I had been unmoving for hours, and so has he. The buzzing around the building has died down, a guard or two had passed by a couple of times, but other than that it had been silent. The dim lights in the cell were annoying me, I was too used to my old cell.
The man's blue eyes were on me, our staring contest had gone on for hours. He didn't move his shackled hands even though the position he was in looked awfully uncomfortable.
Every muscle in my body was tense, if I hadn't blinked once in a while I would've probably looked like a lizard statue.
I was startled by the opening of cell door. My eyes snapped to intruder, a man with white hair and a clipboard. He scurried over to me, peeking at the shackled man. “do-uh-change. Turn forms” he muttered at me.
I was confused. They weren't direct orders. Was I supposed to change my form? Was he sent by Sir? And if I had to change, then which form did he mean? The orders weren't the ones I had been taught, so I did nothing.
The man's eyes flickered from the man back to me, annoyance flashed over. “change now, youre making us late!” he hissed, stomping closer.
Which form? I wanted to ask, but I couldn't. In fact, without right orderes my body wouldn't do anything. So, I just stared up at him, my body unmoving but my eyes that never left his.
He cursed and roughly picked me up, curling his fingers around my neck and cutting my air.
Yet again, I was hopeless.
He held me away from his body as he marched through the halls, it was different place, larger, brighter.
Awhile later I found myself on a medical table, strange scientist in the room as the white haired man growled under his breath, pointing finger at me and talking about disobedience.
They didn't understand, I couldn't change my form without right words!
The small man. Dr Masinzky scurried in, his small eyes immediately on my form. “Sir, sir! The subject refused to change his form, I say Doctor Elison lied and thus must be punished! There is no obedience!” he growled, yet, the small man kept looking at my toes, tail and neck length. He opened my maw and touched the small little spiked on my neck and back while muttering yez yez under his breath.
“diz you zpeak in zermany? Whee iz Zezizons notebook, Zara zear, gimme zis dark book pleaze, zank you! Now now, whaz waz ze word. Aha. From... Three. Form three veränderung.” he said.
My body recognized the command immediately, before ha had completed the sentence my spine was already cracking and the muscles in my arms and legs were changing their shape. Painfully slow and soundly, I changed back to my human self.
I took deep breaths, ignoring the startled crew behind the small crazed man. “miracle, abzozutely amazing! Now, get up get up and here here! Zets zee,zoir ztrenght and ztamina.”
That day I realized something. No matter how good I did or how I pushed myself to my limits, I was never good enough. They did call me miracle when I wiggled on the ground in pain, switching forms as they sat by and tried to get a hang of my commands.
Doctor Masinzky as I learned his name over the day, was absolutely mad. He forced me to be underwater, hoping it would trigger an ability for me to breathe in water like fish.
It never did.
I was drowning, the whole day, I could feel my own heartbeat, and the water, it was too cold. It was like ice bath, making my lungs shrunk and tense.
By the end of the day, I was powerless, tired and hungry. I could barely lift a finger. I could feel the cold water run down my body as I laid on the cold metal table, my hands shaking lightly. Doctor Masinzky didn't turn any attention to it as he munched on his sandwich. I smelt the air weakly, ham and cheese.
How long has it been since I last ate?
I couldn't remember, but I was starving.
“Hey, zou, take Zubject back for today, we zave zenough to analyze!” the mad scientist gestured at me, not giving me another glance as his eyes ran over the information on computer.
I was easily pulled off the table, my body limp. I almost winced at the pain from my chest. It felt like someone had tied rope around my lungs and were squeezing it now, I didn't understand what it was.
They two guards dragged me through the corridors, I didn't pay attention to how many turns we took, but eventually I was roughly dropped to the floor. I groaned, not having enough strength to move my body as they locked the cold iron cufs around my hands and legs.
I laid there on the cold floor, hearing the footsteps leaving. I closed my eyes, feeling a bit of self-pity. I didn't want this anymore.
I could hear the quiet clunking noises my shackles made as my body shook from the exhaustion. I had been tested, but never like this. Never nearly dying.
I huffed and turned myself to side, I froze when my eyes landed on the other man.
Winter Soldier was staring at me emotionlessly, he seemed more comfortable then he did before, yet the muzzle on his face still remained.
I forced my hands behind me, so he wouldn't see the shaking. I know he already had seen, but I couldn't let him think me weak.
I wasn't weak.
I wasn't.
The man held no emotion as he looked at me, Winter Soldier tilted his head as he studied me.
I was uncomfortable, and he seemed to not care.
He nodded to himself and laid down, I noticed he had a mattress, while I had nothing but hard floor. I was envious. He didn't seem to think of me as a threat, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Probably to make me ease up a little, but he couldn't fool me.
My senses were alert as I slowly lowered my upper body on the ground, trying to ease the burning pain in my spine, the cold floor was surprisingly soothing. My eyes were half closed yet I still didn't trust the man enough to fall into deep slumber. I closed my eyes after a long silence, but I was sure, neither of us was fooled by facades.
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