A/N- Thanks for the 500+ reads! You all are the best, no caps.
New update!
Enjoy 🥂
"This was amazing!" I yelled immediately I got down from Mason's motorcycle, not caring the curious glances people threw in our direction.
"Told you! You've just been your usual stubborn self by resisting to get a ride with me ever since I got the motorcycle." He said, as he removed his helmet in order to remove mine.
"I definitely regret my decision now mister. Don't rub it in my face. I'll be hitching a ride with you every Thursday, so don't you dare ditch me." I said as I waved my right hand in his face which I'm realised I must look pretty funny waving my hand in his face with my helmet still on.
"If you ask me, I'm not rubbing it enough but you didn't ask, so well I still decided to let you know my opinion." He shrugged, then started unbuckling my helmet.
"Jerk. You're always mean to me. Just know I'm definitely taking your mom's offer on the baby pictures." I muttered and hit his chest lightly.
"I'm always to mean to you? Says the one that pushed me down the stairs." He declared as he kept the helmet on the motorcycle, then we started walking towards the school building from the lot.
"That was ages ago! I already apologized countless number of times but you always bring it up every single time. Let's not forget every New year, Christmas and my birthday."
"You're forgetting Thanksgiving Hails. Shame on you!" He said doing a imitation, but of who, that's what I didn't know.
"Annoying stuff." I tried insulting him, but failing miserably.
"I'm glad you're running of insults. You can always google 'Insults to go' if it makes you feel better." He teased me.
"Shut up." I hit his chest, barely hiding my smile.
His chest rumbled in laughter, it wasn't too long before I joined him. People in the hallway glanced at our direction occasionally 'cause it was I and Mason and when we are together, normal is far from us.
We were already at our lockers getting our books for the day and still laughing. When I suddenly stopped laughing and looking at Mason. My heart clenched and I probably had this forlorn look on my face. I can't believe that in three months or less, I wouldn't be here laughing with Mason or riding his motorcycle with him, or having him tease me. When I think of these things, leaving becomes so much harder.
"Is anything wrong Hailey?" Mason asked, when he noticed that I have stopped laughing and was looking lost and sad.
The emotions were too much to bear so I found myself hugging him tightly as tears brimmed in my eyes, threatening to fall.
"I'm going to miss you so much Mase, so much, you actually have no idea." I said tearily.
After sometime I pulled away from the hug, to meet Mason's confused face.
"What's wrong Hailey? You haven't been your usual self these days and I didn't want to ask 'cause I believed that if anything is bugging, you'll definitely tell me, right?" He asked.
Unable to say anything, I just nodded slowly.
"So what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything, like literally anything and I wouldn't judge you." He assured me.
I was about to tell him about my illness but I stopped myself. The thing is Mason is this kind of person who will ask me my reason for killing someone, before judging me for doing it. Mason was a really nice person and he didn't deserve to have this burden placed on him.
"It's nothing at all. I was just trying to act damsel in distress, and you fell for it hook, line and sinker." I tried to wriggle out of this. Damn stupid emotions that almost made me spill my guts to Mason.
Mason narrowed his eyes at me, not buying my excuse for a minute, "Your acting skills are definitely top-notch 'cause you definitely had me fooled. Quite the drama if you ask me."
I half-bowed at him, "Why, thank you. That's by far the kindest thing you've said to me this morning. Thank you good sir." I joked.
Mason was not buying my excuse but he let it go as we kept bickering until we got to class. Before we entered the class Mason stopped me with a serious look in his face.
"If there's anything, you'll tell me right?"
"Yes I will, okay? So you can quit moming me around." I teased him.
Mason gasped, "I don't mom you. I don't act like a mom Hails. That's borderline offensive and I can't believe you said that to me."
"Yes you do."
"No I don't."
"You so do."
"I beg to disagree."
"Mom Masey. It definitely sounds cute." I teased.
"If you call me that again I'll..." He was saying when I cut him off, "You can't do sh*t."
Mason winced, "Don't swear Hails."
I laughed 'cause I knew that was what I was going for when I said that. I don't really swear, but Mason hates it on a different level.
"I knew you can't help but be a mom. Don't swear Hails." I said mimicking him.
Mason was about to say something when he was cut off by another voice.
"Mason and Hailey, I'll be glad if you can stop bickering, enter the class, and have a sit 'cause lecture is about to start." Our teacher's voice said.
