Old Port Bay was a small tourist town next to Western Alley. The evening shined with neon lights coming from every juncture of a sidewalk. Though it was a small town, it was a busy place. Old Port Bay was no place for boredom. The only word that existed in its environment was "fun."
It was perfect because Huan and Yoon Mi Rae could celebrate Huan's promotion while Devin and Trechial enjoyed themselves down at Western Alley. Huan inserted his credit card into the slot and obtained a ticket to the parking garage, then the bar lifted and they pulled off.
They found a parking space on the lower level, so he got out of the car and went around to his wife's side and opened the door. She placed her hand in his and exited. Huan's eyes fell on her creamy legs, and his breath hitched. The polka dot dress fit her perfectly at the waist with the lower part free-floating from her waist down. Her straight black hair flowed down her back, and the light scent of her lilac perfume carried on a breeze. Yoon from high school had always been stunning. Till now he couldn't believe Yoon Mi Rae was his. Hell, her first boyfriend was the son of a wealthy Korean businessman. A knucklehead chaebol knocked her up and stole their son. His family, along with Yoon Mi Rae's father, buried the secret in the ground. It was right around the time they met when they sent her to an international school in China. Besides, her family disapproving of her dating a Chinese man was also the reason why they decided to live in the united states as ordinary people. Money truly was the root of all evil, and evil people used it for evil purposes, regardless of who it hurt. Kyung-ho may have been taken over eighteen years ago, but it still affected Yoon Mi Rae to this day. She looked at Kyung's baby pictures while she was alone in her sunroom all the time. One day in the future they would tell Devin that he has an older brother.
Directing his attention back to his wife who stared at him through assessing eyes, Huan said, "You're beautiful." He kissed her hand as he ogled her countenance.
"And you're handsome." Yoon gave him an Eskimo kiss before they started on their way out of the parking garage.
Hand in hand, the lovestruck couple glided down the street, black lamp post lit up their path. Dinner was amazing, seared scallops in Cajun Mustard sauce with asparagus, a glass of red wine, and for dessert—well, her husband was dessert when Devin went to bed. Maybe she could convince the little booger to go by Trey's house and sleepover there. But in terms of the chocolate dessert, they were on their way to Delia's Descendants Dessert Bar.
A slick grin touched her red lips. She peeked over at Huan and saw his white long sleeve was pulled up to his elbows, showing off a gold watch on his wrist. His hair was parted on one side and combed down on the other in a sleek 1930s do that accentuated his taught bone structure. She was the luckiest woman in the world to have such a fine prize for a husband––intelligence, selflessness, a strict parent yet a doting father, and a world-class romancer.
She inhaled a sweet aroma in the air, reminding her of a previous conversation with her son that sparked a new one with her husband.
"I think our son is in love with the girl across the street." Yoon Mi Rae smirked, looking at her husband.
"Oh no, should we warn her?" Huan placed a kiss in Yoon Mi Rae's hair, smiling.
"I don't think Trechial feels as strongly as Devin does, and I fear she may end up breaking Devin's heart."
Huan removed his hand from hers, kissing her knuckles, then cradled her shoulder and brought her closer to him. "I think it's teenage love and it's fickle. Moreover, it may be that she cannot openly like our son?"
Yoon Mi Rae furrowed her brows, stealing a peek at Huan. His features darkened as he looked at her.
"Charlie." She shook her head. "What can we do to help Trechial? I'm not sure if speaking with Diana about the matter will help Trechial or hurt her."
"It may help once we present her with Charlie and Sheryll's marriage and divorce certificate, complimentary of Shan's colleagues down at the courthouse."
Yoon Mi Rae's cheeks lifted. "Really? Oh, Huan, you're the best!" She clung to his waist, overwhelmed with joy for not only Trechial but for Diana. She only wanted happiness for Diana, and she knew Charlie did not bring that to her or Trechial.
"Shan's more recent girlfriend."
Yoon Mi Rae nodded but not before Huan caught her rolling her eyes. He rubbed her shoulders and grinned, continuing on with the story. "Allie has some sort of special clearance. Shan didn't specify what type of clearance, but he did mention that Charlie and another officer are high up on the list of suspects for the rape and murder of two teens that went missing back in the eighties."
Yoon Mi Rae shivered. "We have to help them, Huan. They're family." Her voice was filled with desperation and pleading.
"Of course, my love."
