A darkening sea of thunderclouds crept above them over the night sky, a gust of chilling wind carried the smell of a fresh storm brewing in the air. Trechial inspected their surroundings for the fifth time; sneaking back into school seemed counterproductive to her. Pacey, Jared's friend, slipped Mr. Bennett, the janitor, a hundred bucks to leave the side door unlocked, leading into the English building.
Whose bright idea was it to play hide-n-seek at school on Halloween night? Trechial hated Halloween. It was her least favorite holiday of the year. People dressing up as Freddy and Jason and scaring people out of their wits was not her idea of a good time. She only decided to attend because Jared guilt-tripped her by bringing up how little time they'd spent together since Devin came back. Sheesh, it wasn't like she had talked to Devin since he asked her to meet him at the park and never showed. He avoided her after that, and it stung, but she was used to that hornet sting and the pain it carried now. She gave in to Jared's sad attempt at manipulation and didn't argue. She didn't want to sit at home and accumulate thoughts about the boy across the street. And because of those reasons, here she stood, dressed in a Clover cheerleader uniform, waiting for someone to come and let them in.
Jared placed a hand on her bare back and leaned into her ear. "You look good." She leaned away from him; his Ghostface mask creeped her out.
Finally, the door inched open, and out popped Two-Face's head.
"Come in."
He held the door open for them. The dark, silent halls made her feel cold, and goosebumps crept up her arms. Jared grabbed her hand and raised his mask and gave her a knowing look. She gave him a tight-lipped smile, but her mind buzzed with words that triggered her fear—captured, police, juvey, Diana Winters.
They rounded the corner and were greeted by a group of her classmates dressed up in Halloween attire.
"Damn, Trechial, you clean up nice. And here I pegged you as a shapeless goody-two-shoes." She instantly recognized Jared's teammate, Conner. Conner was rude and thought the world worshiped the ground he walked on because his dad was part owner of an oil rig in Texas. It would be a breath of fresh air if he moved there.
Jared shoved him with one hand. "Man, back off my girl."
Conner raised his hands in mock surrender and laughed. "My bad."
"Okay, now that everybody's here, let's get this ball on the roll!" Pacey whispered loudly. Trechial looked around at the different costumes, from Tinky-Winky to Jessica Rabbit to a Spice Girl. There were a couple of Batman's and a pink Power Ranger holding hands with Marty McFly from Back to the Future.
"Conner, is it. Remember, if you leave the building then you're stuck out. Go home because we aren't letting you back in. Stay out of the office because there is a silent alarm that will alert the authorities as soon as you open the door."
"One" –– Conner started counting–– "Two." Girls shrieked and guys howled dispersing in different directions.
Jared took hold of Trechial's hand and ran down the hall with a few others.
The night turned out to be better than Trechial had expected. They were on the last round of hide-n-seek when the pink Power Ranger was "It," along with Marty McFly, and instead of counting to twenty, they were counting to ten.
Before the game started, Pacey made another announcement––one that Trechial didn't hear. Jared bent down, the white chin poking her in the neck. "I have to go to the bathroom. Meet me by Mr. Tether's class, and we'll hide in there," he whispered and left. Within a couple of minutes, he was back. "That was quick," Trechial said. He didn't say anything. An overwhelming smell of cologne sifted through the air. She recognized the smell. It was her favorite smell. She looked around the room, over her shoulder, as if she were going to grow x-ray vision and be able to see through the masks.
"One," McFly started.
"Two," Pink Power Ranger said.
Jared grabbed hold of her hand and they were off. They rounded the corner.
"I'm coming to get you. Barbra!" Marty's evil laugh echoed down the halls.
Jared quietly twisted the knob of a classroom door. Locked. She thought they were hiding in Ms. Tether's classroom, which was in the opposite direction. Trechials eyes popped as she looked over her shoulder. The glow of a flashlight grew closer as Jared pulled her along with him. Finally, the door opened, and they entered. He pushed the door ever so lightly until it clicked closed.
Trechial recognized Ms. Macintosh classroom by the wooden stand-up coat closet in the back of the classroom. It was an unnecessary piece of furniture and took up too much space. She walked over to Ms. Macintosh desk and sat on it, watching Mr. Ghostface. The smell of the cologne lingered in her nose.
He leaned against the door. "That mask is creepy. Take it off."
He shook his head slowly.
"C'mon, it's really creeping me out and so is your silent treatment." A shiver overtook her body. He removed the mask. Short ink-splattered hair was pasted to his forehead, she noticed as the mask came off. Their eyes connected.
How did he. . . When did he. . . She stared at him, the silence of the classroom louder than ever.
"What are you doing here?"
He removed the gloves and tossed them on the desk, then took a few steps toward her and stopped. "Can we talk?"
The intensity of her shock faded while his words hovered in the dark space around her. Trechial remembered the night she waited for him to show up. She'd waited for him for three hours, and mosquitoes took their fill off her blood that night. She'd prepared her heart for when he'd show up, but he never did. Now, here he stood. She wasn't prepared to face him. Already she was turning into puddy under his inspection.
