Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten
Once I seen Dad walked in, I knew this was not going to be pretty. This house is going to be a disaster after they fight. “Why are you bothering my family?” Dad asked. “Well Cain, they are not your family. They are mine. And to be technical, I was here for Xavier. Not you. Ivan may be your son, but Xavier is mine.” Bryan shouted at him. “By blood both are mine. You never even bothered telling Xavier who is real father was. I am his real father. Their mother and I would be a family today if it was not for you. But you ruined that. Just because someone is your “Mate” Does not mean that they are yours.” Dad informed him. “Can we all stop this and just be happy?! Seriously. Who cares who is whose? I think I am the one who decides that. Not you guys.” I informed. They both turned to me. “Well who do you pick to be your father?” Bryan asked. “Defiantly not you. You have betrayed me on so many levels. You had me raped, beaten, etc. You really think you can be a father? Fuck no you can’t. And you. You really was afraid of this shit? Who cares if he would have killed me? A lot of people tried to kill me. They have not succeeded yet. So neither. I pick neither of you. I can take care of myself.” I shouted and ran out with Jace. I seriously had it up to here with this father bullshit. I don’t need a father. I went this long without one. I still can go without one. I sat on the porch with Jace. Waiting for them to leave. “You know we can go back to myself right?” Jace asked. “No, it’s fine.” I smiled. Jace smiled and pulled me closer to him. “Bryan and his army is gone.” Dad informed. I nodded. “Hey, look at me.” He said kneeling in front of me. “I know I have not been there. I totally wanted to be and you know that. I couldn’t risk you dying. Nor your mother. You are my son and I love Xavier. Nothing can change that.” He explains. I stared at him in the eyes. I just want him to leave for crying out loud. “Ok, I love you too. Now can you leave?” I asked. He smiled and took walked to his car. “Are you staying?” He asked Ivan who was standing behind us. “Yeah. For a little. I’ll be back soon.” Ivan informed. Dad nodded and got into his car and drove off. Sutton runs over to the house. “Is everything ok?” She asked me. “Yeah.” I smiled back. She looked up at Ivan. She smiled. “Can you all go inside for a sec? I need to talk to Sutton.” I asked. Jace and Ivan walked inside the house. “What’s up?” She sat down next to me. “How are you and Ash?” I asked sincerely. She shrugged. “Good, I guess.” She looked down on the ground. “Don’t lie to me. Remove the jacket.” I demanded. “Xavier…” She said looking at me. “Sutton.” I said. She sighed. She slid off her jacket and there was bruises all over her shoulders and back. So much anger built up inside me. Cats can’t heal as fast as wolfs, or coyotes can. They take a little bit longer to heal. “Sutton, where the hell is he right now?” I asked. “Xavier you are not going to do nothing. Please.” She said with tears coming down her cheeks. I grabbed her hand. “No one is ever going to hurt you. Ever. And that is the truth. If someone hurts you, I will hurt them.” I informed. I looked closer at the bruises. They made me madder, where my eyes started to turn. “Xavier, calm down.” She demanded. Someone grabbed my shoulder and kissed me. Jace… My temper started to calm down. He leaned away. He stared me into the eyes making sure I was ok. I nodded. He turned to Sutton and seen her bruises. “Who the hell did this?” He asked. “Don’t.” Sutton pointed a finger at him. “I want to know who the hell hurt you like that!” Jace shouted. Sutton flinched. “I think you already know who,” I told Jace. “Ash did this to you?” He asked. He walked back into the house. Oh god. What is he doing. Couple seconds later, he walked out with a gun in his back pocket. “Jace!” I shouted grabbing the gun out of his back pocket. “Give it back Xavier.” Jace demanded. “No! I am doing this. No one else. And no guns. Put this away!” I demanded. He clinched his teeth together and grabbed the gun. He walked back into the house. “Xavier you are not going to do anything either.” Sutton demanded. “The hell I’m not.” I said crossing my arms. “This is my battle. Nobody else’s.” She explained. “Why do you let him do this to you? You could kill him instantly.” I pointed out. “Because, I love him Xavier. He just has a temper. But I love that guy so much. I can’t do anything to kill him.” She cried out. “That is not love. He does not love you if he does that to you Sutton.” I informed. “YES HE DOES! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS!” She shouts at me and runs off. I gulped. I do know what love is. Obviously. But she is right, this is her battle. I need to respect that. If I see him her again, I will not respect anything. I will kill him. I walked back into the house. “I am going to bed.” Ivan smiled and walked upstairs. Jace walked in from the kitchen. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around him. “If Ash hurts Sutton one more time, there won’t be no stopping me.” I explained. He glided his hands up and down my back. “I know. Trust me, I want to kill him myself also.” Jace giggled. We turned off the lights and locked the doors. Then we walked upstairs to go to bed. “I took of my shirt and pants. Only leaving me in my boxers. I crawled into my bed. Jace came back from the bathroom in his Calvin Kline boxers and crawled up next to me. I leaned over on his chest. His hard, cushioned chest is such an amazing pillow. I giggled in my head. He glided his fingers up and down my arm. “If you could go back into the past, what would you do?” I asked. Jace looked down at me and giggled. “Why are you so random?” He asked me. “Why aren’t you?” I asked sarcastically. We both giggled. “Well to answer your question, I would probably fix my parent’s being dead.” He informed me. I nodded. I knew he would say that. “Good night Xavier.” He said and kissed my head. “Good night baby.” I responded and he turned off the lamp. I counted in my head from 100 to 0 so I could fall asleep. Soon enough, I fell asleep in his arms.
