» 3. flight «
By the time the other apprentices had finally shut up and gone to sleep, Otterpaw didn't feel tired anymore.
Sleeping in the same den with the rest of the apprentices in the Mistletoe League was the worst, especially when Kitepaw could never stop talking to Minkpaw, and when Kitepaw was talking, Fernpaw was talking. That night had been the worst since they were all first apprenticed, it wasn't until past moon high and three "BE QUIET"s from Russetleap and Copperwing that they finally quieted down and drifted to sleep. But Otterpaw couldn't sleep. Crickets chirped and frogs hummed and Fernpaw snored softly, but Otterpaw's yellow-green eyes were wide open. Faint moonlight was able to stream through the bush leaves that sheltered the apprentices, dappling their small bodies.
She considered moving further to the back of the huddle of young cats, closer to the pine tree that the large bush was pressed against, when a movement caught her eye. A shape... A shadow. However, after a hard look, Otterpaw realized what--no--who it was. Silvery-white light gently traced the unmistakable form of Magpiepaw as she slinked out of the den.
The brown tabby took a quick glance around her. Minkpaw was out cold, the longer furred she-cat flopped on her side. Every other apprentice in the league was asleep... A quick walk might even help me fall asleep. Plus, there's something... off... about Magpiepaw. Otterpaw quietly stood up, stalking out of the bushes. Russetleap was laying out on the rock at the edge of the Mistletoe League camp, and Magpiepaw was slipping away just behind him.
Otterpaw narrowed her eyes, her fur fluffing up slightly at the challenge. If she just followed Magpiepaw's pawsteps, Russetleap wouldn't notice her, just like he didn't notice the thick-furred apprentice. She squared her shoulders, darting across the small path behind the outlook post.
"Otterpaw!" She leaped into the air, pelt on end as her name was sharply called. She turned, the dark reddish tom standing before her, his fur ruffled. Otterpaw's confidence suddenly vanished like morning mist in sunlight.
"...mm... Yes?" Her voice wavered, her mouth feeling dry. Fortunately for her, Russetleap seemed just an unconfident.
"It's past moonhigh, what are you doing out of your nest?!" Otterpaw glanced to the bushes where Magpiepaw had disappeared. The black and white apprentice was simply... Gone. She can't be too far. I've just got to get away from Russetleap....
"I was going to go... And......." What're you going to say? That you think the new apprentice is the shiftiest cat you've met and you were stalking her? "I...wanted to.... practice that new fighting move-- the-- the-- duck-and-leap?" Russetleap seemed to accept this excuse, as his yellow-green eyes brightened.
"I do suppose that you want to get ahead of your Leaguemates. And the duck and leap requires lots of agility-- your sister Minkpaw was good at it, why don't you have her help you tomorrow morning?" Minkpaw's good at everything. Otterpaw suppressed a growl, flicking her tail.
"No-- I want to get ahead in secret... So that Pinerock doesn't see it coming, you know? Impress him?" Russetleap kneaded at the soft earth as he thought for a moment, his eyes flicking back and forth.
"You've gotta be back before dawn... Okay? And if Pinerock asks, I was the one who taught you how to duck-and-leap so well," The dark ginger tom finally said, though his voice wavered as if he were unsure of himself.
Otterpaw nodded vigorously and took off before he could reconsider, her mouth cracked open for a trace of Magpiepaw. After weaving around pine tree after pine tree, she finally caught a trace. She slowed, slinking to the ground. Her eyes swept the mostly clear pine forest floor, searching for the shadowy she-cat. Moonlight lightly trickled down between pine tree branches, lighting up the light undergrowth in jagged spots.
Her ears pricked as she thought she saw the thick furred form, but rather it was only a bush with awkward lighting. She turned, ready to move on, when something slammed on top of her. Every bit of breath seemed to be knocked right out of her, and the apprentice kicked out her hind paws blindly. Suddenly, though, the weight was removed as her attacked removed themselves. Otterpaw leaped to her paws, her yellow-green eyes narrowed. The cat she had been looking for all night: Magpiepaw.
"W-Why'd you attack me?!" She hissed, fur fluffed out as she tried to make herself look bigger. She was nothing compared to the huge black-and-white cat.
"Why were you following me?" She growled in a cool voice. Otterpaw took a step back back, eyes wild.
"Because you left camp...!" The brown tabby replied, her fur flattening.
"I didn't realize you were so annoying." Magpiepaw finally meowed after a moment, settling down onto her haunches and licking her paws. Otterpaw gave an indignant sniff, pacing in a circle.
"What's up with you? Why are you in our league now?" Otterpaw interrogated. Magpiepaw paused mid-lick.
"Why do you think I'm in your lame league?" She raised a brow inquisitively.
"I didn't choose to be in the Mistletoe League, I was just born at an unfortunate time in the same moon Lilacpaw and a bunch if other tadpole-brains. But... Fernpaw says that you killed a cat. Fernpaw's brother, Bumblepaw, says that you'll kill a bunch of us, too, because killers keep on killing." Magpiepaw seemed to choke on laughter, her eyes wide and bright.
"Holy StarClan no. I just wasn't up to my League's, the Wasp League, standards." She seemed to shift as she spoke. Otterpaw tipped her head up.
"I don't believe that's true. The Wasp League has the highest standards of all the leagues, but I don't believe you fell behind. It has to be something else." Otterpaw narrowed her eyes, determined. Magpiepaw breathed out with a smirk.
"Okay, if that's what you think. I was just on my way to see my brother, but he's probably gone now. We'll see each other next half moon... That is, if you don't hold me up again." Otterpaw's pelt grew hot. I kept her from seeing her littermate...!
"I-- sorry..." She whispered, looking down at her paws. Magpiepaw stood up, flicking her feathery tail.
"It's fine-- I heard that lousy excuse you have to Russetleap though. You really do suck. You could even defend yourself when I attacked you!" Magpiepaw laughed, a strong genuine, whole-hearted laugh. Not same giggly Lilacpaw laugh. A real 'you humor me,' laugh.
"I do not...!" Otterpaw fluffed up her hot pelt. Magpiepaw gave her a lift shove, nearly knocking her off her paws. Which, to Otterpaw's discontent, sent Magpiepaw into another laughing fit.
"Fine, fine.. I'll help you to be less of a little toad if you promise not to tell anyone about tonight or any other night where I might sneak out."
"I don't need your help." Otterpaw growled, pelt hot, her eyes on the ground.
"Whatever. But if you want my help, tomorrow night I'll be right here at moonhigh-- at the Fallen Pine by the MarshClan-DrizzleClan border. Come if you want." Magpiepaw flicked her tail towards a tall pine that had been blasted over moons upon moons before by a windstorm. The black-and-white she-cat turned, making her way back to the Mistletoe League campsite, leaving Otterpaw bathed in moonlight and surrounded by pine trees.
Holla holla @ u boi
Also I'm counting f or f votes on June 7th.
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