Took just a lil break, but I'm back to the uploads!
The sound Dante made as he came was unexpected... and far past the point of a turn on. It completely set me ablaze. I hadn't expected him to cum that quickly, and in return, my body acted against its own will. I came hard into my hand at the thought and sounds of Dante's climax. His soft moans were a large contrast to my own rough grunts as I felt my release spread throughout my body.
Dante was dead silent. It was impossible to ignore the waves of his embarrassment hanging in the air.
"Dante?" I whispered to him.
It took what felt like an eternity before he replied. His voice was an almost undetected whisper, as I heard the soft "yes."
A small smile started to spread across my lips.
"Sleep well." I teased.
There was some ruffling on Dante's end. It sounded like he might have been cleaning up the mess he made. I had just wiped myself down with a shirt I found on the floor.
From Dante's short replies and elongated pauses, I didn't really expect a reply to that... but once he got settled on his end, I heard his voice carry through the wall.
"You too."
Embarrassment didn't even begin to explain how I felt the next morning. As soon as I woke up, memories of the night before hit me in the face harder than Willis the crackhead did.
I had really came that hard. And that soon. From just Sammy's words? What the fuck. I honestly wasn't sure I still had the balls to face him after that.
My phone told me the time was now eight in the morning. There wasn't any shifts scheduled for me today at Tidal Wave and Fight Club was closed Sunday's, so my only plans were to put some work into that roof.
I didn't want to admit it, but I slept like a baby after the event of last night. It was damn near impossible to recall the last time I touched myself like that. Of course I remembered the last time I had sex clear as day. I remembered damn near every time I had sex.
It was high on the list of things I dreaded to do with him.
There was a time, early on in our relationship, where it wasn't like that. Where I felt that excitement whenever he touched me.
Now, three years down the road, all that died with the façade he hooked me with.
I forced myself to shake those past memories from my thoughts.
Getting out of bed was indeed the most nerve wracking thing I was going to have to eventually do. I laid there listening to see if Sammy was up already. After ten minutes of silence, I finally pulled myself up. It took a minute to rummage through and find a shirt as well as some shorts. Only after I was fully dressed, did I even dare peek behind the wall into Sammy's area.
He was sitting on his bed legs crossed, and in nothing but briefs. My eyes hovered over every visible part of him almost immediately. How could someone look so good so easily? Even those long locks of hair fell at his shoulders like he was some sort of Greek god.
His eyes were closed with his hands rested comfortably on each knee. It looked like he was meditating.
Maybe I could just sneak across? I thought to myself. But then I realized he probably already heard me get up. Sammy was quick to confirm those suspicions.
"Good morning." He said, as his eyes slowly drifted open to meet mine.
"H-Hi." I replied, taken completely off guard.
His hands stretched forward, creating a ripple effect through his arm muscles. I forced my eyes to look at the wall behind him.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked as he stood up. That gave me a full view of this almost naked man. Those fantastically toned legs... that insane torso... those broad ass shoulders...
Breathe, Dante. Fucking breathe.
All I did was nod. All I could do was nod.
"Good. I was going to see if you had any plans for today." The way he was looking at me- Jesus Christ. Even through my peripheral, it was impossible to miss the intensity.
"I-I w-was just going to continue working on the roof." My words sounded like Sammy was honestly holding me at gunpoint. It was a mix of hesitance, embarrassment still, and a whole lot of sexual frustration. There was very few things I wanted more, than for Sammy to throw caution to the wind right now.
He gave me a nod, but took a moment before replying. I thought the conversation might have almost been over.
"I have an errand to run today. I don't think I feel comfortable with you up there fixing that roof alone, but if you didn't have any plans, would you like to accompany me?"
The ways in which this man insisted on maintaining eye contact was really unhealthy for my heart, at this point. His gaze hadn't left me, even though I practically refused to meet it. If I did, I was positive I was going to get rock hard through my pants. There wasn't any possible way I couldn't.
Sammy's voice had the same roughness it had had last night. That, alone, was causing my body to grow heated.
I really needed to stop thinking about last night.
I gave myself a minute to contemplate his offer. Would I have loved to join Sammy for a day filled with activities of his choice?
Fuck yes.
I'd go to the DMV with this man if he asked.
But I also knew the very real dangers, if I were to do so.
Sammy and I hadn't physically touched each other, yet the flimsy boundaries I had tried to set, were definitely overstepped by both parties. The real kicker was I now wanted to say fuck the boundaries completely.
Real toxic, I know.
Maybe that's what had released the word "sure" from my lips.
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