Chapter Four: Unwilling Patient
Henri stood stock still in that position for what felt like hours, moving only once to write down the events in his small leather-bound journal. He found his mind unable to think beyond the rushing worry and anxiety. He gripped the wood of the desk tighter. No matter the outcome, he was in this to the end now.
He took a slow breath, trying once more to rein in his thoughts as he sat down. The question now was what should he do. He considered turning his intruder in to the authorities, but abandoned the thought outright. The prisons were no place for an injured man. Criminal or not he didn't wish to send him to an untimely death.
The young Doctor's eyebrows furrowed. He couldn't just stand idly by either. He didn't wish to be mistaken for a criminal cohort if anyone happened upon his patient... Quincy in particular. He rubbed at the bridge of his nose under his glasses. He would have to talk to David, he was in charge of the case after all. He would know what to do with this NightOwl.
A short gasp of pain ripped him from his long chain of thoughts. He whirled to face his patient, his mind burning with a mix of fear and concern. The raven-haired highwayman let out a short cry, his entire form shuttering as his right hand flew to his injury on reflex. He wasn't fully conscious yet, but his mind was already strongly registering the pain. NightOwl's hand gripped at the bandages, his fingers scratching into the fabric in a frantic attempt to rid his shoulder of the pain. Henri leapt from his seat, his injured leg protesting against the sudden action. The man would harm himself even more severely if he continued.
Henri darted to his patient's side as fast as his hindered leg would allow, his mind a whirlwind of fear and panic. He didn't know exactly what to do to contain his thrashing, but he knew he had to make him stop. He pressed down on his patient's shoulders, his left hand slipping and the pressure just edging the side of the wound. NightOwl let out a tortured scream, his body stiffening then falling limp once more as he sank back into full unconsciousness. Henri snatched his hands back, a flash of guilt at the pain he had inflicted flickering in his mind. He let out a shaky breath.
At least he is no longer unconsciously harming himself.
The young doctor let his arms drop to his sides. He studied the now still form of the NightOwl, who's chest gently rose and fell with ragged breaths. He seemed to be no worse for the experience, praise the Lord. Henri let out a deep sigh, running a hand through his flaxen hair. Great gears, his anxiety was going to get the best of him. He closed his eyes and removed his glasses, letting his hand run down his face and fall to his neck as he reset his spectacles once more. This was getting too complex too fast, and it showed no signs of slowing or getting any clearer. With a breath he turned to the side, shooting a glance at the unconscious patient.
Two sharp golden Irises stared back.
Henri's heart leapt into his throat as he let out a short gasp, whirling to fully face the downed NightOwl. The supposed criminal was still as stone, not even stirring a finger as he stared at the doctor. Henri struggled to read the emotion in the fearsome eyes to judge if the man was conscious. Anger? Challenge? Insanity...
Henri analyzed the last emotion with confusion. What would a man such as this have to fear from a half-maimed doctor? Henri shifted to the right a few steps, NightOwl's gaze followed, his body still unmoving. He was most certainly conscious then. Henri swallowed at the lump in his throat, trying to puzzle out what to do. He couldn't allow himself to appear weak in the presence of this man, who knew what he was capable of... even injured. The young doctor tried to pull himself up into a more collected stance, forcing his eyes to stare into the chilling ones of his intruder turned patient.
"I assume it is needless to say you are the NightOwl." He said, attempting to keep his voice from cracking and betraying his fears.
The highwayman stayed motionless, but the eyebrow that wasn't covered by his raven-colored hair rose slightly within the eye of the mask. Henri blinked. He pushed his glasses up on his nose, mentally mapping out an interrogative conversation.
"Your reputation precedes you. Nighttime hunter, terrorizing London, potential large-scale criminal."
A deep sigh met his ears, and the NightOwl gave a subtle negative shake of his head, wincing as it caused a pain to shoot through his shoulder. Henri frowned, his eyes narrowing in confusion.
"Are you unable to speak?"
A soft rumbling huff echoed in the room as the NightOwl's mouth twitched.
"I choose to speak only when I have something worth saying." NightOwl replied in a mildly baritone voice.
The young doctor's bravado seemed to slip away from him like water, taking with it the challenging speech he had been following. Henri's throat went dry and he coughed to clear it, attempting to right himself from the unexpected result of his question.
"Ah... Well." He struggled to find words. "Very... honorable of you."
The black-haired man's eyebrow rose again, but his mouth stayed in a firm partial frown. His eyes bore into Henri's as if searching for something.
