Chapter 17
Katniss P.O.V.
"Shh. Please quit crying," I whisper softly as I bounce Wyatt in my arms.
"Everything okay?"
I turn to see Mom standing in the doorway.
"Yeah," I sigh. "I do a lot better when Peeta is here to help me."
"Where is Peeta?"
I swallow hard. "He's training with the soldiers who are going to be sent out to the Captiol."
"Why?" Mom asks me. "Peeta's not strong enough…"
"Try telling Coin that," I mutter as I roll my eyes a little. "I tried to get her to change her mind, but Peeta talked me into giving it up for now."
"Are you okay?" Mom asks me quietly as she walks over to me.
"I honestly don't know," I answer truthfully as I mull the question over in my head for a few minutes.
Neither of us say anything for a few minutes, but then I remember that I was going to ask her something.
"Mom, I was wanting to ask you a question about Wyatt."
"That's actually what I came by to discuss."
"Have they found his parents?"
"No. Not yet," Mom says. "What I wanted to tell you is that I think there's a couple who is interested in adopting him."
"Oh," I say as my heart drops to my stomach. I mean, I'd be happy if the little guy could be reunited wth his parents. But if that's impossible, then I was sort of getting used to the idea of Peeta and I taking him in permanently.
"Now, what were you wanting to talk to me about?"
I give Mom my best smile and shake my head at her. "Nevermind."
"Okay," Mom says. "So would you consider it?"
I give her a look. "Would I consider what?"
"Adopting Wyatt."
"But I thought you said…"
"The couple I was talking about is you and Peeta."
"Oh," I say as a small smile spreads across my face. "That's actually what I was wanting to ask you about."
"Well, then that's settled. Of course, you'll have to wait a few more weeks before it can be official."
"Yeah, I understand. It would be great if they can find his parents."
"Listen. I know I wasn't exactly supportive at first with you having a baby because I thought you two were too young," Mom tells me quietly. "But I see how motherly you are to this baby who isn't even yours. Now I see that there was absolutely no reason for me to doubt you."
"Well, I'm glad you think so because I'm still terrified," I say. "I can't help but to ask myself 'how.'"
"Quit doubting yourself," Mom says. "I have to go back to the hospital for now, but you can get me if you need anything."
"Okay," I say as I nod my head at her. "I'll see you later, Mom."
She leaves the room, and I look at Wyatt to see that he's finally fallen asleep. I lay Wyatt back down in his cot, and sit down on the bed to wait for Peeta.
When Peeta finally comes walking through the door, I can tell he's exhausted.
"Are you okay?" I ask Peeta as he sits down beside of me on the bed.
"Yeah," he sighs. "It was just the first day and I already feel like I've been pushed to my limit."
"Peeta, you've got to tell Coin that you can't keep doing this."
"It's not going to make any difference at all what I tell her, Katniss."
"Peeta, I'm worried about you."
"I'm fine." Peeta turns to face me as he takes my face in his hands. "I'm fine," he repeats. I nod my head, and Peeta leans his head down to kiss me.
"You look like you have a lot on your mind," I tell Peeta.
He takes a deep breath and nods his head.
"But I'm okay."
"Well, I have some news that might cheer you up," I tell him.
"And what's that?"
"Mom came by today, and I think it's settled that if Wyatt's parents are not found, then we could possibly adopt the little guy."
Peeta smiles widely. "That is good news. I mean, it would be best if they could reunite him with his parents."
"Definitely," I say.
We're both quiet for a while before Peeta speaks up again.
"Katniss, I know I keep telling you to stay positive, but I really need you to think about something for a moment," Peeta tells me. "If something were to happen to me in the Capitol, would you be able to take care of two babies on your own?"
"Peeta," I say as the tears start to flow. "I don't want to…"
"I know," he says quickly. "I know. But I'm serious, Katniss. Can you do that?"
I shake my head. "I can't do anything if you're not there by my side."
Peeta begins to open his mouth to reply, but Wyatt begins to cry. I wipe my eyes dry before I pick Wyatt up and into my arms.
When Wyatt sees Peeta, he gets really excited and starts reaching for Peeta.
"Hey, little buddy," Peeta says as he takes Wyatt from me.
"I think our baby is a little jelaous," I tell Peeta as the baby begins to move around.
Peeta chuckles and lays a hand on my stomach. "Are you getting jealous, or is Mommy jealous?"
"Mama?" Wyatt says as he looks over at me.
I laugh a little and shake my head. "I think I'm getting used to being called that."
"You'd better get used to it because I have a feeling that you'll be hearing it often."
I smile at him and then look down at my stomach.
"I'm getting huge."
"No," Peeta says as he wraps his free arm around my shoulders. "The baby is growing. That's a good thing."
"You're just trying to make me feel better."
"I'm being serious, Katniss."
"Why are you still smiling?"
