Chapter 2 - Determining Plans
*Sorry it's been awhile since I've added to this story, but here's the next part. It's from Mischief's PoV, until stated otherwise. happy reading!*
Currently I was sulking around with my best friend, Determination. There has to be a way to make Anxiety fade away and leave Princey to be mine forever. The real question was how to do it? And how do I make Princey love me from there?
"So then she said that she needed to go talk to him about something. It was rather sudden cause we had just sat down for tea, you know?" Determination was rambling on about Sadness, whom he had a rather close relationship with.
"What does this have to do with getting him out of the picture?" I growled, turning to sulk out the window of my bedroom.
"I was getting to that." Determination huffed tiredly, before he continued on with his rambling. "So I followed her and ended up outside his room. I eavesdropped just like how you taught me and I heard him say that something was getting worse. He mentioned something about how every time Thomas gets help for his Anxiety, that he suffers more. Apparently somebody from the brain is sent down to hurt him every time that someone or something is called to take care of him."
"Interesting. So we just gotta make sure that this 'help' helps him right out of existence." I responded. This could make things easier for us. I just had to follow this boy to his help to see if it had the capability of doing what I wanted it to do. Then I would have to make sure that it ended up doing what I wished of it to do.
Determination watched me pace around the room in thought. Now we just had to force the issue of getting this Management to show themselves in front of us. Then we can figure out how to manipulate it and get it to destroy Anxiety. It proved to be a task that was easier said than done. My plan was to get one of the other key emotions to be angry enough at Anxiety to get Thomas to try to get control over him. My mind went to Prince, he would be the easiest to manipulate into yelling at Anxiety. I turned to Determination, whispering my plan in his ear before we parted to carry out our plan later.
It was an hour after dinner when our opportunity came. Prince was sitting in the commons, his nose stuck in a storybook. I pulled Determination beside me and we settled on one of the rooms multiple couches.
"Can you believe Anxiety? I mean what kind of personality hurts their host like he's done?" Determination started.
"I know. And the way he was talking about Prince this morning, saying how Thomas should get some help to control his creative side..." Prince glanced up from his reading, a scowl on his face. Determination and I started talking about other problems with Anxiety until Prince stood up quite suddenly and stormed out of the room in an angry huff. I felt a smile break over my face before we went to the kitchen to get popcorn and snacks before we watched the rest of the day unfold.
When we had returned to the common room, Morality and Logic where already arguing over Thomas's well being. Our host was on the large movie theater like screen and he was thinking about the last play he had been in. He had recently messed up a little in the show, stuttering over his words and missing a cue to enter the stage. Anxiety trudged in, his feet looking heavy and dark eye-shadow under his eyes that looked like he had half-assed putting it on this morning. Prince came in a couple minutes later, royal sandwich in hand. The room was instantly abuzz with arguments pertaining to how Thomas should behave and process his situation.
"You totally messed up in the middle of the show today." Anxiety whispered darkly, projecting his voice into Thomas's ear. Prince bumped into Anxiety and the dark personality flinched away in obvious fear and rejection. Prince ignored the look on Anxiety's face and instead turned to whisper into our host's ear.
"No you didn't. You did a great job. Won't you shut up Anni? Logan stopped for a while so why can't you? You're more amazing than any of us Thomas. You're alive and wholly present in the world. You make thousands of people smile, why should you change anything about yourself or your life? To appease Anni? Trust me, he's not worth it." Prince's whisper filled the room greatly. Anxiety tried to walk away, but before he could reach the door Prince spoke up once more. "Maybe you should start getting help for it again..." Anxiety stood frozen for a moment before he sped down the hallway. I followed as close as I dared, slinking out of the commons so I wasn't asked any questions. The building shifted around him and soon I was standing outside of a locked door. Petrified sobs cut through the wood and made me smile in joy. Anxiety was in there and from every sound he made, I could tell that this would be the thing that would destroy Anxiety if it hadn't already done that.
When his screams died down, a woman walked out into the hallway, letting her dress trail behind her to wave in an imaginary breeze. She glanced at me and I stopped her before she could run off.
"What did you do to Anxiety? Is he okay? And can you do it again?" I asked, my smirk coming to rest on my features as she gave me a weird look. Her answer was short and quipped. Her eyes rested on the bricks on the opposite wall from where she stood.
"I did what was instructed of me. No and yes." Her eyes were glassy and I realized that she was probably an emotionless personality. You see, some of the beings inside Thomas's brain are not strong enough to portray their own emotions so they are called emotionless. That was a useful thing to know for my plan.
(Change PoV to Determination)
I was standing in the corner of the room, watching the others laugh and have a jolly time. They had invited me in to participate but I just wasn't feeling it. It was annoying when the person you liked was your best friend and they didn't even notice or acknowledge you much. I didn't want to be in this situation but love works in mysterious ways and I had fallen for Mischief and I had fallen in deep, hard, and fast.
It was completely by chance that I glanced up and noticed Anxiety shaking in the doorway. He didn't look well and I wondered briefly what had happened. This was pretty extreme compared to all his other injuries that he aquired over the years. There were bruises along his neck that slid down into his hoodie, blood oozed out from under his eye and he looked like he was trying not to be sick all over the floor. He was leaning heavily against the door frame and seemed to be trying to move into the room. I could only wonder what he was thinking, taking a nervous step forward in case he fell over.
