that was, but I could see Pietro peek at me as his blue eyes flashed with victory. I clasped my jaw shut, refusing to let out another sound as I tensed, and with that my grip on his neck did as well.
We became to stop and I immediately jumped off the man's back, feeling embarrassed and slightly angry that I'd agreed with his stupidity.
It was humiliating, foolish and definitely not accepted by Hydra.
“You!” I looked up, glaring at the older guy. It didn't seem to faze him one bit as his smile was bigger then I've ever seen it. And he smiles a lot.
He was annoying, bothersome, foolish and reckless.
“You laughed, you actually laughed. I need a calendar or something to write it down. Seriously I-- we need to make fire before I get carried away. And then I'll talk.”
I stood couple of meters away, lips in thin line as I stared at the flashes of blue as Pietro collected fire wood. I analyzed out surroundings as he made fire with two sticks. Swirling them with the speed he had.
It was a small clearing, we were on the edge of it near the large and old pine trees. There were no mountains but the trees seemed to give us enough shelter.
I stared down at Pietro as he sat near the small fire, warming his hands over the heat of it. If I really looked at him, I could see the bags under his eyes. His sunken cheeks that I hadn't turned attention to. His hair was clean thanks to the shower he had, but that didn't stop the leaves and twigs that had appeared in his moon coloured hair.
Even thought he looked worn out, his tiredness was successfully masked by his bright eyes, cheery attitude and toothy smile.
Hesitantly I walked closer to the small fire, sitting opposite of Pietro. He didn't look up, the small flames reflecting from his sky blue eyes. His white clothes with small dots of blood didn't hide him well in the dark forest, and neither did my clothes. I could feel the cool night air creeping up.
“Have you ever wondered what was before all of it, little dude? Have you ever wondered why you're on their side? When they treat you like trash under their feet.” he looked up from the fire, his blue eyes meeting my yellow ones. I didn't move, listening closely. What did he mean right side? There was only one right side for the greater good. And it was Hydra.
“I have constantly this feeling, that it's wrong. And I'm needed elsewhere. As if something's missing. And sometimes I wake up to blood curling screams. And once I open my eyes there's silence, empty and sad silence. I have this constant feelings like there's a hole in my chest and a big chunk of my mind is missing. I need to find it again, and why did I pick you to be my cool companion in our upcoming journey? Well, for starters because you're so bloody young, too young to be in this hell hole. And secondly, you still have your thoughts and opinions, even when you don't voice them out loud. They have done something to you as well, but it's different with you. Call it a gut feeling, but we just have to do it. I'm simply asking for your sharp senses and companionship. And if in the end you really feel like Hydra is really the only and right place for you, which I doubt, I'll let you go back. So, what do you say for a small adventure with your new best friend Pietro, huh?”
The silver haired man had a hopeful smile on his face.
I doubted in it all, he was confusing me. Why was he so different? It wasn't right. It didn't... It didn't feel right, I think. Or maybe it did feel right?
I gazed up, towards the dark sky and small flickering stars that were mesmerizing. Truly beautiful.
I looked around me, even the dark shadows of the dense forest had magic to them. It wasn't the enchanted kind of magic, it was the lulling smell and bright colours that turned nature into the most relaxing kind of spell there was out there.
I looked back at Pietro who had sat silently, letting me bonder over the answer. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to answer.
I noticed Pietros blue eyes flickering at my sharp teeth and I clamped my jaw shut. Maybe not yet.
I nodded, knowing Hydra, I would never have a chance like that. And if it means that at least one Subject could feel better and not be in constant pain anymore, maybe it was worth it. Perhaps it was right.
He smiled at me, even when I didn't offer one back. I wasn't sure I even knew how to smile to be honest.
“Thank you, little dude. I suggest you get some sleep, we'll be on our way once the sun comes out again.”
So, I went to sleep at 1am and I'm watching after my friends dog. The dog was crying the whole night, waking me up at 5am. I let her outside and started writing the chapter. Waking up at 11am to find that I was cuddling my phone and half finished chapter.
Anyways to the story!
It's funny how I started this book with one idea and it just keeps changing through the chapters.
I think I'm just going to see where it really ends up.
So, what did you think of it? Is Pietro being a good older brother figure?
All feedback is welcoming and thanks for reading! :)
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