Chapter 24
So here goes a chapter from Peeta's point of view. Hope ya like it!
Peeta P.O.V.
I look over to see Katniss sleeping with her head resting on my lap. We have to get going in a few minutes, but I knew she needed to rest for a while before continuing.
I stroke my fingers though Katniss's hair and she stirs a little bit, but she doesn't wake up. I'm so worried about Katniss and the baby being out here in the Capitol where nobody is safe. Those two are my everything, and I couldn't imagine losing one of them and definitely not them both.
Katniss's breathing picks up, and she gasps quickly as her eyes fly open. She quickly sits up and looks around with panicked eyes.
"Hey. You're alright, Katniss," I tell her as I rub her back. She takes a deep breath and then relaxes against me.
"Sorry," she breathe out.
"You're alright."
Katniss sighs and rests her hands on her stomach.
"I guess I have to get up now."
"You're okay," I tell her. "You need to rest as long as you can."
Katniss turns to face me and frowns a little.
"Please don't take this in the wrong way, Peeta, but I really do not want to be here anymore in the Capitol," Katniss tells me quietly. "I mean, I love being here with you and knowing wether or not you're okay from one moment to the next. And if I weren't pregnant, it would be different."
"I know," I tell Kaniss as I softly press my lips to her forehead. "I'd rather you be in District Thirteen where I know you're safe. And I'll find a way to get you there."
"Please do not get yourself into any trouble, Peeta. That's the last thing we need right now."
"Don't worry about me," I tell her softly.
"Yeah, like that's possible. I just want to-oh!" Katniss gasps as her hands fly to her stomach.
"Are you alright?" I ask Katniss worriedly as I lay my hand over hers.
"Yeah," she breathes out. "I just… the baby just kicked me really hard all of a sudden."
"Are you sure that's all?"
My heart drops. I'm scared to death that the stress of everything is really starting to get to Katniss, and that affects the baby. I've got to find a way to get Katniss to District Thirteen wether Coin is happy about it or not.
"I'm worried about the baby."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Katniss says quickly as she shakes her head. "I just… I have an uneasy feeling about all of this."
"I know," I sigh. "The battlefield is no place for a pregnant woman. But don't worry, Katniss. I'm right here. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."
She looks back at me and gives me a sad smile.
"You're the only person I feel safe around anymore," Katniss tells me. "I know you'll protect both me and the baby."
"With my life," I vow.
"And I believe you," she tells me sincerely. "But I'm scared, Peeta."
"That's okay," I tell Katniss as I run my hand over her stomach. "I'm going to be honest. I am too."
Katniss raises an eyebrow. "Really?"
I laugh a little bit. "Do you think that I'm fearless or something?"
"No," Katniss tells me as she shakes her head at me. "But it's just that you're so sure about everything turning out okay."
"And it will. But that doesn't mean that I can't be scared does it?"
"No. I guess not."
"Come on," I say as I stand up off the floor. "We'll probably be leaving again in a few minutes so we'd better get ready to go."
Katniss takes a deep breath, and I pull her up off the floor and onto her feet.
"You okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah," Katniss tells me as she nods her head. "Let's go."
I watch as Katniss tenses up and places both hands on her stomach.
"Are you alright?" I ask Katniss as I place a hand on her back.
"Yeah," she sighs. "The baby is just kicking me hard again."
"Katniss, are you sure that it's just the baby kicking?"
"Yeah. She's just restless."
"Are you sure she's restless, or is she starting to get a little bit impatient already?"
"I'm not in labor, Peeta. I can't be. I am not even six months pregnant yet."
"I don't know, Katniss. You've been under a lot of stress here lately."
"I'm fine," she argues.
I look ahead at the others to see that we're quiet a ways behind. Between Katniss having to stop every now and then to catch her breath, and me stopping her to make sure that she is still okay, we're slacking a little.
"Katniss," I say as I look at her again. "If you need to stop to rest again…"
"I'm fine," she repeats. "Let's just keep walking."
"Katniss, you'd better tell me if you start to get too tired."
"I will."
"I mean it, Katniss."
"I will. I promise," Katniss tells me as she nods her head. "You've got to relax, Peeta."
"I can't help it. When I think that something might be wrong with the baby…"
"There's nothing wrong with our baby, and I promise I'd tell you if there were," Katniss tells me sincerely. "Now please drop it. I'm fine."
I take take a deep breath and shake my head at her.
"When I was in the Capitol and you were in District Thirteen, how'd you feel?"
Katniss gives me a look. "What?" she asks me.
"How did you feel knowing what Snow was doing to me, and also knowing that you could not help me."
Katniss sighs. "I actually didn't know what Snow was doing to you at first. Haymitch kept it from me. But when I found out, I was scared. Very scared. I was desperate to get you back to me. I was confused as to why it was all happening to you. I was angry at Snow for putting you through that."
"Then you know how I feel right now in this exact moment," I tell her softly. "And I've got two of you to worry about."
Kaniss laughs a little bit at me as she shakes her head. She opens her mouth to say something else, but that's when something just a few miles ahead of us explodes.
"What was that?" Katniss asks me worriedly as she clings to me.
"I don't know," I reply. "But I have a feeling that we're about to find out."
I am so mad right now!! Who all watches Blue Bloods? If you do and you watched the premier of Season 8 then you know why I'm mad.
I can't believe that they not only killed Linda off, but they also were like "Linda died in a helicopter crash"... the end... they didn't show how it happened or Danny's reaction when he found out. I mean, I can imagine how he would have reacted, but I'm a fangirl, I wanna see it!!
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