As soon as I made it to Fight Club, all that confidence I had been trying to build on the walk over here, quickly depleted.
I hated the fact that Sammy didn't look like an eighty year old woman.
When he made it to the entrance to unlock the door for me, I could already feel myself drooling. It was the second time I had seen him in something that wasn't gym clothing, and it was dare I say better than the hardware store fit.
Today he was in a pair of sweatpants, and a long sleeve shirt that had Fight Club printed across it. This one was one of those workout shirts that had a snug yet comfortable fit. The ones that thoroughly showed off every flex of muscle. "Good morning." He gave me a smile, as he held the door open for me to walk through.
"Good morning." I replied, breaking eye contact with Sammy just as quickly as we had made it. I basically had to stare at the floor in hopes that he hadn't caught me blatantly checking him out. He flipped the lock on the front doors and lead me into the gym towards the staircase that went up to his apartment. The steps towards to his flat were a bit of work considering the gyms first level ceiling was high, but when we got up there, his familiar living room came into view.
I could've sworn the place was cleaner than when I had seen it on Thursday.
"Thanks again for doing this. Hopefully I got all the right shit. The cashier at Jack's did her best to help, but I think she may have been a little new. I tried to look for everything myself so she wouldn't get too overwhelmed."
I couldn't stop a smile from forming. That was surprisingly really considerate. "Not a problem. From the looks of things, I can make what you got, work." I replied. When I glanced from the supplies, his eyes caught mine.
I couldn't tell if he was going to say something, but for a second, he just looked at me. Something flashed across his face, then he looked away. I heard him clear his throat before he spoke next.
"So, uh, I took some time off to help today. Is there anything I could start with?"
"Oh, y-you really don't have to." I rushed out.
I was about one thousand percent sure that Sammy was going to make working up here all the more difficult.
It would've been nice to have someone to keep me company, but Sammy could under no circumstances be that person. My lack of a filter and control when I was around him, was starting to scare me.
"I insist." He said sternly. "There is no way I'm letting you climb up there without someone down here to watch out for you."
I knew those words were just sensible thinking on Sammy's end, but goddamn it, it still made my heart beat quicken. I needed to get my shit all the way together and stop giving credit to a man who was literally doing what most people would choose to do.
Had my expectations really always been this low?
"O-Okay." I nodded. "You could start with grabbing me one of those empty boxes over there. I'm going to throw the decayed wood down below if you don't mind collecting it."
"Sure." Sammy replied. He started moving things around to clear up space, while I began my ascent up the ladder and onto the beams. I expected Sammy and I to work in quiet for at least little while, but Sammy was quick to get the conversation going. "So what brings you to NYC?" He asked.
My hands gripped the wooden beams far harder than they probably needed to, as I hoisted myself up. If this was the direction the conversation was going in, I wasn't sure how much longer I'd be able to hold out for. I gave myself a moment before replying.
"I-um, I needed a change of scenery." I decided on.
Being up here on the highest beam made it possible for me to see the decay at its worst. The hammer I had slid out of my work belt, latched itself on to the loosest nail, and started to pull up on the bad wood.
"From Texas to New York, huh? Quite the move." He commented. I glanced down to watch as he picked up the rotten pieces that fell, and set them in a cardboard box. "If you don't mind me asking, how was Texas?"
I jutted my palm forward, applying force on the hammer to get the rest of the wood to lift up.
Just say you mind, Dante... I told myself. Just tell him it's something you rather not speak about now- or really ever.
"It was a small town." I sighed, completely ignoring myself. "Everyone knew everyone. It's hard to thrive in a town where your business is aired out like dirty laundry in every towns newsletter." Why are you even saying words right now, Dante? "I needed to- um. I needed to get away from it all. The people." I finished.
If it wasn't for the hammer in my hand at the moment, I would have pimp smacked myself.
"I understand- and I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to pry." He spoke honestly.
My completely smitten self didn't hesitate to reply "Oh no no! It's okay, really. I just- I guess I haven't really spoken about it..." I trailed off.
Another large piece of wood freed itself unexpectedly and came tumbling to the floor. Sammy's quick thinking caught it before it could hit the edge of the ladder. "Thank you." I nodded to him.
"Don't sweat it. It's what I'm here for." He replied with a small smile. I almost lost my footing from that smile.
Maybe if I just don't glance down at him ever, I might survive... I thought to myself
"What made you choose New York?" He asked me, as he tossed the wood piece down in the box. It made a thud as it hit the bottom.
I gave myself a moment to think about that one.
What had made me choose New York?
I thought back to that moment. The moment when I had flipped to a New York Living piece in a People's magazine article while on the train to Austin. I hadn't shown much interest until those few words at the bottom of the page caught my attention.
Get Lost In The Big Apple, it said.
And that was what I was trying to do, right? Find a pocket of safety where no one could find me?
I took a deep breath before replying.
"I made a lot of mistakes back home. Settled for a lot of shit I shouldn't have. I thought whisking myself away to a new state would give me a fresh start." Sammy did nothing but listen as I spoke. "When you live in a small town, everyone's image is so contrasting to who they really are, and what secrets they have. I guess I wanted to go somewhere where everyone was so busy living their own lives, they didn't have the time or energy to create a façade or become so involved in others."
I had been focusing so hard on getting a tight nail loosened, I hadn't realized how long it was before Sammy spoke.
"I think that's half right." He replied. "Here, you may not have to deal with gossip circulating, or your baggage being judged for what it looks like... but don't let that NYC is a cold hearted bitch façade fool you either. It's a community here. We care for our people. I know we haven't put our best foot forward considering you did just get punched in the face by a crackhead, but I ask that you give it a chance. I hope your stay here will show you that this city, and it's residents, are more than that."
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