"Because you make me happy."
"Uh-huh," I say as I roll my eyes at him.
Peeta laughs and then stands up off the bed.
"I think it's time for me to go to sleep," Peeta says. I nod my head and begin to push myself up to my feet.
"No. Sit down. Relax," Peeta tells me as he places a hand gently on my back.
"I have to get Wyatt ready to got to bed," I tell Peeta.
He shakes his head. "You rest. I've got it."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course," Peeta says. "Lay down, and I'll be there in just a few minutes."
"Alright." I lay back on the bed and rest my head onto my pillow. When Peeta finally lays down on the bed, he lays Wyatt down between us.
"Peeta," I laugh.
He looks at me and smiles a little bit. "What?"
"Nothing," I say as I shake my head at him.
Peeta leans over and kisses my forehead before he lays down.
"I love you so much," Peeta whispers to me.
"I love you too, Peeta."
He reaches over across Wyatt and my belly to take my hand in his before we both drift off.
"Mama," Wyatt says as he pats my cheeks. I slowly open my eyes to see him smiling widely at me.
"What are you doing awake?" I ask Wyatt as I sit up and pull him over onto my lap. Wyatt starts laughing, and I smile at him.
"Shh," I say as I bring a finger up to my lips. This causes Wyatt to start laughing louder.
"Come on," I say as I carefully stand up off the bed. "Let's go out into the hallway before you wake up Peeta."
I walk Wyatt out into the hallway and let him crawl around. I realize that there's still a few people wandering the hallways, so we must have went to bed pretty early."
I look up to see Gale headed my way. I can tell right away that something's not right.
"What's wrong?" I ask Gale.
"Where's Peeta?"
"He's sleeping," I say. "But I can go get him if you need to talk to him."
"No," Gale says as he shakes his head at me. "I want to talk to you without him."
Before either of us can say another word, Waytt crawls over to my feet and reaches for me to pick him up.
"Mama," Wyatt whimpers.
I sigh and pick him up off the floor.
Gale gives me a look. "Did he just…"
"Yeah," I say as I nod my head a little bit. "I've tried telling him that I'm not his Momma, but he's still too little to understand for right now."
"Anyways, you wanted to talk to me about something?"
"Yeah," Gale says. "Listen, Katniss. Peeta can't go to the Capitol with us."
"I know," I sigh. "But I can't get that through to Coin. She's going to force him to go no matter what."
"Well, maybe if you'd tell her what happened during training today…"
"Why? What happened?" I ask Gale quickly as my heart sinks.
"Peeta had some sort of… melt down today."
"What do you mean? What sort of melt down?"
"He just suddenly froze and dropped everything he was carrying. He had his fists clenched up real tight at his sides."
"Oh my gosh," I breathe out as my heart starts pounding. "He did that a couple days ago. He started breathing heavily and his eyes were shut really tight. Afterwords, he told me he was okay and not to worry about him."
"You need to tell Coin," Gale tells me.
"I will," I reply. "I'll go talk to her first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you so much, Gale."
He nods his head once. "I thought I should at least let you know."
"Thank you," I tell Gale one more time before I carry Wyatt back to the room.
I open the door to see Peeta sitting up on the side of the bed. He has a panicked look on his face, but it quickly fades away when he sees me.
"Where'd you go?"
"I took Wyatt out into the hallway so he wouldn't accidentally wake you up," I tell Peeta as I lay Wyatt down in his cot for a minute.
Peeta lets out a sigh of relief as he runs a hand through his hair.
"I woke up and got worried when I realized that you weren't there."
"Sorry," I tell Peeta.
"Don't be," he says as he shakes his head at me.
I sit down on the bed beside of Peeta and take a deep breath.
"Why didn't you tell me about what happened in training today?"
Peeta gives me a confused look as he shakes his head a little bit.
"Where did you…"
"I just saw Gale out in the hallway," I tell Peeta before he came even finish his question. "He told me."
We're both really quiet for a few minutes.
"I'm not mad," I tell Peeta truthfully as I shake my head. "But, I do wish that you would have told me sooner."
Peeta takes a deep breath and nods his head.
"I promise I'll tell you if it happens during training again tomorrow."
"No," I tell Peeta. "You can't do this, Peeta. Listen, I'll talk to Coin and let her know what's been going on."
"It won't do you a bit of good, Katniss."
"How do you know?"
"Because I have already tried to tell her, Katniss," Peeta says. "She won't budge."
"Then we'll have to find someone else who might be able to get through to her, or at least figure out why she's so insistent about this."
"Like who?" Peeta asks me.
I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe Haymitch would talk to her and try to get her to change her mind."
"Please, Peeta," I beg. "I know you told me to just forget about it, but I can't. Just let me ask Haymitch. Please."
Peeta takes a deep breath before nodding his head at me.
Thank you all for your ideas. They all helped in some way ☺
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