"You guys remember when I fell off the bed that one time?" Prince chuckled as I tuned back into the conversation. My eyes stayed glued to Anxiety while I listened in on the conversation.
"Yeah, that was pretty funny! What about that time I tried to boil an egg in the microwave?" Patton added, the smile that protruded from his lips added more light to the already bright room.
"That was not a good day!" Logan smirked at the others and I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, that was a really funny day. Especially seeing Logan as angry as he had gotten. Turning back to the conversation, Prince had suddenly turned all too serious, a look that didn't suit him or his personality in the slightest.
"Speaking of bad days, do you think I was too hard on Anni earlier?" Prince had a weird look of strange conviction on his face and I felt like I was looking into a mirror cause that's the kind of thing that I would worry about in relation to Mischief.
"Not even remotely." Logan responded quickly. I had to disagree. While a normal person could handle what Prince had said to them earlier, Anxiety was far from normal and the boy required special attention.
"Well you probably could have phrased it better. I mean, did you see the way he ran after you mentioned Thomas should get help? He ran so fast that I thought there was another explosion in the kitchen!" Patton's voice was oddly sweet even though it was quite clear how serious he intended to be.
"I just want what's best for all of us, and Thomas does better when he sees less of Anxiety."
"But he needs some anxiety in his life, it's the adrenaline that keeps him in motion. Not to mention we all have expressed some favorable words for him before. Remember when Logan called him sweet that one time, or when I said that he's just the most huggable in here besides me. And what about you Prince, I'm sure you haven't forgotten about the time you said..." A silly grin snuck onto Patton's face.
"Shut up, Dad. I remember." Prince's cheeks had turned bright red and he took on a meek appearance that almost looked bashful.
"Do you remember what happened yesterday after you yelled at Anni? That was priceless!" the smirk on Logan's face looked bizarre and slightly condescending, despite the lack of malice in his tone.
"So? I call him that all the time. He isn't worth much." Prince huffed. Anxiety seemed to be closer to falling over and I took another step towards him. He didn't know about yesterday. The event the others were referring to was when Prince had been humming to himself in the commons. He had his guitar out and was singing a song he had made for Anxiety. He thought nobody was watching, but almost everyone was. Patton even recorded it. It had gone something like this:
"Mirror, mirror
Mirror on the wall
Tellin' those lies
Pointing out your flaws
That isn't who you are
That isn't who you are
It might be hard to hear
But let me tell you, dear
If you could see what I can see
I know you would believe
That isn't who you are
There's more to who you are
So when it's late
You're wide awake
Too much to take
Don't you dare forget that in the pain
You can be brave
Hear me say
I see you dressed in white
Every wrong made right
I see a rose in bloom
At the sight of you
Oh, so priceless
Irreplaceable, unmistakable, incomparable
Darling, it's beautiful
I see it all in you
Oh, so priceless" That's all I could remember from it, but it was clearly a confession to Anxiety.
I tuned back in to hear the thud of Anxiety collapsing onto the floor. Without much thought I had run over and was instantly the first one to be hunched over a very sickly looking and clearly unconscious Anxiety. When Prince turned, he was running so high on adrenaline that he didn't notice I was there. It didn't matter though, as Prince was the first to check Anxiety's pulse. The look on Patton's face made me know that he was close to tears.
"Do you think he heard us and did this to himself?" Patton had asked, his breathing becoming light as he tried to hold his tears inside.
"Even if we somehow are the cause of this, he can't have done all this while just standing in the corridor listening in on out conversation." Logic intervened, placing a gentle hand on Patton's shoulder to sooth the heart of the mind.
"I don't think he did this to himself." I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes since I knew the truth. But I was rather curious about how Prince had come to that conclusion. "Anni doesn't handle self-infilicted pain with such a high level of composure. He must have been standing out there for awhile before he collapsed. If it was self-induced pain, we all would have known that he was standing there. The real question now is, who would do something like this to our precious Anni?" His answer made a surprising amount of sense and had me nodding along.
"See Princey, you do care more than you admit to care about him." Patton smiled softly and the blush returned to Prince's cheeks and neck, along with a indecisive frown.
"Of course I care some. He's a part of all of us." Prince spoke as he hiked Anxiety up into his arms and went for the boys bedroom. I started to follow them when Mischief pulled me aside and pulled me along the hallway into his bedroom. I would have gotten excited if I didn't have the disappointment hanging heavily in the back of my mind. There was strong excitement in his gaze and I wondered what he had to say. I didn't have to wait long to find out about what his excitement entailed.
"I met her. This Management that has been destroying Anxiety. She's more powerful that what we could have hoped for. And she'll easily break Anxiety's mind. From his screams, I can tell that he's already close to his breaking point."
"I could have told you that from the way he looked before he fainted." I inwardly cringed at his excitement. How could the man I love be so cruel to another emotion?
"He fainted! That's awesome!!! I know what we need to do, so are you ready to help me?" I nodded, non-committally and he dragged me from the room, his face encased in smiles.
*The song is Priceless by For King and Country*
*My next update will happen soon. In the meantime, happy reading!*
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