Hello there, lovelies!
I took a very unexpected hiatus, my apologies. I had a few chapters written, then I scrapped them... so we're here now lol.
Please enjoy the much much longer chapter, and more uploads through the week.
It was difficult to describe how the rest of the week went by. Tidal Wave kept Dante occupied for most of it, so I ended up seeing very little of him. The first full day he was at Fight Club, was Thursday.
I had wanted to carve out some alone time with him, but all we got were fleeting glances, and short yet intimate moments. The fact that I couldn't touch him was starting to sort of drive me a little crazy.
"The novices are making incredible strides." Grayson commented, joining me on one of the benches near the mats. We were both watching Dante now, as he continued practice rounds with the novices. He still refused to put on some gloves and fight, but his sparring techniques with the pads alone, were bringing on rapid improvement.
I gave Grayson a nod. "Our first tournament is coming up here in less than a few weeks. I'm just hoping they're ready for it."
Kyle was going through the combos with Dante. Those two started out on the wrong foot, but it felt good to see that idiot cool it with the attitude. When he shut the fuck up and listened to Dante, it was impossible to miss the refinement.
The other guys had tightened up immensely. They allowed Dante to show them the slower movements, which they then practiced on each other. Every so often, Dante's eyes would divert from their gaze, catching mine.
Most times he would look away sheepishly, but on those few occasions when I offered a smile, he gave me a warm one in return.
"I'm not sure what kind of divine intervention brought him to our door step-"
"Technically, it was Tidal Waves door step." I reminded Grayson. He rolled his eyes at me.
"Tomato, tomato. Who'd of thought we'd pick up such a skilled fighter."
I soaked in Graysons words as we continued to watch Dante.
"If only he'd fight." Grayson more or less mumbled to himself. That part made me uncomfortable. Now, knowing what I did about Dante, I understood his resistance to. Whatever made him uncomfortable just wasn't going to cut it for me. Dante standing in this gym right now was enough miracles for my ass to be content with.
"Don't push it." I said to Grayson. He gave me a head nod in return.
I never want to put Dante in a position he himself didn't approve of.
"You know- I never asked how that visit to your uncle went." Graysons lips twitched up into a small smile. "It might have gotten busier around here, but I'll always find the time to check in."
I couldn't help but chuckle. "I promised, I would've given you the rundown if there was anything to run down. All that driving just to see the fucker for about five minutes tops. Not even that."
Grayson's eyebrows raised slightly. "I don't understand why he tries so hard to see you, just to piss you off when you get there."
I shrugged. "Yeah, can't say when the next visit will be. Probably next year or something. I can't get caught up in that shit again, man. Barely made it through the first time." Just thinking about Uncle Jimmy brought up the sourest of memories.
"Well fuck him." Grayson landed on. "Fuck him times infinity. He can thoroughly go kiss my ass, and well on you for even trying with that dick." I felt his strong hand come down on my shoulder.
"Thanks man." I sighed.
"There's just one other question I've got for you."
"What's up?" I asked him.
"What's going on with you and Dante?"
That made my head whip in his direction with stupendous speed.
"I-I'm s-sorry, what?"
"You and Dante. What's going on there?"
I just sorta stared at him for a moment. This had caught me completely off guard.
"T-There's nothing going on..."
"Oh cut the bullshit." Grayson smirked in my direction. "The only time your eyes has left that kid today has been for literally this conversation. If I didn't know you, I'd be concerned for Dante with all these creepy stalker stares you keep giving him."
"Oh now hold on a minute here-" I tried to come to my defense, but Grayson wasn't hearing it.
"Sammy, I would need to be blind not to see that. Literally blind. Everyone in this gym can feel it, and frankly, I'm hurt I wasn't the first to know. That kid becomes putty when his eyes catch yours, so I'll ask you again, what's going on there?"
It was now impossible to avoid this conversation with Grayson.
"We- um... we kissed." I said quietly.
"You did?"
"Twice?!" That perked Grayson up. "You want to tell me you kissed twice and I'm learning about this now? When was this?"
I thought about both kisses. They had only taken place hours apart.
"Last weekend. It's- it's complicated. I don't even think I can peruse it." I didn't feel like explaining all this to Grayson.
"Why the hell not? Clearly you two like each other."
Grayson could be so blunt sometimes. Maybe I wasn't one to talk, however. That comment had made my entire face warmer.