We looked into the class in horror, and truthfully everyone was settled in and staring at us bickering.
I could feel the blush coming up my face and embarrassment creeping up my neck as I muttered a quick apology as I hurried to settle down as Mason did the same.
Our teacher just smiled and started teaching.
I looked at Mason as we both smiled before I muttered, "Mom."
Mason's smile wiped off his face as he muttered, "Shut up."
I faced the board but I couldn't stop smiling. This was definitely a good way to start the day.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"So you are telling me you guys kept bickering not knowing everyone was staring at you?" Brit asked, after I finished narrating the story while we were on lunch break.
"Yes, and it was really embarrassing."
"Don't forget hot too." Scarlett chipped in.
I gave her the 'are you being serious right now' look.
"What? I will always be on the HailMase team." She shrugged nonchalantly.
"Even when I've told you that'll never happen."
"Yeah, even after. A girl can be hopeful can't she?"
"Well as your friend I'll advise you not to be in this case 'cause it isn't going to happen so don't hold your breath."
"Whatever." Scarlett shrugged like she couldn't care less but I knew she was still nursing the thought.
"I'll be hitching a ride with Mason every Thursday, so Brit it's you and Scar every Thursday." I announced.
Brittany groaned and Scarlett smirked. I already knew where this was going.
"Don't say it, Don't say it." I chanted.
"My ship is sailing." Scarlett said.
"Dang it! She said it. Can you ever disappoint me?" I groaned.
Scarlett just kept smiling.
"I'm finally done with that class." Mason said settling beside me.
"How come you guys are just getting here?" I asked Mason.
"Well, the teacher doesn't know what a clock is. He kept going on and on, no matter how many times we reminded his time was up. We would have left but he was saying something important." Mason said.
"Speak for yourself. He was saying trash to me." Xavier said.
"I'm sorry Mase, I'm definitely with Xavier on this." A stranger said settling in the chair beside Scarlett.
I elbowed Mason sharply and he winced.
"How come you didn't introduce us to your new friend? That's so rude of you," I said before turning to the stranger, "I'm sorry for my friend's manners, I'm Hailey and you are?" I asked.
The only problem is that the stranger was mute and looking at me really strangely, then I looked around and everyone was giving me the same look.
Then it dawned on me, "Oh my gosh! This is so embarrassing. I'm so sorry I didn't know you are dumb. I'm not this rude. Forgive my manners." I apologized fervently.
The stranger finally spoke, "I can speak just fine Hailey."
"Yes, he can Hailey. I mean you'll definitely know that after knowing him for more than three years." Scarlett narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out what my problem was.
"What? Are you guys playing a joke on me? I have never seen this face before." I declared. I don't know what's everyone's deal was.
"You don't know me? That's a bad joke there Hailey, even for you." The stranger declared.
Mason held me on my shoulders lightly and turned me to face him fully. When I faced him, concern was etched all over his face.
"Are you telling me you don't know Ryder?" He asked.
Immediately he mentioned his name, all the memories came rushing back. I can't believe that I forgot who Ryder is. Ryder, one of Mason's best bud. Someone who has separated I and Mason's many squabbles. I can't believe my memory is failing so quickly. This brain cancer is ruining the little time I have to spend on earth.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened for a moment." I chuckled nervously.
"Are you sure you're fine Hailey?" Brit asked, looking really concerned.
"Yeah, are you sure? That had every shade of weird all over it." Scarlett added.
"I've got to go." I muttered to no one in particular.
I noticed Mason was about to come after me so I added, "Please, I want to be alone."
I zoned out all of their concerned voices as I hurriedly stood up and ran out of the lunch room.
I went to the darkest part of the library and sent a text to my mom, the same mom that I haven't talked to in a long time. I was just really desperate to get out of here.
'Please come pick me from school.' I texted her tearily.
I was so scared. What if I eventually forget everyone even before I die?
This sickness is actually scarier than I thought. I feel like I'm losing myself. How can I leave earth happy if I forget everyone that ever mattered to me?
I feel like I and my sickness are having a tug-of-war, and trust me when I say the odds are not in my favor.
A/N- Who's watched Hunger Games? If you can, which line in this chapter reminds you of the series?
Please remember to Vote, Comment, Share. I truly appreciate it.
Till the next update,
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