Willow Heights, Virginia.
MacArthur Suburb.
Sunny. Blue skies. Two close friends sitting under a picnic shelter watched the kids play in the sandbox, what could possibly go wrong?
"No, you lard butt!"
Diana groaned, casting her good friend, Yoon Mi Rae a here-we-go-again-look. "It's your turn; I broke up the fight yesterday."
Yoon Mi Rae rolled her eyes and exhaled a heavy sigh, both women directing their attention to the five-year-olds that were about to go at it like two wrestlers in a cage surrounded by a slew of green army men sinking in the sand, a glow-worm, and a surrey of beach toys. An argument-free day between the two little monsters was little to ask on this breezy sunny day, but Diana and Yoon Mi Rae knew it was inevitable given Trechial's sensitive temper and Devin's honest nature. What could the argument be about today? Is Devin insulting Trechial's black and white saddle shoes? Trechial stretching the corner of her eyes and mocking him? Or the two of them fighting over a shared imaginary friend who chose to sleep over at one's house instead of the other?
Diana gritted her teeth in frustration because she and Yoon Mi Rae were just about to delve into The Young and the Restless.
Devin stood to his feet and dusted off his orange shorts and white tank top, his pudgy belly drooped over his waistband. "I'm not a lard butt, octopus head."
Trechial followed suit and stood, her little brown hands swiping at her purple ruffle skirt. Her fiery, umber-colored orbs watched the little Chinese-Korean boy ignore her as he picked up his green soldiers out of the sand angering her even further. Trechial's lips pinched together, convincing Diana that her little troublemaker was on the verge of creating some real trouble.
Trechial's hand rose above Devin's head, ready to strike him on his unsuspecting black bowl.
"You better not, Trechial Winters," Diana warned her narrowing her eyes.
Devin lifted his head to Trechial, his unique two-tone eyes— one dark brown and one hazel with gold flecks, looking to her raised hand then back at her. He frowned and dropped his soldiers, standing. More than likely bracing himself for Trechial's oncoming wrath. This was not new to either of them.
Trechial pointed at Devin, "Momma, he's being mean again."
Devin's chunky cheeks grew red with vexation. Diana felt sorry for Yoon Mi Rae's son, because Trechial normally picked fights with him, and he got in trouble if he retaliated in any way, which was always through his words. Diana loved her baby girl, but Trechial had a serious case of being a spoiled brat due to her father buying her any and everything she wanted at the bat of her expressive brown eyes. That, and because Trechial was his only child. They tried for another child but later found out that Diana developed a hormonal disorder rendering her infertile. Diana often played the role of the bad guy having to punish her daughter for being rude, selfish, and even a trouble-starter at times.
Yoon Mi Rae rose to her feet, her black hair falling down her pink blouse, her youthful face twisted in a scowl. She planted hands on her narrow hips.
"Devin Liao," she shouted, finishing the rest of her sentiment in her native Korean tongue.
"Eomma, she started it." Devin sniffled, wiping the dirt from his chubby cheeks while also smearing it in the same spot.
"Nah-uh, you started it," Trechial said. "You said my mud pie was nasty."
Devin shook his head side to side. "I didn't say that. I said it was bland and could use some salt."
Trechial's body shook with kindergarten outrage.
The women glanced at each other, trying to hold in their laughter, relinquishing to the fact that the afternoon playdate was over.
"I'm never playing house with you again, Tae," Trechial cried. "You're not my husband, anymore."
"Oh, it must be serious, she used his middle name, girl." Diana nudged Yoon Mi Rae snickered in agreement.
"I don't care, Mini. You're bossy, and your mud pies taste like mud, but with no salt." He poked out his tongue, stuck his thumbs in his ears, and wiggled his fingers before gathering the rest of his toys.
Trechial picked up a fresh mud pie, complete with dead leaves and pebbles, and stood over Devin, throwing it at him as he looked up. A victorious smirk formed on the girl's face, watching her nemeses rub at the mud and shake his hair free of dirt. Trechial cackled, pointing at him.
"It's not funny." He shouted at her as she continued to mock him. The next move neither Diana nor Yoon Mi Rae expected— Devin grabbed Trechial by the root of her two ponytails and pressed his lips into hers. He rotated his face against hers, returning some of the mud pie she threw at him. He pulled away, his lips compressed together into a cunning smirk. "Now, that's what you get, stu-pid."
"Devin!" Yoon Mi Rae yelled so loud Diana had to pin a finger in her ear.
Trechial smoldered with rage, her face a sea of embarrassment, staring wide-eyed at Devin.
"You have cooties now!" Devin taunted her.
"Ahhh, fat rollie-pollie head." Trechial bellowed to the top of her little lungs.
Trechial charged him to the ground, pulling at his hair with angry tears streaming down. "I do not have cooties, fatty. And I'm taking the kids home with me."
She pounded at his crisscrossed arms over his face.
"Good," Devin said. "Nobody wants a glow crap for a son, anyways."
Diana ran over and grabbed Trechial by the arm, allowing Devin the freedom to push himself to his feet. Yoon Mi Rae and Devin dusted the sand from Devin's hair as Diana dealt with her daughter still bickering at Devin.
Diana snapped her neck to Trechial, lowering her brows. "Young lady," she said, "who taught you to treat your friends in such a manner?" She turned to Yoon Mi Rae who belted off at Devin in Korean, his lip trembled, on the verge of bursting into tears. "I'll call you later, Yoon Mi Rae," she said.
Yoon Mi Rae gave her a slight nod, turning warm eyes on Trechial. "Bye, Trechial."
Trechial lowered her head, "Bye, Mrs. Liao." She glanced at Devin before looking away with glossy eyes.
Yoon Mi Rae popped Devin on top of his head. "Wait until I tell your father."
She dragged her son off to his anticipated fate towards their Gold Camry. Devin's shoulders rumbled with every falling tear.
Diana turned to Trechial, her annoyance growing the more she thought about Trechial's picking a fight with Devin. "Go pick up those toys, and when we get home, go straight to your room, little girl."
Trechial poked out her lip, her gaze watering up.
"You aren't allowed to cry. I told you about that temper of yours yesterday. No dessert and no tv until you learn how to play well with Devin and others."
"But Momma," she whined.
Diana bucked her eyes as a warning, and Trechial commenced to picking up her toys one at a time, giving her mom teary glances after every toy she obtained from the ground. Her hair tangled with mud, and her skin encompassed an orange hue from the dirt.
Diana breathed out, shaking her head at her. A good bath and hair washing were in order for the night.
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