Hey there lovelies!
Happy Monday!
I thought a lil upload would be a nice start to the day and the week.
Stay tuned for updates!(:
When Dante's body came into view, every part of me stilled.
His rich caramel skin was enticed by droplets of sweat that slid down the deeply chiseled muscle. He used his wet shirt to try and wipe himself down. All I could do was linger on every individual movement.
He moved quickly, yet he was careful not to brush too hard against the bruise on his side. It honestly wasn't looking good, and I was surprised to see Dante training like he barely noticed it. When he brought the shirt back up to his chest, my eyes followed intently until they unexpectedly found his.
He was staring straight at me.
It was Grayson's hand firmly coming down on my shoulder, which practically pimp smacked me back to reality. "Are you even listening to me, man?" He asked harshly.
I mumbled a half-assed apology, and got back into rotation with the veterans.
I was now one hundred thousand percent positive Sammy was undressing me with his eyes.
He wasn't giving much of a fuck to conceal it either.
Throughout the day, I felt his gaze on me as he watched the novices train. My assumptions were that he was going to be rotating between the two ranked groups, but he stayed on the novices side for most of the morning.
He also didn't do much of anything but stand there and watch.
I, on the other hand, were a few breathes shy of passing the fuck out. It was ungodly hot in here even with the few fans Grayson brought out. Anyone who was doing any sort of exercise, was sweating their balls off. We literally had to wipe down the mats to keep people from slipping on the sweat that dripped onto it.
At midday, I finally caved.
Most of the guys had already made the executive decision to take their shirts off, but I had kept mine on mostly because of the injuries. All any of them could see right now was a bit of my bandaged arm, and I wanted to keep it that way. The bruise on my rib looked much worse than it really was and I didn't want them to see that... but it was too hot for this shit.
When I finally managed to separate myself from the sweaty disgusting shirt, droplets of sweat slid down my body towards the hem of my shorts. Just the thought of the fact that we had hours left in this sauna of a gym, made me want to cry.
I tried to use the shirt to wipe myself down, doing my best to avoid the bruised tissue on my side. As I moved, there was that feeling again- of someone watching me.
First, I glanced in the direction Sammy was standing at earlier. He wasn't there anymore.
Then I did a brief scan of the gym.
It looked like Grayson had dragged Sammy back over to the veteran's fighting area. Sammy was standing next to Grayson, but his gaze was fixated in my direction. I noticed his eyes following the motions my hand was making as it rubbed the shirt against my midsection. When I brought the shirt back up to me, Sammy and I locked eyes.
Even from across the gym, I could feel how different he was looking at me. It made my body sweat more profusely than it already was.
Before either he nor I could do anything, Grayson grabbed his shoulder. It looks like he asked Sammy something, which made Sammy eventually break eye contact to reply. That was when I snapped myself out of whatever trance I was in, and got back to sparring with Kyle. This wasn't a distraction I needed right now.
But alas, that was just the beginning. Throughout the day, there were countless occasions where I felt his gaze on me. He made it almost impossible to ignore or drown out. This, in return, occasionally drew my attention away from training.
Besides the annoying comments about the horrendous bruise on my rib, the novices weren't too irritating. I tried hard to push past the pain shooting down my arm, and I did my best to make it a productive day.
Kyle in particular had laid off most of his slick remarks.
I wasn't sure if Sammy said something to him or what, but the brat was surprisingly tolerable.
There was an instance where he threw a punch, and accidentally got too close to my side. I buckled over momentarily in the excruciating pain, but to my surprise, Kyle was at my side immediately.
"Shit, man. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He gave me an apology. It was hard to tell whether or not that was fear I detected in his voice, but I just waved him off.
"That was on me. I should've blocked it." I replied. He lingered a little longer to make sure I was fine, but I just picked myself up and continued on.
I'd dealt with much worse injuries in the past. This particular one wasn't going to get in the way of training.
When the gym clock struck five, I honestly couldn't believe it. It felt like the day was almost never going to end.
I noticed Sammy had let a few veteran fighters leave about an hour early. Kyle must have gained some newfound boldness because he marched right up to Sammy to demand why some of the guys got to leave, while the rest of us suffered.
Sammy told him to go mind his own fucking business.
And that was pretty much the end of that conversation.
Kyle was the first one out the door when five rolled around. As soon as the rest of the fighters left, both Sammy, Grayson, and I all released a sigh of relief.
All three of us looked like we just dove head first into a pool. Sammy, who had barely done any sparring, was also drenched in sweat.
"I can't fight in here like this again." Grayson mumbled.
"Agreed." Sammy replied almost immediately. "Any updates on getting someone out to take a look at the A/C?"
Grayson finished pushing some of the weight racks back against the wall before he replied. "They said they can send someone on Monday. Hopefully it'll be in the morning so the guys aren't stuck in this heat for long. I expected half of them to just walk out today."
Sammy gave him a nod. "You and me both. Kyle almost lost his shit when he saw Carmen and Riley leave."
That made Grayson chuckle. "Hopefully they made it to that volunteer gig in time. They looked disgusting when they left."
My mouth formed a little o as I listened to their conversation, and helped clean up. That explained things.
I was startled out of my thoughts were I heard Sammy call my name. "You've done a lot today. Why don't you go hit the showers, and Grayson and I can finish up here." He suggested.
I was about to insist on staying... but the thought of a cold shower almost made me whimper.
"A-Are you sure?" I asked him. Sammy gave me a nod, and one of those gorgeous smiles that showcased his perfect teeth.
"Go for it."
How are we liking the story so far?
I can assure you, these next few chapters are about to get as hot and steamy as the current climate in the Fight Club Gym.
Super excited to write these smutty scenes!
Now for the updates~
I posted a new YouTube video! I answered some commonly asked questions there. Here is the link for that:
I also started a Twitch!
I'll be doing my best to stream every weekend, so feel free to pop in and hang out with me (and occasionally my sister).
You can find us on Twitch as NoSpellCheck. Here is the link for that:
Thank you, as always, for all the love, well wishes, and support.
I hope you all are continuing to remain safe and healthy.
Love you guys,
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