"Why did you do this?" He questioned, his eyes narrowing behind their silver mask. "You fear, yet you helped regardless of that fear. "
Henri blinked in surprise, his mind spun for an answer. Why indeed? He bit his lip, his hands clasping together. He knew the answer, but was uncertain as to whether or not his patient would accept it.
"It is my duty as a Doctor, and by far more as a Christian to tend to those in need. Regardless of their potential criminal background."
The NightOwl let out a soft huff again, but his eyes seemed to soften ever so slightly. He looked away, shifting his lower body to lie more comfortably and hissing at the pain it caused. Henri moved to help, but a sharp glance from the highwayman was all the notification he needed to let him have his space. NightOwl clenched his teeth, fighting against the pain in his shoulder as he focused back on the doctor.
"And what do you plan to do with me?"
Henri took a deep breath. Trying to gain back some of his former resolve.
"Inform Inspector Daines of your location." He stated. "Let him decide how to handle it from here."
Something flickered in the unusual eyes of his patient, something guarded... but desperate.
The doctor faltered again. "Beg your pardon?" He stammered.
The NightOwl tilted his head down an inch, his black hair still covering his left eye.
"Don't tell him of me."
Henri stepped back uncertainly. Everything felt wrong about that request, like a twisted lie, but yet something pulled at him, a curiosity of sorts. He rubbed at his left hand, his gaze darting to the NightOwl and back to his hand in rapid succession.
"And why would I do that?"
The raven-haired man gave him a serious frown, his golden gaze locked with Henri's.
"They wouldn't listen, they see a criminal in me. It would be straight to prison, no questions asked."
Henri's heart tightened. He didn't want that for medical reasons, but he didn't wish to be harboring a criminal either. Indecision warred in him, fighting between his heart of kindness and his uncertainty about the moral of the situation. His eyebrows furrowed.
"What else should they see? Are you not a criminal?"
The NightOwl let out an angry growl, his gaze hardening.
"Tell me... Would a criminal leave his victims alive, and scarcely harmed at that, while not taking so much as a shilling from the scene?"
Henri was taken aback. The information was true, but so vastly different than what people were being informed. He found himself beginning to pace, rubbing at his hand furiously. The NightOwl's gaze followed his movements across the wooden floors, making Henri's neck crawl.
"I am not the villain," NightOwl stated, turning his head and closing his eyes as if to end the discussion. "You must choose for yourself what you will decide."
The doctor let out a breath, running his hand through his hair again as he paced. He sent a silent prayer for guidance, clenching his hands together in anxiousness. His notions of bravery had long since abandoned him now, and all he was left with was a tornado of confusion and pressing decisions. He felt as if he was at a crossroads in his life, and this choice would alter the course of his existence beyond imagining. A soft flicker of peace skirted his mind, and he sighed.
He wasn't ready.
But he had to be.
"I shall conceal your presence, but should you prove to be the criminal London fears you to be..." He gave NightOwl a sharp glance, hoping for all he was worth it was at least a bit intimidating. "I will not hesitate to take action if I must."
The wounded highwayman's lips twisted into a smirk, the scar across them curving slightly with the expression.
"As I would expect." His smirk dropped as he opened his eyes. He glanced back at the doctor, all previous spirit and fire replaced with pain and exhaustion. "Thank you..."
"Collins." Henri filled in. "Dr. Henri Collins."
The NightOwl gave a stiff nod, letting his head fall to the side again. His eyes flickered shut, and within moments he had drifted into a deep sleep. Henri had expected the supposed criminal to give him a true name in response, instead of just having him call him 'NightOwl'. He let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding, his shoulders sagging. Vigilantes and their secrets. He was beyond exhausted, and the late hour of the night didn't help. He felt guilty at the notion of not returning to his home for the night, but at this hour he could see no other alternative.
Unless of course he wanted to become a walking target for thugs and opportunistic gangs.
He forced his feet to move toward the side closet again. Inside was a small folded cot he kept for these unforeseen overnights. He pulled it to the far side of the lab, minding his bad limbs, and set it up. He removed his overcoat and cravat, laying them on the closest table. He shot a look at NightOwl again, his mind still anxious. The strange vigilante was fast asleep, his lanky form showing no signs of waking any time soon. He let out a shuttering sigh and removed his glasses, setting them beside his coat and settling into the stiff bed.
Sleep would be long in coming tonight.
Dragon Bytes:
FINALLY! NightOwl enters the main scene! (Squeals) I have been waiting SO long for this! NightOwl is by far my favorite in this novel, no offence to Henri of course.
(Flashes smile at the doctor)
Sorry this chapter was shorter than my usual size, I'll try and make a larger one next week!
Remember, comment, vote, and critique! I love hearing what you think!
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