*** Song for this chapter: You're the one for me by SWV, a jam from the 90's that talks about being in love with a person who is taken. Very accurate for Macarena. I'd like yo dedicate this chapter to the fabulous KellyAnneBlount for being a great friend, and for all the great opportunities she has given me, making my Wattpad ride a greater one. Thank you, thank you, thank you!***
As soon as we got to the security checkpoint, James let go of me, leaving me to stand awkwardly by the security guard who was frowning at us. While I started the process of removing my shoes, James handed her the boarding pass and she checked her watch.
"You are late, your flight was called already."
He nodded and passed the metal detector. I immediately followed him, and while he was putting his shoes back on, I retrieved my laptop and my belongings, putting them in a group to the side, to wear my shoes. I couldn't help but notice how quiet James was, and how odd his behavior was. He was definitely not his joyful self.
When we were ready, we ran to our gate, we were really late because our names were being called through the airport speakers. James helped me with my carry-on so it was easier for me to run.
Once we were on the plane, we gave our tickets to the flight attendant and to my surprise, we were in different seats, actually, James was in the last row and I was in the first. I waved James goodbye and went to my comfortable seat, buckled up, put my headphones on and tried to sleep off the three-hour flight.
"Ladies and gentleman, we have arrived in Vancouver, the local temperature is 15⁰ Celsius degrees and the local time is 2:28 pm. We hope you have enjoyed flying with us. Have a nice trip."
The captain's voice woke me up. I stretched and looked back towards James' seat and he was sitting straight with his eyes closed. I guess he was still sleeping. Once the plane stopped and the seat belt signs were off, I stood up to gather my things and saw James doing the same thing. He approached me. "Come on, babe. I have ordered an Uber for us." I nodded and followed him out of the plane. I didn't miss the flight attendant's wink at my co-star while we were leaving the plane, which made me roll my eyes. However, James didn't flirt back, he kept walking. It looked like he couldn't wait to get out of the plane.
After going through Customs, we made our way towards the exit. The silence was killing me, James hadn't spoken more than 10 words to me. I was wondering if he was feeling fine. Inside the Uber, he exhaled loudly and then gave me his signature grin.
"What happened to you back there?" I couldn't help asking. He had been acting rather strangely.
"What do you mean?" His accent was there. He's been trying the American accent 24/7 so he can practice for the role, but right there, in that Uber, his real accent had made an appearance and made my legs jelly.
He was grinning, so I didn't want him to think I was worried for him, or that I liked him, or anything for that matter, so I dropped the subject and looked out my window.
"Breathtaking, huh?" I nodded while we drove the streets of Vancouver.
"Have you been here before?" His eyes grew wide.
"I have. I was part of a sitcom that was filmed here. Didn't you know?" He frowned and I giggled. I guess I should have stalked him with Jenn.
"What's so funny?" He turned towards me, as far as the back seat of the car let him.
"You are so conceited!"
"No, I am not!" I laughed at his outraged tone.
"Am I supposed to know every detail of your life?"
"No, but at least you should have googled me, I mean, I could be a serial killer!"
"But you aren't. And no, I haven't googled you." I could see the disappointment in his eyes flickered for a second but immediately he recovered.
"My friend might have," I said playfully and he turned so fast that I wondered how he didn't get whiplash.
"Do tell me more." I laughed loudly and turned to my window again.
"Never! When she comes to visit me and if she wants to, she can tell you herself."
"This isn't fair, you know, Miss Santana?" He grinned.
"Hey! Life, isn't fair!" I reply with a matching grin in my face.
The Uber stopped outside a nice hotel and we got off. I attempted to reach my purse but he waved me off.
"This is on me, Bonita." I like how the Spanish sounds in his accent. It's like he was born to say those words to me in that tone.
We walk to the reception and start the check-in process, I receive a message from Dani, the assistant I have just hired to help me throughout the time I'm filming.
Welcome to Vancouver! The production has rented an apartment for you, but I'll get the keys tomorrow morning, so tonight you will stay in this hotel, I have pre-checked you in, so you just need to show your ID and sign the paperwork, rest up and I'll see you tomorrow morning for your first meeting.
I am impressed by how proactive this girl is. If I become a famous actress, I'll keep her as my assistant, she's fantastic.
Once James and I were ready, we followed the bellboy to the elevator.
"What's your floor?" James asked while letting me into the elevator first.
"Twenty, and yours?" He winked at me.
"I guess we are going to be neighbors." A funny feeling invaded my stomach but I shrugged it off.
When the elevator doors opened, James phone rang, he looked at the screen and then looked at me. "Late lunch in forty minutes?"
"Sure." I didn't mean to reply so quickly, but to my defense, I was very hungry. Jamie took his bag and went into his room closing the door behind him, but the bellboy and I could hear him answering his phone in the process.
I sighed and smiled at the bellboy who opened the door to my room and helped me with my bags. I reached for my purse but he waved me off. "Mr. Dornan has taken care of it."
"Oh! Well. Thank you!" I closed the door and retrieved a bottle of water from the mini bar trying the hardest not to think of James and started getting ready for lunch.
Lunch was fun, James and I encountered our friends from the cast on our way to the hotel's restaurant and had something to eat with them. They made plans to go to a bar but I decided to call it a night. I needed to rest for my very first day as an actress.
When I was on my way out of the restaurant, I saw James on the phone, he had excused himself from the table some minutes ago and I thought he had gone to his room, apparently, his conversation was heated because he looked mad. As I passed him on my way to the elevator, I could hear some of his conversation. "I asked you to come to Vancouver with me and you didn't want to! It's not my fault that you are sick and upset in London."
At that moment I knew he had a girlfriend and he was off limits. Too bad. I was starting to like him.
*** Hello my loves! Thank you for reading this story! You guys definitely rock! I am super excited because I went to a job interview in the new city I will be moving to, and I passed the first test! Yay!!!!! I hope you guys have a fantastic week! See you next Monday! Xoxo-Z***
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1350 words.
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