Devin waited for her outside once the show was finished. Not wanting to fight for her attention, he had previously met her backstage and asked her to meet him in front of the school when she finished.
Devin sat on the steps waiting for Trechial to appear. It had been twenty minutes since he saw her, and he was starting to lose his nerve. Nervousness was something he hadn't felt in a while, but here he sat, his leg tapping restlessly, pondering different scenarios in his head about asking her on a date. He had asked her on a date before but that had ended with a phone call about his parent's death. What if she thought he was bad luck? What if she said no? His palms began to sweat, and his heart sped up.
"Hey." Her voice was light and hesitant.
Devin shot up, holding the bouquet of roses. "You sang in front of a crowd." Smooth, Romeo.
She chuckled. "It was a bit nerve-racking."
"I liked it," he said. "I... I loved it."
Her eyes sparkled beneath the light of the streetlamp, and a playful smile touched her lips. "Are those for me?" She pondered at the flowers in his hand.
"Umm, yeah," he stuttered, handing her the bouquet.
She inhaled their scent. "Thanks. They're beautiful, Tae."
He blushed, running a hand through his neatly combed hair.
She arched a brow. "You're blushing, Devin Liao."
"Would you go on a date with me?"
Her eyebrows rose to her hairline. "Right now?"
A quick pause and a smile that said she was certain about him, she dove straight in. "Right now, then. Let's go."
Taken aback, he still pushed forward with confidence. "Where do you want to go?"
"Let's go to the Lake Front. It's a nice night, and you can see the stars clearer." She glanced up at the night sky.
"Let Ms. Dee know." It was a statement that reflected how badly Devin didn't want to get neutered, so he thought it best to do so.
Trechial laughed. "I told her I was leaving with you, and I have to be back by twelve."
He looked at her with a weary look, and she laughed again. "I promise I told her. Now, let's go; time is ticking away."
The night was perfect. They walked along the riverfront, admiring the vast lake that expanded as far as the eye could see. Trechial looped her arm through Devin's. He smirked, keeping his hands in his pockets. She glanced at Devin every now and again as he spoke about his parents with fondness. No longer was there as much pain on his face and in his voice after months of anguish. There was still a longing for them, but that would never go away, and she knew that.
Trechial remembered the excruciating distress that contorted his face when they read the verdict to the man who killed his parents. DUI Manslaughter in the second degree. Harry got the maximum sentence of fifteen years, plus an extra five years for his outburst in court, along with a $10,000.00 fine. It was a slap in the face, considering he hit two people and killed them. He would be out of jail and back on the streets by age fifty. She remembered going to Devin's the next day after the verdict was read. The memory replayed in her head in the silence between Devin's stories about his parents. It all came back quickly, in just a split second, fogged with time.
She tapped on Devin's bedroom door lightly, and it slowly creaked open. She pushed it, peering into the room, and gasped. Glass was shattered everywhere. Pictures and frames were scattered over the floor. Books and posters were ripped to shreds, and holes were punched into the wall. Devin stood in the middle of the room breathing heavily, blood dripping from his fist.
He swallowed hard. "Go home, Mini."
Trechial inched closer, shaking her head no. She wouldn't leave. She couldn't. He was her friend. He was in pain. And this time, she would share in it, whenever he wanted her, however he wanted her, as long as he allowed her to. She swallowed hard and took another step; her body trembled.
Red glossy eyes raised themselves to look at her then retreated to the floor. His fist curled up into a ball. Trechial didn't know what to expect, but she knew he wouldn't hurt her.
Her eyes began to water. "Devin. I'm here."
"It hurts," he whispered. He looked at her again. The pain on his face ripped through her and shattered her heart into pieces. "Who's going to love me now?" He crumbled to the floor. Trechial ran and fell to her knees, pulling him into her embrace. He clutched the back of her shirt and wept bitterly into it.
"I will. I love you, Tae. And nothing will ever change that," she said, tears cascading down her face. Soon, a pair of arms wrapped around her and another pair at her other side.
"We love you, Devin. We can't fill the void that your parents left, but you are family, and we're here for you," her mom said in a shaky voice.
"You have me, and you're my nephew, and I'm not going anywhere," Shan said with an equally weak voice. It was a moment Trechial would seal in her memory forever. Unshakable bonds that would never be broken unless by death.
Proving true, the memory had stayed and ran back into hiding when she and Devin found a bench to sit on.
"I enjoyed your performance tonight. It was beautiful," he said.
Trechial blushed, holding her cheeks and looking up at him. They remained locked in each other's gaze. They were teenagers, after all, and had been in love and hurt by love and still wanting nothing more than love. And this was getting too deep for Trechial to swim in. The intense infatuation that exploded between them every time they were near each other––Devin wanted to lean in and kiss her and then ask her out, but she still hadn't broken up with Jared.
"Stop it." She pinched his cheek and smiled, attempting to lighten the mood.
He rubbed the spot and laughed. "Ouch."
Trechial thought to change the subject to get her mind off his delectable lips that held her attention for too long. "Have you thought about what you will do after high school?"
He stretched an arm behind her and looked toward the sparking water. "I'm leaning toward the military. I don't find anything interesting I want to go to college for."
"Why the military?"
He winked at her. "I get to play with big guns."
Trechial scowled and looked out to the water. "It's dangerous."
He shrugged. "I laugh in the face of danger. Ha-ha-ha."
"You watch Lion King much."
A boyish smile formed, and Trechial sealed it in her memory.
"I want to learn how to protect the people I love the most from foreign and domestic enemies."
His answer caught of her guard. "Oh."
Silence hovered over them.
"What do you want to do?" he asked her.
"Kindergarten or special needs teacher, I think."
"I can see you doing that. You're great with kids."
Trechial smiled. "Thanks. If you really are going to go into the military, I'll support you. But the minute you get hurt its game over. You're coming home, Mr. Liao."
"To you?" He grinned.
"No-No," she stammered, flushed.
Devin laughed. "Kidding." Not really.
She punched him on the arm. "Jerk. Don't do that."
"Do what?" He arched a brow.
"Make me ..." ––she looked away from him–– "blush," she said under her breath.
She could feel him smiling.
"Do you want to hang out Friday night? I'm off," he said, changing the subject so Trechial would look at him. She did.
Charlie leaned against his patrol car, a cigarette in one hand and dying flowers in another. The music traveled from the auditorium. His cigarette slow burned like his love for his stepdaughter. Except, unlike this cigarette, his love would never be snuffed out no matter how twisted it was. He wanted to go in and see her perform but knew he wouldn't be welcomed with open arms, not even by his wife.
Charlie put the cigarette out, opened the door, and threw the flowers into passenger seat. He drove away.
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