I woke up to the alarm going off. I didn’t really want to go to school today. But I had too. Jace turned off the alarm clock. “Good morning beautiful.” He said and kissed me. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet!” I said and pushed him away. “I don’t care.” He said and got on top of me. I tried pushing myself away but he put his hands into mine, pinning them down to the bed. I finally gave up and kissed him back. The door opens. “Oh god. I should have knocked.” Mom said and shut the door. Jace and I laughed. The struggle of having your parents walk in on something is the most humiliating thing ever. Jace jumped up and used the bathroom. I walked in and we brushed our teeth at the same time. I grew my fangs and brushed them as well. “Really?” Jace asked. “I have to keep them clean you know.” I explained. He just laughed and walked out of the bathroom. We got ready and walked down stairs to the kitchen. Ivan was already sitting at the bar. “You need to stop walking in and knock.” I informed mom. Ivan laughed. “Was you guys having sex?” He asked. “Why? You wish you had him?” I winked at Ivan and went to the fridge. “I told you, even though we are twins, does not mean that I am gay like you.” Ivan informed. “I still get more girls then you.” I pointed out. Mom laughed. “You two are already fighting like brothers.” She smiled. Ivan and I both laughed. “We got to go mom.” I said and kissed her on the cheek. She waved me and Jace off. We walked out to his car. I noticed that Ash’s car was parked at Suttons. Her parents must have been gone. “What are you doing?” Jace asked. I told him to Shh. I tried to listen in on what they were saying in the house. “Ash please calm down. You know how you get when you are angry.” Said Sutton. “YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING BITCH!” Ash shouted. “Don’t call me that!” Sutton yelled back. “Well you are!” Ash screamed louder. “Just get out if you are going to yell. I don’t need you hiting me again.” Sutton demanded. “Don’t tell me to leave!” Ash responded. “THIS IS MY HOUSE AND THAT MEANS GET OUT!” Sutton screamed at him. I heard a slap and a fall to the floor. I heard Sutton crying. “I TOLD YOU TO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO!” He shouted at her and hit her again. I ran over to Sutton’s house. Breaking down the door. I seen Ash and Sutton in the kitchen. “What do you want fag?!” Ash shouted at me. “Don’t call him that!” Sutton screamed grabbing his arm. He shoved her away, making her fall back to the ground. “You better get the hell out of this house before you piss me off Ash.” I demanded. “Oh what is a fag like you going to do?” He said getting closer to my face. I clinched my fist together. “Ash…” I said his name to warn him. “No one tells me what to do. Defiantly a fag.” Ash informed me. “Get the fuck out of her house right now!” I shouted at him. He raised his arm back about to punch me. He threw the punch and I caught his fist, flipping his arm around his back. He kicked me off of him. He threw a punch at my face. I really don’t want to use my coyote. But I have had it. I grabbed him by the throat, slamming him into the wall. I ran instantly over to him. I grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground. Someone tried pushing me off. But I was too mad to stop. I kept punching and punching him until Ryder threw me off of him. I knew his touch instantly. “STOP!” He shouted at me. Jace and Sutton were staring at us. “Oh this is interesting.” Callum pointed out. Jace tried calming me down. I tried to catch my breath. He told me to breathe in and breathe out. I did as Jace told me to do. My claws went back into my fingers and my fangs went away. “You good?” Jace asked me. I nodded. I looked over at Ash. He already had bruises all over his face and his eye was swollen shut. “I will take him to the hospital.” Ryder said. Him and Callum picked up Ash and walked him out of the house. Sutton shook her head. “I told you this is my battle.” Sutton informed me. “This is not your battle anymore. He is never going to hurt you again.” I told Sutton and hugged her. She hugged back and cried into my chest. I patted her back. “It’s going to be ok. I will always protect you. And you know that.” I informed Sutton. She nodded. “You are staying home today. Understood?” I asked her. “Can you guys stay with me?” She asked. “Yeah of course.” I smiled at her. I texted Shay telling her that I wasn’t going to be there. And then texted mom telling her that I was over at Suttons. I walked Sutton upstairs so she can lay down. She wanted me to stay with her until she fell asleep. As so I did… Thirty minutes has passed and she finally fell asleep. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I found Jace cleaning up the mess in the kitchen. I smiled and helped him. “I tried stopping you. But you wouldn’t listen to me.” Jace said throwing glass into the trash. “I’m sorry.” I responded nervously. “It’s fine. But then Ryder showed up and you listened to him.” He said. I could tell he was upset. “Jace.” I said walking over to him. “I didn’t listen to him. He threw me off of Ash. Then you calmed me down. I listened to you at that moment.” I explained. He nodded. “Hey.” I said grabbing his face so he can stare at me. “I love you. Not him. And you know that. I mean yes, there will be a place in my heart where I will always love him. But not like I love you. You are someone who I see being with my whole life possibly. And I hope that it says that way.” I added. He smiled and nodded. He leaned down and kissed me. He wrapped his right arm around my ways, pulling me closer to him to deepen the kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. I let out a soft moan. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Oh sorry.” Ryder said walking into the kitchen. “No, it’s fine… Um how is Ash?” I asked. “They said that he will be fine. He had two broken ribs, and his eyes is still swollen shut. They said that he could have went blind in that eye. Plus his nose his broken.” Ryder informed me. I gulped. “You should be getting to school.” I told Ryder. “See you around.” He responded and left. I turned back around to Jace. “Do you want some coffee? I’ll go get some.” Jace asked. “No… You don’t have to do that.” I responded. “But I want to.” He smiled. I sighed. “Fine. But hurry back.” I said and gave him a kiss. He grabbed his keys and walked out. What am I going to do now? I am stuck in Sutton’s house… She is asleep and her parents are gone. What a boring time.
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