Chapter One - Radio Broadcasts
I crossed my arms and leaned on the front of my motorbike (a lilac, sky blue and white dirt bike), tired after the day of driving. I looked over to my girlfriend, my deep blue eyes catching the light of the fading sunset.
She looked to me and showed her strange, beautiful eyes. Her left eye had been stained red and her other eye was white with blindness. When she was born, her eyes had to be tested with chemicals, but something went wrong, resulting in them becoming how they are. Light brown hair which reaches to her chin blew around her face with the cool desert breeze.
"Home?" I questioned, hoping she would answer with a yes.
"Yeah, I'm tired and we gotta eat."
I smiled, it was the only good news I'd had all fucking day, apart from 'We got all of 'em, let's go before more come'.
We made our we back home, screaming with joy as the wind blew into our masked faces.
When we finally got back to our 'house' (it was pretty much just a large room), we stepped inside and immediately sat on the couch to turn the radio on and hear Dr. Death Defying again. We had been listening all day, but we needed to keep listening. We don't want to miss anything. The song (There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey You Just Haven't Thought Of It by Panic! At The Disco, Midnight's favourite) ended, and Dr. D's voice came through the speakers, saying a message for us all.
"Bad news from the Zones, killjoys. Some Scarecrows have been spotted out in Zone 6. They were last seen ghosting the Doomfangs. Rest in peace you three, you guys did well. Just remember, keep your boots tight, keep your gun close, and die with your mask on if you've got to."
Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana started to play and we turned off the radio to mourn over the death of the Doomfangs. They had helped us out in the past, we wouldn't be here without them.
A tear fell from Midnight's left eye, trailing down her face. I hugged her, telling her it was okay, but the tears flowed freely as she sobbed into my jacketed shoulder.
"They-ey di-did-dn't des-erve it. W-we wou-oudn't be al-ive wi-th-out them-m." She managed out, latching her arms around my torso
"I know, love. We can fight for them. We can fight for everyone whose gone, and everyone who's trapped in Battery City. Those motherfuckers won't see us coming." I acted calm, but on the inside, I was falling apart. There are too many dying, and I'm scared that BLI will win.
For a while, we stayed how we were. Hugging on the broken couch, until it started to get late.
When I stood up, I took my purple jacket off and hung it on a chair, a faded white shirt revealed underneath. My dark purple logo was becoming less visible by the day. I needed a new shirt, but I was out of carbons and I didn't have time to get more.
"Food?" I asked, receiving a nod from the girl still sat down.
I walked the 'kitchen' (a small section of the hideout with a few cupboards and some kitchenware) and opened the cupboard, only to be greeted by several cans of Power Pup, a vile product which so many of us survive on. It tasted disgusting, but we had gotten used to it and managed to consume it without throwing up. I don't know who designed such a product, but I hate whoever it is because I know you hate us but at least make food we can eat before we die.
"We've got to get different food..." I mumbled as I gazed at the shitty stuff in front of me.
Taking two cans out, I closed the cabinet and walked back to Midnight Marauder so I could give her can to her. We ate quickly, so the taste of the 'food' wouldn't stay in our mouths for long.
We made our way to the mattress on the floor we call our bed, said our goodnights, and fell into an easy slumber.
Morning came, and we yawned ourselves awake. Midnight looked at the time on the radio and groaned.
"Six-thirty in the fucking morning." She mumbled, anger laced in her tone. "Why did we have to wake up now."
"I don't know, life?"
"It feels like death."
I giggled at her reply. We were always making comments like that, in most situations.
I sat up and pulled her onto my lap, where she turned to look up at. She's twenty-eight and five foot three, while I tower above her at six foot.
"Hey baby, could you turn on the radio?" I asked quietly. "Doctor D's gotta have started talkin' by now."
She leaned over to the radio and pressed the button to switch it on. The two of us listened to the end of Camisado and sung the lyrics in our croaky morning voices, laughing at ourselves.
When the music faded out, Doctor Death Defying's voice filled the silence with some fucking amazing news.
"Welcome back, tumbleweeds. Have I got some news for you. The Killjoy known as Crystal Dove has escaped BLI's headquarters. We don't know where she is, most likely around Zone three or four by now. I've got my eyes out there, I'll keep you noted. See you soon, killjoys."
Both of us smiled widely and looked at each other, a silent understanding that we were going to find that killjoy and help her out. This 'Crystal Dove' girl sounded pretty badass. Escaping Better Living Industries and living to tell the tale? I have to see her. Her name sounded sweet, but a little sweetheart can't escape the prison of Battery City. They would've just taken the drugs, no resistance. That isn't our way.
A killjoy never goes down without a fight.
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