Chapter 21
Katniss P.O.V.
I stare up at the ceiling and lay a hand on my stomach as the baby becomes restless. It's been two days since Peeta has left, and I feel like I am going completely crazy.
If I could just talk to him for a few minutes. Even if I could somehow write to him. Maybe send him a letter.
I quickly sit up one the bed when I realize that I've never read the letter I found in our home back in District 12. I fumble around the room for a moment before I finally find it.
I sit back down on the bed and impatiently open up the envelope. I unfold the letter and read the words as if my life depends on it.
Snow told me that if I have anything left to say to you, I'd better write it down. I have no clue how Snow plans on getting this letter to you, but I hope this is one thing he's telling the truth about.
I could tell you how much I love you, but there are no words that can express that. I can say how much I've been thinking about you and the baby. It's only been a few days so far, but I want you to know that you haven't left my mind. I hope I'll get to see you again, but I don't know if I'll be the same. I have no clue what Snow has done or is planning to do to me. The only thing keeping me alive is the thought of you, and the hope that I'll one day be able to hold our baby in my arms.
I have dreams of the baby every night. They're always the same. A little girl with dark brown hair and just as beautiful as you.
I set the letter down for a moment and let the tears fall. Even when we did not know for sure, Peeta still thought that our baby is a girl.
I wipe my eyes and pick the letter back up.
Please don't give up on me no matter what happens. You promised me the night before I was supposed to go back into the arena that you'll wait for me and that we'll always have us.
Don't worry about me. I love you more than you'll ever know.
I smile as I lay the letter back down on the bed.
That's the last thing Peeta said to me before he left for the Capitol.
"I love you so much that you'll never know, Katniss Mellark."
That can't be a coincidence. Maybe, hopefully, he remembered the letter for a split second.
I've just wiped the last of my tears off my face when the door opens up. I look over to see Haymitch standing in the doorway.
"Have you heard anything?" I ask Haymitch as I quickly stand up off the bed.
"No," Haymitch says as he shakes his head at me. "But Coin does want to speak with you for a moment."
"Is it about Peeta?" I ask, hoping she's decided to bring him home to me again.
"Then I'm staying put."
"Maybe if you quit being stubborn and cooperate with her, she'll find you more persuasive."
"I've been cooperating with her, Haymitch, but she still sent Peeta to the Capitol even though I begged her not to."
"I'm not saying she's right," Haymitch tells me. "Just go hear her out."
"Fine," I sigh. "But that's not a guarantee that I'll agree to anything."
Coin looks up at me as I walk into the room, and I take a deep breath I keep from yelling at her right away.
"Haymitch said that you wanted to talk with me," I say calmly. Coin nods her head and motions for me to take a seat at the table. I sit down, but try my best to avoid looking directly at her or even in her direction.
"I known you're mad, but I can still use you if you are willing to help."
I don't respond. I just keep staring down at the ground.
"I'm not supposed to be telling you this, but Peeta's the one who suggested that I send him to the Capitol."
I give Coin a mean look and shake my head.
"You're lying."
"Peeta would never do that. Especially with knowing how much it upset me."
"I took the blame for it because he didn't want you to know."
"I don't believe you." There's doubt in my voice. It makes sense. That's why Peeta didn't want me to go to Coin any more than I ready had. He was afraid I'd find out and be mad at him.
"Yes you do," Coin says. "And I understand it if you're still mad at me for sending him. But he begged me I go just as much as you begged me to keep him here.
"I gave him standards that he had to meet during training. I made sure that Peeta was given multiple psychological evaluations. He passed everything."
"He couldn't have," I insist. "There's something wrong with him."
"Katniss, I had no reason not to send him."
"Other than the fact that Peeta and I have a baby on the way."
"I can't hold back every soldier who has a family."
I can feel the tears in my eyes. I want to be mad at her still. But I can't be. It was all Peeta's idea.
"Okay," I say quietly. "What is it that you are wanting me to do?"
"I want to send you to another District tomorrow. I'll decide which one later. I just want everybody to see the destruction that the Capitol has created."
I think about it for a moment before slolwy nodding my head.
"Okay," I say finally. "Send me where I'm needed."
I take a deep breath and look around as the baby begins to go wild. I think she hates this as much as I do.
A trip to District 2 in a hovercraft with your only company being a few people that you barely even know. Who wouldn't be thrilled?
I keep telling myself that all I have to do is get enough proof of Snow's destruction that he's caused, then Coin will be happy and we can go back to 13.
But I have a bad feeling about this.
"Settle down in there," I whisper as I lay a hand on my stomach. I look around to see everybody else carrying on a conversation without me, so I begin to talk to the baby again and hope that no one overhears me.
"So I guess you're our little Willow since you're a girl." The baby kicks again, which makes me smile. "Do you like that name? You'd better, because your Daddy and I both picked it out for you."
I stop to blink back the tears forming in my eyes. I can't cry now. Not in front of everybody.
I take a deep breath to compose myself just as the hovercraft lands with a nauseating jerk. I let the camera crew get off first, then I slowly step out.
At first, all I can see is the smoke and debris and fallen houses. Then the hovercraft takes off suddenly which causes me to turn around, and my heart drops.
"We're not in District Two," I say as I look around at all of the other confused faces.
We're in the Capitol.
I didn't forget about the letter lol. I was waiting for the right moment to bring it into the story.
I have a HUGE idea but I have a feeling y'all will be wanting to hunt me down afterwards.
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