They walked in silence for a little while, each coming up with different scenarios on how to help the family across the street. Yoon Mi Rae wanted to go in on Charlie, guns blazing, but Huan knew the situation had to be handled with care because Charlie was a cop, and whether he was honorary or not, he had his hands in some deep pockets. Deep enough to where he was able to get away with rape and murder. And while Huan would do his best to protect Diana and Jewel, his family's safety was his top priority, especially his son, if which Charlie got the chance he would kill without blinking an eye. And while Yoon Mi Rae did not think Trechial liked their son as much as their son liked Trechial, he knew differently—Trechial was not as vocal, but he caught the subtle looks she cast at Devin. It was the same longing Devin held for her. That alone was enough to piss off Charlie and send him over the edge. Charlie's agenda was on full display with no one to challenge him not even Diana. To know Charlie wanted to rape Jewel and kill his son in order to gain that access created unnatural savagery within Huan.
His fist curled into a tight ball at his sides, his heart picked up speed, and he quickly swallowed the rage brewing in his pit, giving his attention to the beauty at his side. The love of his life watched him through dark lashes, a look of worry transforming her youthful face.
He managed his anger and focused on the beauty before him taking hold of her hand, flipping it over, and kissing her palm. "Wô ái nî." I love you.
Without warning, he was whisking her away across the street where the sidewalk curved downhill. The further downhill they got, the fewer people and cars they saw, when they reached the bottom of the hill they turned down a one-way side street. The streetlights lit the empty sidewalk, large circles of yellow spotlights that they prance through all the way down the hill. Before Yoon Mi Rae knew it, she was running alongside her husband as though they were young again, frolicking down the road, careless of car headlights or people. Except there was no traffic, and there were no bystanders, and it was just Yoon Mi Rae and Huan, arm in arm. Together.
"Stop Huan, this is reckless," Yoon laughed as Huan twirled her around. "We're in the middle of the road."
"I just want to dance," he laughed. "Let's dance." Huan took his wife's arm and they proceeded to waltz on the empty street. Minutes later, the couple reached the last road to cross to get to Deliha's Descendants Dessert Bar. Huan saw the road wasn't busy and nudged Yoon Mi Rae to cross. As they crossed on the sidewalk together, a black truck with tinted windows came barreling toward them at full speed.
"Get out of the way!" Huan shoved her with all his might, sending her to the ground just as the front end of the truck slammed into him. The patterns on the tires spun to a stop just yards from Huan's body that had flown and landed on the asphalt. Yoon Mi Rae pushed herself up from Huan's hard shove, and she watched the black truck advance slowly over her husband's chest.
The sound of her screams canceled out the cracking of Huan's sternum and popping of his rips that crushed under the weight of the truck.
Yoon Mi Rae scrambled across the road on scuffed knees and bare feet, because her shoes must've come off during the fall. She crumbled at his side, and sometime amid her screaming, the truck drove away. But the blood. The blood was suddenly on her hands, in her hair, pooling around her dress that absorbed the red coming from Huan's mouth, chest, arms, gut.
She could hardly hear her own words tearing through the street, unaware that she was screaming for help. For anyone to help. Yoon Mi Rae held Huan at his waist, holding him to her, holding him together. Then she moved to his face and gathered his broken jaw in her palm and clutched it where it was supposed to be on the side of his crushed face.
She wavered over his body as it trembled with gurgling breaths before he choked on one very last inhale.
A pair of headlights shot in their direction from up the hill, and, on wobbly legs, Yoon Mi Rae stood, flailing her arms in the air for the car to slow and help. But the headlights came toward her, Brighter. Faster. Bigger. Until she couldn't get out of the way quickly enough.
Numb from pain, from fear, she didn't feel the black truck crash into her. She didn't feel the concrete beneath her as she slammed into it and rolled to a stop in the beam of a streetlight on the sidewalk. The truck's engine fled and revved as if circling in a cul-de-sac somewhere distant. But Yoon Mi Rae pulled herself through the stream of Huan's blood and up to his feet. If she could touch him one last time––just take hold of his fingers––she could say goodbye. She could die in peace. She stretched her hand toward his, barely scraping the tip of her finger to his, and the headlights were back, growing once more as they sped closer. Yoon Mi Rae couldn't scream. She couldn't move. She was right where she wanted to be––next to the boy she always loved.
And then everything went dark.
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