Voodoo Child
The next day, in Elijah's study, Lola was talking with Elijah.
Lola was wearing a sweater with a brown jacket, a green pant and some boots.
"Morning. So... shouldn't we be throwing some kind of party for you, since you know, you kind of rose from the dead?" Lola greeted but Elijah only hummed in response.
"Perhaps later."Elijah muttered a reply. The heretic slowly crossed her arms while nodding.
"I see. Let me guess, Gia ignored you? Give her time, she'll come around." Lola questioned and a slight glance from the noble vampire answered that.
"Will she?" Elijah genuinely asked and the heretic nodded.
"I mean she has to, you are her mate and her husband. You just need to give her time."Lola told him and leaned against the alcohol table.
Klaus walked inside.
Lola greeted Klaus with a kiss.
Rebekah joined the conversation and stands beside Elijah where he sat as Kol walked in and Rebekah said "All right, can we please put a moratorium on all of this sulking? It's a lovely day, the Hollow is dead and my brother is back. Much to the joy of custom suit tailors everywhere, not to mention me. I have to admit, I've missed the Quarter. I'm gonna make you take me out to hear some jazz."
"Might I suggest you enjoy the charms of the city while you still can? Marcel will want us gone posthaste, as per our agreement."Kol recalled back to the agreement and Rebekah rolled her eyes.
"Or perhaps he's changed his mind and he will grant us a reprieve."Rebekah says.
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Bekah, but Marcel is not that nice."Lola emphasizes her words.
"We're going to meet with him to discuss the terms of our departure."Elijah added.
"I suspect he simply needs to be asked nicely. You boys really should leave these matters to me."Rebekah suggested and shakes her head at her brothers.
"While you do that, I need to talk with Ambrose. I might know a way to get rid of the hollow. But it a require an unique Gemini siphoning spell."Lola said as she teleported away.
Meanwhile, in the compound, Klaus and Kol walks in the courtyard, ready to leave and their brother to take care of business. They are instantly stopped by Liv entering the home and standing in front of them.
"Klaus."Liv called her brother in law.
Liv was wearing a top with a green pant and some boots.
"I know that look, you need something. Whatever it is, it can wait. I'm off to talk to Marcel."Kol interrupted.
"We need to talk about the kids futures."Liv says aloud making Klaus stop walking away.
"The twins are eight and Emma is six and Andrea and Hope are five. We're their parents, they will go where we go."Klaus cuts the chase and goes to walk out but Liv stopped him "Klaus, you need to have a very real conversation about what's best for them with Kie."
"Yes, there are a couple of conversations that need to happen, but we're late."Klaus said before leaving with his brothers.
Meanwhile, Ambrose asked "Wait, you are saying that siphoning spell might work that get rid of the Hollow once for all?"
"Yes. There this special Gemini siphoning spell. According to my vision, your daughter will get possessed by the Hollow if she's not already. We can save her by using this spell by extracting the Hollow and then we put the Hollow's spirit into either Aurora or Nora who are still under the sleeping spells."Lola explained.
"And then what?"Ambrose asked.
"We kill whoever we will put the Hollow's spirit inside and the Hollow will be dead for good."Lola said.
Elsewhere, once Klaus, Kol and Elijah arrived to the Lafayette cemetery where they would meet Marcel, they were informed of new informations about the Hollow and it wasn't good.
"Impossible. Whatever those thieving acolytes are up to, they function independently of the Hollow. Hayley killed her, I saw the corpse through my own eyes." Klaus said, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Her body is dead, Klaus. That's not enough."Vincent explained in frustration.
"What are you saying?"Kol asked.
"I'm saying that by now, the Ancestors should've been able to imprison her spirit. That didn't happen. The spirit's still out there. So she must've had a plan B."Vincent told them.
"No doubt. Perhaps they had assistance. Tell me... were you a part of it?"Kol accused.
"Kol." Klaus groaned and Vincent reacted the same "Oh, come on, man."
"Hey, back off. All right, look, I trust Vincent." Marcel warned the hybrid.
"Look, I don't care if... I don't care if any of you trust me, to be perfectly honest. Because unlike all of you, I have been doing something. I've been spending the past couple of days trying to figure out a way to lock the Hollow up for good."Vincent truthfully explained.
"And do you have any answers?"Kol asked.
"Yes. And no. I used the book to put myself into a trance."Vincent said.
"Which book are you talking about?"Kol asked.
"The book he found. Contains the secrets of the Hollow's magic. Written... in his handwriting."Marcel answered.
"Ah. Well, you can see how no part of this filled me with a modicum of confidence."Klaus commented.
"And while I was in that trance, I met with the spirit of Inadu's mother. From her, I was trying to get the same spell that she used 1,500 years ago to put her daughter down. Now, that's when those acolytes showed up and stopped me."Vincent sighed in defeat.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Get back to work! The acolytes took the book. I have a library full of grimoires. Take your pick!"Klaus raised his voice.
"Klaus, I don't need your library. That book is special. That book represents an extension of the Hollow's power into this world, all right? It is just as eternal as she is. And I'm telling you right now, if I tweak that spell in just the right way, I can lock her in the book and put the Hollow down for good."Vincent told him.
"So where is it now?"Elijah asked.
"It's still with the acolytes. I used this page from the book to track them to the place where she was reborn. That's where you'll find them." Vincent said.
Kol then received a text from Lola and said "We'll get the book but if it doesn't work, Lola has another way. She explained that Ambrose, her and Ambrose can extract the hollow from Andrea and put it in Nora's with a siphoning spell and if they kill Nora while the Hollow is inside her, the Hollow will be killed once and for all."
"I like this plan."Klaus commented.
Vincent sighed, agreeing that this plan was better.
At the compound, Hayley sits in one of the room of the couch, one hand rested on her knee and the other playing with the crescent on her necklace. She stares off at nothing, not even noticing that Freya and Ambrose walked into the room with a happy smile.
"So, I know we're not always the most open around here, but I have to tell someone... What's wrong?"Freya said.
"Freya, Ambrose, I've been thinking all morning about what happened last night. The Hollow had me. She could've killed me, but she didn't. She just took my blood and left. Why?"Hayley told her.
"Well, blood can be used for a number of reasons. Locator spells, healing spells, linking s..."Freya trailed.
"Linking spell. She didn't link herself to me. I took this from Andrea's room. Do a reading on this. Tell me what kind of energy you feel."Ambrose exclaimed and picked up Andrea's brush.
Freya looked at the mother worriedly, watching as she paces a bit. She holds the brush in her hands, closing her eyes to focus and do a reading on the brush. When she feels the magic within the brush, she quickly sets the brush down on the coffee table and stands up, away from it as she said "It's the Hollow's magic."
"Labonair blood was supposed to kill her."Hayley says and stepped closer to the Mikaelson witch.
"Unless she tapped into your bloodline deliberately, found a way to overcome the power and turned it into a strength."Freya said.
"She knows that you wouldn't hurt your own daughter."Ambrose stammered.
"What do we do?" Freya asked.
"Text Lola." Hayley said before she went to retrieve Nora's body for the ritual before coming back.
Freya did as told.
Ambrose and Lola teleported away in and they explained everything. Ambrose walked toward Andrea/The Hollow and and both siblings said "I know you're the Hollow. You may be strong but you're not strong as us. "
"Andrea is still fighting, but she'll give in soon. Once this is complete, I'll be in her body permanently. You really think you can defeat me? You're welcome to try. But once Andrea Marshall-Parker gives in... I will be more powerful than you can even imagine." The Hollow smirked.
"That's not gonna happen. As part siphons. we can extract you from you and then kill you for good."Ambrose smirked.
Freya drew a salt circle where she and Hayley put Nora's body in it.
The Hollow tried to stop them but Freya used a protection spell as Lola and Ambrose chanted the spell together "Magia tollox de terras. Solvo. Magia tollox de terras. Solvo. Magia tollox de terras. Solvo. Magia tollox de terras. Solvo."
The Hollow's spirit went into Nora's body as Ambrose used his magic to decapitate Nora, killing both Nora and destroying the Hollow once and for all.
Andrea wake up and said "Dad? Auntie Lola?"
Hayley rushed and asked "Andrea?"
"It's over. The spell worked. The Hollow is gone. All we need to do now is get rid of the Hollow's followers."Lola told them.
Klaus and Kol walked in and said "It's good to hear."
Meanwhile, Kai resurrected the witch Dominic and all the Followers of the Hollow were shock when they discovered that the Hollow's spirit was destroyed but they agreed to follow Kai as their new leader.
A/N Hope you like this new chapter. I killed the Hollow earlier.
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