My neck throbbed, the blood that had started dripping again after the injury was reopened had dried around my neck.
My neck was out stretched as I gazed outside into the dark sky, my dark coloured wing was safely trapped around Soldat to keep him warm from the crispy wind so high up.
He had been acting awfully strange earlier. I had never heard him talk as much as he did. Or well, he kept mumbling about not remembering anything. Or feeling strange, as if he wasn't supposed to be there. How odd is that? I think whatever is in his blood system is dangerous for the mission, we still haven't gotten rid of those avengers.
And Soldat being in the state he is right now, is not good. I decided it is best if I take the lead from now on. Unless of course, he gets his sanity back without HYDRAs aid.
“no, don't... It's cold..” my glowing eyes flickered to his distressed form. He also had been talking quite a lot in his sleep.
The arrow that had recently been stuck in my neck was now laying next to him. I narrowed my eyes and looked closer. It looked awfully high tech, black and dull, to keep it from blinking in the sun.
My eyes widened when I realized there was small red blinking dot.
Two options, it was either a bomb or a tracker. Considering it hadn't blown my head from my shoulders, I strongly believed the arrow was also a tracker.
I pulled my wing back ahainst my body, letting the cool ait sneak closer to Winter Soldier. Soldat visibly curled more into himself, other than that he showed no signs of waking up.
I silently stood up, howering over the muscular man I stretched my neck over him, taking the arrow into my mouth as I kept an eye on him, trying not to wake him up.
He wasn't that stable.
I turned my back at him, ready to fly out of the cage when I froze. My jaw fell open, the arrow nearly falling out from between my pointy teeth.
What was that?
I took a hesitant step outside, my eyes never leaving the sight before my very eyes. Low purr left my chest as I stared in wonder and awe. Was... Was the sky bleeding?
The whole sky was a sea of red, yellow and orange. It looked as if the sky itself was burning in the most ficious flames and I couldn't help but wonder what would it feel like if I i'd let my wings carry me into the calm fire.
If that's how every sunrise looked like, I wished I could take piece of it and keep it with me so, when I'm sad, I could just look at that gorgeous play of nature and feel happy again.
I sighed in awe but tensed when I heard a distressed groan behind me. I couldn't leave Soldat alone, there was still danger lurking in the dense forest. Be it as beautiful as burning sunrise, danger was still lurking where you last expect it to be.
Using the strength of my sore and aching muscles, I simply pushed a large rock in front of the caves mouth.
That shall keep him in there and the danger out for as long as I'm gone.
From the corner of my eye I glared at the blinking arrow and swifty rook off in the blood coloured sky.
I needed to find a place to drop it off, and then I'd take Soldat and find Hydra, because the devices around my leg and neck were gone they couldn't find us.
We needed to complete our mission after all, eliminate Avengers.
I howered under the burning clouds as my eyes flickered town, looking for a way to distract the enemies, something that would make them track wind.
It was quite the hard task as I found myself being carried away by the sweet lulling smell of the forest and the burning sky.
I shook my head as I tried to focus.
No, stop this dilly dallying, you have a mission to complete. You're not going to get carried a- what's that? Is that a... A deer? A herd of deers! Oh man, that's so cool! Wild deers they must taste-- no, stop! Focus Subject, focus! Now, find a river or a lake of some sorts. Come on, there's so much greener there has to be some kind of water body nearby.
Annoying chirping noise caught me off guard and I realized I was flying in a bird flock.
A small grey bird was flying right by my face, it's emotionless yellow eye staring at me as if I was on its way. It screeched at my face, trying to peck at my eye, I growled at it in annoyance, trying to shake the angry bird off.
It flew away, only to return with battle cry and claws aimed at my eyes.
I had had enough of this angry little grey bird trying to make me it's lunch.
I opened my jaw and closed my teeth around the birds body like a crocodile, crushing its small body and snapping its tender bones with ease. I gulped it down, making sure the arrow with its red angry dot was still between my jaws.
The flock of birds stopped flying forwards and stared at me with their creepy eyes. I growled, and in matter of seconds the whole flock was screeching and attacking me in a buff of grey feathers. I tried to shake them away because it was getting quite annoying, but they were angry bunch of birds. I flapped my wings and flew away from them, they were loud but not fast enough to catch me. I looked back and nearly gave them a mocking stare.
Pathetic little creatures.
I shook my body, trying to get rid of their small feathers under my scales, they hadnt been threatening, just annoying and small. The one I ate was actually quite tasty snack.
Ugh, what happened with focus-on-the-mission?
I smelt the air and to my surprise, I was already howering over a fast going river.
I dived down and pulled a small tree out of the soil, I pressed the arrow into the wood to make sure the arrow wouldn't get tangled in some weeds for some time.
With a loud splash I dropped it into the cold river, watching as it went with the flow.
With a small thud I landed on the river bank, this place was wonderful.
I took a deep breath, analyzing the smells around me. Trees, birch some old oaks and on the other side pine trees. There was the fresh smell of water, making me believe there weren't any civilization that close that would ruin the water in the river. There was the musky smell of soil that came with rivers, the most soily parts were probably the river banks. I looked down as my dark claws still hidden under metal, sunk a little, leaving my footprint in the soil.
Intriguing, really intriguing.
If I tried hard enough I could smell some animals, I couldn't detect their spieces that well because I wasn't familiar with them, but I could tell how small or large they were.
And that brought me to my next problem.
I was getting blood thirsty. My stomach was commanding me to catch something, weither it was a human, animal or a fish, didn't matter. The small bird was nothing compared to the blood thirst that threatened to blur my vision.
I stepped closer to river, only to jump back when I was met with my own reflection.
I lowered my head and snuck back at the river, I hesitantly peeked down, studying my beast form with interest because I had never had the chance to see myself.
I think the right term to describe me would be ugly.
My eyes were red from the edges and yellow around the sharp pupils, making them glow threateningly. My head, back and tail were dark coloured, under my belly was redder.
I inspected my angular face, frowning as I noticed that there was indeed a scar on the side of my face, the scales were smaller and lighter on the scar.
I didn't remember getting it.
The dullness of my scales was bothering me, I felt the need to make them shine, they needed to be shiny.
I turned my head and inspected my body, noticing how my ribs were poking out.
Stop losing focus you dumb beast!
I growled at myself and jumped in the freezing and surprisingly deep river in search of fish.
After that small adventure and half filled stomach I headed back, not knowing what was waiting for me.
Sorry for typos, I just feel the need to get down my ideas before I forget them and the autocorrect just keeps messing with me I swear!
For example, I once wanted to write underwater, but it changed it to underwear. So, yes, autocorrect isn't really that correct.
Anyways, it's way past midnight here and I hope you liked the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Maybe I'll add some stuff when I'm not that tired, until then, feel free to
Thank you :) xx
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