She squared her shoulders. Trechial wasn't going to buy whatever he was selling.
"No. You had your chance, Tae, and you didn't show. Once again, you made me look like a fool."
She hopped off the desk and headed to the door, but he grabbed her wrist. Even in the dark, she could make out the desperation on his face. "Please. I thought I was ready to face you but—"
Devin's eyes went to the door, scaring Trechial at the quick shift in mood. He towed her down the aisle. He peeled back the doors on the armoire, and Devin ducked his head and entered the cramped space.
"There's no way we both can fit," Trechial said, assessing the tight space and very aware she would have to make body contact with Devin.
"Get in. They are right by the door." She inhaled and exhaled; the flashlight shined against the tile beneath the door. She turned around and stepped in backward because there was no way she wanted her face that close to Devin's. She squeezed in, and Devin's arms enclosed around her waist. She closed the door just as the classroom door creaked open.
Devin's scent swarmed all around her in the small box. It was intoxicating. His chest rose and fell against her back. The tip of his chin touched the base of her neck, and he inhaled. She stiffened like a statue.
"What are you doing?" Her words were hushed.
"You smell nice," he murmured, just as low.
"All I can smell is you." And it was nerve-wracking. She needed to get out of there or she would lose her footing and forget the pain he'd caused her.
A distant voice said outside of the box, "I heard something." They could hear the pink Power inching her way through the aisles.
"I didn't hear anything, babe," Marty McFly said, trailing behind her.
"That's because you're high, McFly."
He chuckled. "As a kite."
The pink Power Ranger's hand was on the knob of the armoire.
Devin and Trechial held their breath, his arms tightening around Trechial's waist.
"Cops!" Pacey's voice echoed down the hall.
"Time to bounce!" the Power Ranger said, bolting past McFly with him behind her. Trechial burst through the closet and sucked in a deep breath. She sped toward the exit with Devin behind her, until she heard a familiar icy voice. Devin grabbed her by the arm and slung her against the wall behind the door, easing in front of her. Even knowing she was still mad at him, Devin was shielding her with his body. Trechial rolled her eyes at the idea of it.
"We're going to bust all the little shits here," Charlie snarled.
"Are the security cameras outside still working?" another man asked. The moonlight cast its shadows on the floor. The door pushed open until Devin was smushed against Trechial, trapping them between the door and the wall. Trechial's heart hammered against her chest, and she knew Devin could hear it. But if Charlie heard it. . . she would be dead meat. And Devin? He would just be dead. Devin's swollen eye flashed through her mind, and she clutched the back of his shirt tightly. No matter the hurt he caused her, she never wanted to see him beat up and bruised like that again.
"No, that dingbat principle never got them fixed," Charlie muttered. "And good thing."
The sleeve of Charlie's uniform came into view from the small window on the door.
Devin racked his brain for scenarios to get Trechial out of the building. He didn't care if Charlie beat him, but the mere thought of him touching Trechial put murder on his mind. Her fear was evident by the tiger grip she held on his shirt. Tension tightened his forehead. Where was the nearest exit, and how could he get Trechial there? Charlie's full-back now blocked the window as he shined a flashlight into the classroom, holding the light on the coat closet where they were hiding just minutes ago. All Charlie needed to do was turn around and Devin and Trechial were history.
"Suck my nuts, Charlie! Your momma a hoe," someone yelled down the hall, followed by loud laughter and sneakers scuffing the floor.
"Oh, just wait! I'm going to turn you into one when I catch you," Charlie bellowed, bolting from the classroom.
Devin and Trechial both let out a long-winded breath. They eased out from behind the door, and Devin peeked around the corner then hurried and stepped back.
"There're three of them, and they're standing at the end of the hallway. I'm going to distract them, and you run."
"No, Tae!" Trechial hissed, boring into him.
Her attempt made no difference, and Devin left out the classroom without allowing her to argue with him. They would do that later. Or at least he would allow her to yell at him.
He made his way toward the officers. "Hey, pig."
Charlie's lips curled into a smile the moment their eyes connected. "Well, if it isn't banana boat."
Devin raised his hand in surrender when he saw Charlie's hand positioned on his gun. "You can't shoot me, too many witnesses are still in the building," Devin smirked.
Charlie looked over his shoulder and down the hall. "I don't see anyone around."
"That doesn't mean there's no one watching."
Charlie's sneer faded, and then he removed his hand from his side. Devin turned around, putting his hands behind his back, and walked back toward them.
"I was hoping you would run so I would have reason to break your rib cage."
"You didn't need a reason last time, did you?"
Charlie shrugged, "Some of my best work."
Devin stopped short of him, and Charlie pulled out his handcuffs. He reached for Devin's wrist, but Devin faked him out and spun around him. Charlie's partner lunged at him, but Devin was too fast and dodged him too. Taking off down the hallway, Charlie and his partner were close on Devin's tail.
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