When Friday morning came around, it felt like a hit straight to the face. Judging by Dante's slow start, I'd argue it was hard on the both of us.
I had walked us back here last night.
Dante was silent yet attentive as I explained to him what Serenity was. Long story short- they were fucking piranhas. The few times Grayson and I had run into them during tournaments, was when we were close to gashing their trainers eyes out for an illegal move, or a cheap shot. If Dante's ex had taken up with that gym, he might find himself right at home.
Dante then asked about the roster- how the first tournament will look like. I knew he wanted to be put up against his ex, but it really depended on how well they both fought. The way I saw it was this: if Dante makes it to the final rounds and his ex doesn't- great, I hope the person this ex loses to really beats the shit outta him. If Dante's ex advances, and Dante doesn't, I'll make sure to take that opponent spot and beat the complete shit out of him myself.
With Dante fighting now, however, the whole dynamic of the gym was going to change drastically.
I made it downstairs first to greet Grayson as he entered. Dante was still upstairs slowly getting his morning started. In his defense we had spent most of the night going over everything. Combos, training, sets, equipment. I didn't blame him for barely looking alive now.
"Good morning man. Gym looks more ready than I've ever seen it. You must be amping for a major training sesh today." Grayson called out, as he pushed past the equipment rack to let his heavy gym bag fall to the floor besides it.
I couldn't help the grin that played on my lips. Grayson was going to lose his shit when he found out exactly what we had in store today.
I didn't even get a sentence in, before Dante joined us downstairs seconds later. I expected him to take a little while due to the sleep deprivation, but the Dante I was met with right now was lightyears different from the Dante this morning.
"Ready to get started?" His gorgeous self asked, with a grin so large and genuine, I had to return it.
"Absolutely, your set of gloves are in the locker room." I replied. He didn't waste time getting a move on.
"Wait... gloves?" Grayson questioned. That was when my grin grew.
"Guess who's decided to fight."
"What the fuck did I miss?" Grayson broke his concentration from Dante and the novices, to turn and face me.
"He decided last night." I explained. "He'll be fighting with our veterans, I already updated the roster with the facilities this morning." Grayson's eyebrows raised at that.
"You've had quite the productive morning. And talk about a save. I mean I have yet to actually see this kid fight, but if it's as good as his knowledge, there's no fucking way we're coming in second to those fucktards at Serenity." Just the mention of that gym, made my own eyebrows raise.
Grayson barely brought up Serenity around here- he said it fucked with the energy we've created for our fighters.
The truth was, anytime anyone mentioned that name, it got us all riled up.
I did my best to explain to Dante why we had beef with them, but there were some details I had left out. It wasn't that I didn't want to tell Dante, but rather I knew it was a sensitive topic for Grayson.
Years had past since, but the one tournament neither me nor Grayson would forget, was the time Malcom Dick- Serenity's trainer, put Grayson in a hospital. It was for an illegal strike below the belt that resulted in them getting disqualified for that round, but that was something neither Grayson nor I fully bounced back from.
After that, Serenity became our main target in every tournament, and we became theirs.
I refused to let my guys fight like theirs. I'd reckon some of the guys probably hated me for it, but there was no honor is fighting dirty.
Dante slid on the gloves I had left for him. Almost every novice was looking on in anticipation as he strapped in to spar with Kyle. The look on Kyle's face was also interesting. He was trying to get a feel for Dante, but it was a challenge to do- even for myself. When I saw him hold his own in that alley... I couldn't have ever imagined him to be that fast.
But now, I was truly going to get to see everything. To analyze everything.
"Alright, just like we practiced with the pads Kyle. Same combos, just anticipate the blocks we practiced last week." Dante was kind, but direct. Kyle responded with a short nod as they backed to their respective areas of the mat.
"Alright, let's go!" Grayson called out to the both of them.
Kyle was the first to move- rightfully so. Dante had been showing him more offensive approaches over the last few weeks, so when he came in with a cross, we expected it.
We didn't expect the speed in which Dante was able to easily block it. Throwing a cross with his right left Kyle's right side open. It was only a brief opening, but Dante didn't hold back. He threw a jab, causing Kyle to stumble back immediately.
"Jesus." I heard Grayson whisper to himself. "I knew the kid was sharp but- that was a perfect hit. Perfect amount of strength considering Kyle's inexperience. Perfect everything really."
I was getting ready to reply, but Kyle went in for another offensive combo before I could. This one was stronger, I could tell that Dante really drilled it into the kid, he managed to land a solid hit on Dante, but that didn't seem to faze Dante too much. I'd argue he almost allowed it.
There was a switch up however, where Dante rotated before taking a new offensive approach, and putting Kyle in an abrupt defensive position. With the expression on Kyle's face, I knew it took him by surprise. He did well to keep his body tight as he blocked Dante's quick hits.
There was more pressure applied this time. It wasn't anywhere near Dante's full strength, but he wasn't easing up on Kyle. There was something there that made me smile- it was almost like an intense dance between these two. When Kyle nailed another combo, you could practically see that exhilaration in both their eyes.
"Keep it tight." Dante called out to him. "Anticipate." Kyle lunged again, but Dante hit him with a check hook, safely bypassing that advance.
Grayson and I were at a loss for words as we watched.
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