The air was thick with dust, I could smell blood and panic. The pilot had tried to make the landing smoother, but we had been blasted down. Half of the crew were already dead, or were currently bleeding to death.
I was fine, small throbbing in my temple but I felt alright.
I unclipped my belt and stood up. I followed the gigantic whole in the side of the ship, small electricity ran though the wires, I was familiar with it therefore I tried to avoid it. Every HYDRA agent was so occupied I hardly mattered, or well to them at least.
My eyes were wide as I took in the thick forest before me, I blocked out the sound of battle and shot to the trees. It called to me, and I could not keep myself away. I would be away only for a little while, they wouldn't even notice! And then I'd go back, yeah, they would not notice my absence.
I smelt the air, letting my hands touch the rough bark of nearly every tree I ran by, my senses were dancing with the wind. And suddenly all the aching in my muscles, the jagged odd white lines on my body and my cramped joints did not hurt anymore. Odd, bubbling sound left my mouth,it was a sound I've never produced before.
Was I laughing?
I didn't know, but if that's what freedom felt like, I would enjoy every small second before I had to go back. I stopped and inhaled, nearly gulped down the sweet, fresh air.
I froze when I heard a small, soft squaks. Crouched, I turned slowly around noticing an enormous, empty and on nearly collapsed building. I did not care about that, a door had been fallen off and something small and grey was in front of the building.
My senses were labeling it as prey. The small animal was the size of my palm, it had large ears, black small eyes and furrless tail. I crept closer and shot inside the building, following the small prey. To my excitement and annoyance, the thing was tricky and fit everywhere.
Without noticing it myself, I had followed the small grey thing at the very back and dark corner of the warehouse. It shot into a small hole in the wall, making me hiss at it in annoyance.
I tilted my head, waiting for it come back. I waited and waited until I became aware of my surroundings.
And I realized I was not alone.
I narrowed my eyes and retracted my claws. I turned on my heels and hissed, a body of a woman was standing couple of feets away from me, and I completely froze. My eyes were filled with wonder as I looked at her.
I had seen a couple of women before, but they had always tried to avoid me and they were always wearing the blindingly white lab coats. This one, however, wore tight agent clothes. She was heavily armed and just like Winter Soldier, she too, reeked of danger. I could almost see the waves of confidence of a killer roll off her. She had red hair and I sniffed the air.
She smelled like gunpowder. Besides her, I smelt someone else as well, oddly the other person smelt of something sweet, I couldn't exactly tell what that was. But I could locate the other person, he was up, inside the pipe, or was it a went?
"tell me your name." the woman asked me, steadily pointing the end of the gun at me.
I didn't answer. What could I possibly answer to that? My name? Didn't she already know? Wasn't she part of HYDRA? She looked like she was.
I took a cautious step closer, trying to get a better look. She crouched, pulling off the safety. "Tell me, what is your name." she asked once again, voice cold as my cell floor in the winter.
"Nat, do you think he can even understand you? He looks kinda... He looks like a, uh, Banner when Hulks tired. You know, confused and mutant-like" a voice inside the woman's ear said.
I cocked my head, trying to see where that voice came from. It wasn't her voice, it certainly wasn't.
Her eyes followed my every woman "Hey you, can you even understand me?" this time, her voice was... It was softer and more genuine. I liked it, nobody had ever used that kind of soft tone with me.
It felt.. Different.
I took another small step closer, she stood still. "nope, he eiter doesn't speak English or he's complete air-head." the small voice said again, I didn't like that. I wanted to get rid of it.
Trying to help the woman, I took a hurried step closer, trying to figure out where that sound comes from, she raised her gun again, making me freeze. My eyes widened, yet I was unable to move. She didn't shoot me, why wasn't she shooting me?
Suddenly a blur of gold and red flashed before my eyes, making me retreat back to my corner and hiss like there was no tomorrow.
I narrowed my eyes and crouched a little ready to jump on the gigantic metal with man's figure. I narrowed my eyes and retracted my claws. "Stop it Tony! Get back! I got it handled!" the woman hissed, glaring at the man of metal. I bared my teeth, pressing my back against the solid, cold wall.
"Woah Nat, didn't know your taste in men, or in that case boy, was like that, what is this anyways? Vampire costume? Easy, Kid, the damned HYDRA won't make it here, they're finished anyways. Seriously, neat costume kid."
"Tony!" the woman hissed again.
"It's not a costume, Stark."
The small and quiet voice from the woman's ear said again. What is this voice? "oh, oh, sh- forgot, Cap doesn't like that kind of talk. What is it then?" the speaking metal man asked.
I didn't like it. I wanted to go away, who were they? Why didnt they just take me back and restrain me? Doctor Masinzky is waiting for me, I have to go back.
Noticing the woman inching closer, I immediately tensed and growled at him, flashing my red and yellow mixed eyes. "Easy, you're safe here, alright? Come with us, calm and easy." I growled again in anticipation, the metal man and the silent guy up under the ceiling were making me nervous.
"Subject, form one, shift" that was the first time I had heard Winter Soldier say anything, I obeyed and shifted into my small dragon. The Soldat swiftly picked me up and hid inside the pocket, all that within few milli seconds.
That's when I realized the woman, the silent man and the red metal guy were our enemies. I could hear the sound of bullets, and something else that swiftly flew in the air as Soldat got us out and away from the enemies, all thanks to HYDRAs training.
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