Chapter Three
My bargaining with mother had worked to some extent, but when I glanced at the place card to my right I groaned.
Angel Kent
Tristan was sat across diagonally from me, he showed me the place card next to him with one eyebrow raised.
Evangeline Bence
I grinned at him, not giving anything away yet.
Lord and lady Dunbobbin were sat with us this evening, he next to Lady Bence and she next to me. They were one of the kinder married couples who chaperoned us at dinners, but unfortunately kinder meant blander.
The Debutantes began to filter in, butlers directing them to their tables. Angel's nose was firmly skyward as she walked over, waiting for me to stand for her.
I, feeling mother's eyes on me from the head table, stood and kissed her manicured hand, and drew out her chair, eager to be done with her as soon as possible.
She laughed and tossed some of her whiteish blonde hair over her shoulder. I sat back down and watched as Tristan pulled out the chair for Evangeline Bence. She looked somewhat awkward, very petite but like her limbs were too long. Her brown eyes were like a doe's, focused on the table as she sat at it.
Mother was watching her too, she didn't seem impressed.
"Good evening, Angel, it's lovely to see you again." Tristan spoke courteously - I was impressed. I pasted on my king face and nodded along.
"Isn't it?" She dimpled prettily, and her hand tried to make its way to mine, Lady Dunbobbin cleared her throat. Angel's claw slithered back to her lap. "Oh, Gavrila, it's been ages since I last saw you. This season is going to be such fun. But do introduce me to yourself." She aimed her gaze to the girl across from me, keeping her body still angled towards me. "And pray tell why you came in Anne-Marie's carriage."
Any shred of awkwardness left lady Bence as her eyes shot up to meet Angel's. I smirked behind my napkin.
"She fell ill." Evangeline almost snapped.
"Oh how lucky you were avaliable to come to the palace in her stead." Angel spoke in that voice which had almost always made me believe her when we were children.
"Of course. The opportunity of a lifetime." Evangeline responded in the same voice and I knew she was lying.
Yep she was the girl I wanted.
It looked like Angel was about to start interrogating Evangeline again so I made sure of a subject which thoroughly disinterested her.
"Lord Dunbobbin, how did you fare at the races this year. I was positively certain that that Moonlight horse would win."
Lord Dunbobbin split a smile across his old face. "Aye, so was Hettie, thankfully we were sponsoring Whirlaway again and for a tidy profit too."
"Oh bravo." James smiled in earnest. "Gavrila it really is such a shame you missed it."
I saw Angel dimpling out of the corner of my eye and so turned to her to get it over with. "Oh was that when you were at the front lines, Ganechka? He's so brave isn't he, Evangeline?"
I looked across to her and her eyes lit up. "You were on the front lines? Which division?"
"Forty seventh, my lady, but this is a hardly fitting subject for the dinner table." She dipped her eyes to her plate and I felt bad for telling her off.
"When I was at Videmannette they never gave us time off to go to the races. Lady Bence, which finishing school did you go to?"
I saw Evangeline ripple against Angel's gaze. "Greengate." She put her fork down.
"Oh I haven't heard of it," Angel smiled triumphantly. "Where-"
"I know Greengate." I faked a smile of understanding. "It's in Oldcliff if I am not wrong?" Evangeline nodded politely.
Angel laughed lightly. "And how are you so familiar with young ladies' finishing schools, your Highness?"
I racked my brain frantically. "Emmeline is looking to enroll there. They have been praised as one of the best around." Tristan nodded along politely, his eyes searching mine without any trace of understanding.
"She's my sister." He supplied for Lady Bence. "Really she's very excited." Tristan smiled in thanks as one of my least favoured butlers took his plate away. He took his gaze back to Angel though as he spoke carefully. "She's very eager to get away from those court affairs and problems." I turned to Angel too, trying to gauge her reaction. The Debutante did well at hiding anything to be honest.
"Oh." Angel muttered, and turned to her dessert course.
I looked back to Evangeline and her eyebrow was firmly raised, looking between myself, Tristan, and Angel.
"Well I expect you two ladies are excited for your induction ball tomorrow? It is a very grand occasion." Tristan expertly filled the silence. Angel sat up straight again, beaming in earnest.
"Oh I am ever so excited for it. Mama had a dress made for me by Arbeay in Zbecogan. It's simply divine. The tailors there are unmatched."
"Zbecogan?" Evangeline asked. "I've seen the ballerinas from there. They're the most graceful in the world. I saw their rendition of Gentilé."
"Ah the Ilragese ballet company will be premiering that next week." Tristan joined in and I slipped him a glare for bringing up that event, which was going to be by strict invitation, which I was not planning to give to Angel.
"You will let me come won't you, Gavrila? You know how much I adore the ballet?" She simpered straight away.
Which I knew for a fact she didn't.
Thankfully I didn't have to answer as mother and father rose. It was customary to escort the lady opposite out of the dining hall, but lady Bence didn't seem to know this as she rose of her own accord.
"I am meant to give you a hand out, my lady." I reminded her, offering my arm. She took it warily, huge doe eyes focused on me.
"Why is that?" She asked as she pulled her skirt out from under the table.
"In case you swoon or something I suppose?"
"Well that's silly but why you? Why not Mr Turner?"
I chuckled. "Do you know nothing of court protocol?"
She glared back up at me which only made me laugh more. "No I do not." She spoke quite decidedly, watching the doors we approached. "And I don't have mind to learn them either quite frankly."
"Too busy troubling yourself with war games to play the court games?"
She smiled in earnest. "As a matter of fact I am."
An idea popped into my head which I couldn't quell. "Be ready to leave your suite at 06:00 tomorrow morning, I'm interested to learn of your knowledge of the war and I have some things which may interest you."
I wasn't bold to look at her after I had suggested it, so left her with the crowd of Debutantes and made back towards my rooms before the tide of them could pounce on me.
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