I didn't want to go home, but I knew Kassie was going to insist on it until I said yes. She even let me know I'd still get paid the full eight hours, which was really sweet of her to do. It was only when I made it home, did I realize that the home I was going back to, wasn't really much of a home at all.
I had yet to get furniture. I told myself that was something I would do as soon as I found the time to. I also wanted to get some fresh paint for the walls, considering I tore most of the wallpaper off. There were water stains all over the corners of the ceiling that I thought I could try to cover up.
Maybe if I painted them, they'd just go away? I laughed at my backwards thinking.
There was a hardware store not too far from here and the bar. Even though this place was a shit hole, I was still grateful that the location was so conveniently close to everything. A car was so not in the question right now. