The Story About The Hollow Part Two
In the Ancestral Plane, Hayley asked Sophie "If this thing is so powerful it can't be destroyed, why bring us here? Why tell us all of this?"
"The Ancestors needed you to know."Sophie replied.
"Please inform the Ancestors that they're a colossal waste of my time. I've been alive a thousand years. I've never met anything I couldn't kill. We will defeat this pathetic phantom, as well."Klaus scoffed.
Lola frowned after going over the story in her head "It was her tribe that turned her into this thing. Her family should have stopped it."
"You don't think they tried? All they wanted was to undue what their magic did. But that was the beginning of the end. Over time, she grew and craved more power. Inadu channeled life in all its forms. Her hunger was insatiable. She loved the fear she inspired in others. Her people knew her as ruthless, unfeeling, empty. Until that became her defining quality. So they began to refer to her by that single trait... 'The Hollow.'"Sophie told them.
"She killed them all."Hayley said in horror.
"Not because they hurt her or were unkind. She did it for fun."Sophie told them.
Klaus shrugged "Well, to be fair, we all have our bad days."
Sophie frowned "You think this is a joke?"
"No, but it is a trifle tedious. Perhaps you could get to the bit of the story that might be of some use."Klaus said as he held his fingers closely together.
"You want to defeat the Hollow? She only has one weakness."Sophie said.
"You have our undivided attention. What is it?" Ambrose replied.
"You. You're the one chance we have."Sophie told Hayley.
"What the hell does that mean?"Klaus asked.
"I'm done talking to you."Sophie yelled as she grabbed Hayley's arm and in a flash, they had gone, leaving Klaus, Ambrose and Lola alone.
"Sophie?" Ambrose frowned as he yelled.
"Sophie! Oh, bloody brillant. She's left us here." Klaus shouted in annoyance.
"Let me try something."Ambrose said.
He held her hands out in front of her, channeling power but he felt nothing. He furrowed his brows, shaking his head before trying again. But nothing happened. He thrust them forward, but nothing. He glanced at the palms of his hands, trying to do something, anything but nothing would work.
"Why is nothing happening?"Klaus asked.
Ambrose frowned, putting his hands down "For some reason, I have no magic here."
"How is that possible?"Klaus asked.
"I'm not dead, so..."Ambrose trailed, glancing around the church of the dead.
"Technically, you are."Klaus replied, referring to the vampirism.
"Right, but I'm not in a supernatural purgatory. I'm still alive. Thankfully." Ambrose says, nodding.
Klaus scanned around his surroundings and asked "So, what exactly are we supposed to do?"
"We can't do anything until waiting for her to return."Lola sighed.
It had been probably ten minutes since Sophie and Hayley left them. It wasn't that long for the girls, but for Klaus and Ambrose, it felt like forever because all they kept doing was pacing around, and asking where she was. A buzzing sound appeared and they glanced to the left to see Sophie re-appear.
"What have you done to Hayley?" Klaus demanded.
"I sent her to save us all."Sophie replied, staring ahead, expressionless.
" Really? Or is this your idea of revenge? Holding us captive?" Klaus questioned.
"I don't care about revenge. I'm a New Orleans witch and I will protect my home. Not just for me, but for your children, too."Sophie snapped.
"Then release us."Klaus demanded.
"No. I need you here. You see, we have the same problem that the tribes did. After the tribe killed Inadu, her spirit became more powerful. She haunted them."Sophie raised her voice.
"The blue lights."Ambrose realized.
"Yes. So they burned her remains, but not all the pieces could be destroyed. As long as those pieces were together, her power only grew. The indestructible bones were distributed among four families. Each charged with keeping the bones apart, so that they would never come together again. Now that she's free, she won't stop until those pieces are gathered."Sophie says, nodding.
Klaus frowned "Well, then put her back in the prison that held her for the last eon."
" I will. And that's what you're here for."Sophie said before she waved her hands and suddenly Ambrose and Lola laid on their stomachs on the floor of the real St. Anne's church.
"Sophie?"A voice yelled. They glanced seeing Marcel and Hayley enter the church.
"Don't try to stop me, Marcel. If I don't kill Klaus, if I don't put down the Hollow, she'll come for all of you. She'll burn the entire city."Sophie's voice came from above.
"Sophie, please." Lola begged.
"No. I was just waiting for the weapon, but now that you're here... I'm sorry. But you need to kill him. "Sophie said as she thrust her hand forward. She pulled him into the circle.
"No, Sophie!"Marcel shouted.
"He's lived ten lifetimes, that's more than enough."Sophie replied.
"No! He has children, Sophie."Hayley shouted at her.
"They'll still have you, Lola and Liv. But if we don't stop the Hollow, then they will die. You can save them, Marcel. And everyone in New Orleans."Sophie told her.
"Stop this. This is about your grievances with me."A voice yelled across the room. Lola looked towards the entrance, seeing Elijah walking towards them with Gia.
"This has nothing to do with you. This is about a sacrifice. One death for the greater good."Sophie said.
Elijah furrowed his brows "Then take me."
"Elijah, no!"Gia said, moving towards him.
He ignored her, continuing to stare at Sophie "If indeed there is no other way... then end this now."
"No. No. No, nobody's dying today."Marcel yelled over them.
"Then I'll do it myself."Sophie said as she thrust her hand to Marcel, causing him to drop to the floor. His beast face came forth. He dropped to his hands and knees, venom dripping from his fangs onto the floor.
Kiara watched in horror as it befan to move towards Klaus and said "Sophie, stop!"
"You don't have to do this."Ambrose yelled.
"I'm sorry, it's the only way."Sophie replied, continuing.
"No!"Another voice yelled, this one belonging to someone a whole lot smaller.
Lola glanced back to the door, seeing Olivia, Lucas, and Emma.
Lucas said " You promised to help, but you're not helping."
"You're hurting us."Olivia stated.
"And we won't let you."Emma added.
Olivia, Lucas and Emma thrust their hands towards Sophie, their magic causing a gust of wind to whirl the room. The boundary of the circle broke and Lola felt the magic lift from her body, able to move again. Lola sat up, seeing Sophie's had disappeared.
She looked to Klaus, seeing him waking up. He only sat up and Lola lunged forward, pulling him into a hug.
Later on, at the compound, Lola walked toward Klaus after Luke was leaving.
"Luke went to talk with the kids before he left. Since he needed to go back to his own kids and Davina." Klaus said.
Lola told him "I was so scared for you, today."
"Well, thanks to our kids. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."Klaus said as they kissed.
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