"Besides the obvious which is that we all work together, it would also make things uncomfortable on everyone."
Grayson shrugged at my words. "I dunno, my guy. I say fuck it. I haven't seen you look at anything like that, let alone anyone. Maybe when we got that new training equipment in a few months ago, though... you almost cried."
"Leave me be, it was a very emotional experience. All heavy duty bags. Those tears were justified."
Grayson chuckled, not bothering to even entertain my nonsense.
"All I'm saying is, don't fully accept defeat. Show Dante how charming you can be. Be less of your insane workaholic self so you two actually have the time to talk, and the rest of us men won't have to sit here and suffer in the thick of all this sexual frustration. Or maybe we need the sexual frustration. Are you a better fighter sexually frustrated?"
I gave Grayson a friendly shove.
"Fuck off."
Just being in the gym on Thursday changed my whole mood for the week. I didn't realize how much I had missed it until I lead the novices into a warm up. It was like playing catch up with some old friends. Even Kyle and I were able to exchange witty banter here and there.
The A/C had been fixed. Sammy got someone out first thing Monday morning to take a look, so the guys were no longer suffering in a heat wave.
The only thing that made practice more difficult, was Sammy- and surprisingly Grayson. Both men had been watching me more today, than they ever had before. My injuries were starting to heal nicely, and I was able to do more activities with the fighters... but it felt like I was exposed on an operation table or something.
They chatted for much longer than they usually did, as well. With our first tournament coming up, I knew things were getting heated, but now I was really feeling that heat. Suddenly I was second guessing myself. My training. Everything.
It was Sammy's voice that evening, which pulled me from a quickly spiraling panic attack.
"You were beyond amazing today."
I glanced up from the play books I was looking over on the couch, to watch as Sammy entered the flat. He must have just gotten out of the shower, because his hair had this wet and wavy look to it. I wanted to run my fingers through it.
"T-Thank you." I replied, still very caught off guard by his sudden compliment. Just a few words from this man was enough to ward off all doubts- well, most anyways.
"The fighters have taken a liking to you. You may be one of the best teachers I've seen, honestly."
That made my body feel things I really couldn't explain.
"I- thank you." The smile that graced my lips, widened.
"I was-" Sammy started, then stopped himself. "How does Chinese sound tonight? I could put an order in to have some takeout delivered."
The way Sammy was looking at me right now was just dangerous. I knew his mouth said food, but those darkened eyes made me want to close the distance.
I watched as water droplets fell from his hair to lightly dampen the white shirt he was wearing.
"Y-Yes." I barely managed to get out. "That sounds good. I just- I needed to run to my place quick to get a few things. I think my first check was also mailed there. Could you give me about thirty minutes or so?"
Sammy nodded. "For sure, take all the time you need. Did you want me to accompany you?"
I was so close to saying yes, but then I remembered the complete dump I was going back to. Embarrassment didn't even touch what that place was for me.
"It's okay!" I rushed out. "It won't take long at all."
As soon as the scent of decaying wood, piss stained carpet, and mold hit my nostrils, I felt even better about my decision to go alone.
The scent was worse than I could possibly imagine. It forced me to hold my breath as I made it up the disgustingly humid stairwell towards my floor.
I had two things on my mind all week. The photo I had of my mother here, and that damn paycheck. The sooner I got both those things, the sooner I could leave.
Something made my pace slow down. I thought about what this paycheck meant. I'd be able to get a mattress... which meant that this was going to be home for me again, much sooner than I was leading myself on to believe.
Before I could even fully process that sudden realization, something else caught my attention. It was my apartment door.
It was open.
From the looks of the broken latch, someone must have busted it open.
This couldn't be happening right now, I thought to myself. Slowly, that door was pushed back to reveal a very poorly lit apartment. My sleeping bag was still on the floor, next to the remainder of my belongings, but there was a shadowy figure standing above it, that had their back turnt to me.
I couldn't make out any features, yet as soon as they spoke, I knew I didn't need to.
"You'd really choose this fucking shithole over the life I provided for you in Texas?"
The voice forced a shiver through my entire body.
"Shaun." I whispered into the darkness.
This book is reaching a climax, which is so bittersweet because I loved writing about these two. I hope y'all are strapped in for the next few chapters!
As always, love you guys.
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