This was utterly ridiculous, pointless and humiliating to the likes of us, followers of HYDRA. Who even does that? And why would he even do that? This is absolutely unbelievable. If Doctor Masinzky was to hear about this, I'm sure they would surely punish Soldat for acting in peaceable, civil, amiable and buddy-buddy-like manner.
After Winter Soldier had gotten out, the man named Steve Rogers had humbly asked for them to sit down and have a talk. The sincere blue eyed man had looked at Soldat hopefully, yet with determination.
I was sure we'd kill our targets and be done with it. These agents were enemy, and enemy were to be killed for humanity's greater good.
I had expected us to slit their throats and be back to Hydra base within couple of hours, oh was I wrong.
Soldat had indeed agreed to chat with them, even thought glaring at them coldly and standing tense Ly away from Rogers, Soldat was curious to hear what the agent had to say.
I had snorted in surprise when Soldat had agreed to that, he had told me to drop it until he stated otherwise.
It was safe to say I was not amused.
My skin was itching as the sun blared down on my shredded back as I guarded him.
I was roughly confused. I could sense Soldats curiosity and confused mind, yet there was undertone of fear that he was trying to hide under cold facades. His face was stoic as he emotionlessly stared Rogers down.
“-- I know it might be hard to take it all in right now, but.. But that's not you, Buck. Hydra has brainwashed you. You're a good man, you're not what they have made you. Please, come back with us Bucky and I can assure you, we will help you get your memories back. I can't lose you again, in fact, I refuse to lose you to the likes of Hydra. We fought against them, you fought against them. Please, I promise you. Everything will end up okay this time.”
I probably should have kept listening, but his talk was too boring, unimportant. He was going to be dead soon anyways. Instead, I glared at the people who stood some distance away.
The red headed woman was analyzing the situation from the treeline, she was swirling a small blade around her fingers as her emotionless eyes flickered from me to Soldat thoughtfully. She seemed relaxed enought, but she wasn't fooling me. At any moments she was ready to jump, she had had a good training, Hydra worthy. Almost.
The man with red metal suit wasn't far from Rogers, and he seemed not to pay attention to the duo at all, in fact, he was staring at me, holding some kind of device out towards me. I could fairly see numbers running but as long as he kept his repulsors to himself I wouldnt kill him. Just yet anyways.
Near the red haired agent was a man, the same one who had shot the arrow in my neck. I wasn't going to forget that one. He was sitting in a tree, his bow and arrows resting on his lap as he tangled his feet over the branch.
His curious eyes stared at me in wonder, a cheeky smile on his face.
He looked a lot like an amateur. But I refused to be fooled by facades. The man and his arrows were dangerous and I refused to believe otherwise.
I snapped my eyes upwards, something was off. I froze staring ahead, trying to see throught the thick forest. That liar Rogers was still trying to get Soldat to go with them, but at this point I was convinced that Soldat was just pulling some kind of trick. He was fooling them to relax and then he would surely strike.
Noticing my focus was elsewhere, Soldat turned to me, studying my posture. He knew me well enought to read my emotions when I need him to know something. He took a hasty step back towards me, not trusting them.
Steve, noticing Soldat retreating back closer to me, held his hands up and glanced at me. “no, no, of course we can take him-”
“yes, we will take him with us! Pleaseeee! That's so cool, I don't think we need uber anymore.” the metal man piped in, still holding the odd device out towards me. What a weirdo.
“as I was saying before Stark interrupted, we can take your friend with us Bucky.”
I could vaguely sense the tension from other agents as ear-ringing boom was heard and the man with this bloody annoying hammer landed in the middle of the clearing. Instinctively I stepped in front of Soldat, growling lowly at that damn blondie. He chuckled, greeting his fellow heroes - psh yeah, heroes - as his amused eyes landed to me. His expression changed as his eyes flickered to my bleeding form. I hissed fiercely at him, remembering the awful hammer.
“Eye of Hawk, what happened with the little baby dragon? I do not remember that we had brough all these injuries upon him on battle field!” the man asked with his mighty booming voice. Alright, maybe it was better idea to kill them next time. This hammer guy was impossible to kill when he simply dropped his hammer on you.
I nudged Soldat to climb on my back, he pushed my nose away, the drops of blood doing nothing to his metal arm as it would have burned his flesh.
“well, Stark here got ahead of himself and tried to electrocute it.” the blonde glared at the metal man who simply ignored him.
A low hum was heard and I ducked as something large howered over us. It landed near the trees, and I started feeling more and more uneasy about the situation.
I had this odd feeling that Soldat was indeed about to go with them. No, he couldn't, that Rogers was a liar, he had lied to me before and what says he won't lie to Soldat now? I need to get the both of us out of here.
“Alright, we'll come.”
I thought my heard stopped beating like it had many times before. Was he serious? Was it a plan? No, he was dead serious. I could see right throught his emotionless masks as he accepted the man's offer after their long talk.
I growled at him, accusing Soldat. His bkue eyes snapped to me as he calmly kept his metal arm on my shoulder. “It's alright, I have a feeling we can trust this guy he... He seems familiar. And at this point, I really do wish to remember.”
I stepped away, there was no expression on his face as I hissed at him in anger.
I pushed myself up, glaring at him in anger as his eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't expected me to refuse like that, he always knew he was the leader and I was the follower.
I shot over the mountains, ignoring his call and command me to go back, the wind was strong so the command got lost in it, even thought I knew he used the words on me.
I also knew they were about to chase me, so, I had to outsmart them. I flew behind the clouds, beating my wings as strongly as I could.
I knew it wasn't adrenaline that forced me to fly right into the stormy clouds, it was the odd feeling of betrayal that bubbled in my chest.
Alright, I'm afraid I won't have that much time to write in next couple of days. But I hope you guys enjoyed it, this was the first chapter that I had a bit of writers block on.
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