Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Thirteen
I was sitting in English, bored out of my mind. We are reading Romeo and Juliet. I really hate this book so much. I mean I just don’t understand it what so ever. I honestly don’t like any subject. Well I do have a favorite and that could possibly be English. I love to write. Writing has always been a passion of mine. But when we read books I don’t like, I then hate English. I look in front of me and Logan is acting like he is reading. But he has his phone in the book. I looked over to Ms. Fallon and she is grading papers. I leaned forward. “Who you texting.” I whispered seductively in his ear. “Are you trying to turn me on or something?” He whispered back. “I tried that many of times Logan. I’m pretty sure if it has not worked by now, it won’t work at all.” I whispered. “Are you and Ms. Fallon over there, still getting it on?” I asked. “Possibly.” He responded. “Is the sex nice?” “I am not telling you my sex life Xavier.” “I will tell you mine.” “I don’t want to know yours.” “But you are my best friend Logan. You have to tell me these things.” “This best friend is not telling you his sex life.” “But I love you and you have too.” “I don’t love you that much.” He says and I gasp. He started to laugh. Everyone looked at us. “May I ask why you are two interrupting my class?” Ms. Fallon asked. Oh Bay… Aka Ms. Fallon, why do you hate us so much? “Logan said he does not love me that much. Can you see how hurtful that is Ms. Fallon?!” I exaggerated. The whole class laughed. “I am pretty sure everyone loves you Xavier.” Ms. Fallon assured. “Do you love me Ms. Fallon?” I asked with a puppy dog face. “No I do not Xavier.” She winked at me. I gasp and the class laughed again. “Way to kill my happiness woman.” I flipped my imaginary hair and went back to pretend reading. “You are such a girl.” Logan giggled softly. “Well this girl is not hanging with you after school then.” I said sarcastically. He turned his head to me, “You wouldn’t dare.” “Watch me douche.” I winked at him. He slapped my face playfully. “I will hate you forever.” He informed. I gave him the death stare. “Do you think there is a possibility that you two would be quiet?” Ms. Fallon asked. We turned to her. “Well…… Do you have duct tape?” I said sarcastically. She stared at us and reached into her gore. Holy shit… She has duct tape. “I WAS KIDDING!” I screeched. The class laughed at she put duct tape over my mouth and over my hands. She did the same to Logan. “That solves the problem.” She laughs and sits back down at her desk. I can’t believe she actually had duct tape. This is seriously so rude. I need to move and talk. What if I have to pee? I look up at the clock and the bell rings in one minute. I tried mumbling something loudly so she can hear it. She rolled her eyes. She looked up at the clock and smiled. She walked over to me. What is she doing? I wondered nervously. She rips the duct tape of my mouth and I screech. The class laughed. “HOW DARE YOU?!” I shouted. She laughed and did the same to Logan. The bell rings and I grab my stuff and waited for Logan. “How are you and Jace?” He asked me as we walked to the next class. “We are really good actually.” I smiled. “Do you know cops came to see Ash last night?” Logan asked. I turned to him. “So what. He deserved that shit.” I informed. “Well yeah, I know that. But you could have been a little more…. Coyote and more Xavier.” Logan explains. I rolled my eyes and we walked across the court yard. “Do you want to skip next class with me and go see Sutton?” I asked. He shrugged his shoulder. “Oh come on.” I demanded. I pulled him out to his motorcycle. He had a truck also. But he drives this thing mostly. I hopped on and put on my helmet. He started the motorcycle and drove off.
We pulled into Suttons drive way and knocked on the door. Her mother came to the door. “Hey guys, what are you doing here?” She asked. “Hi Shanae. Is Sutton here?” I asked. “No…. She texted me this morning that Shay gave her a ride to school and that she will be ok.” Her mother said confused. “Oh that is right. Thank you Shanae.” I lied and smiled. She smiled back and waved us off. “Why did you lie for?” Logan asked. “Bryan came kidnapped Shay and Sutton.” I informed. “How do you know?” He asked. “Because Shay is always at school. If she isn’t, she will text me or call me. ALWAYS.” I explained. We jumped onto the motorcycle and he drove off. I swear… I am going to kill him again.
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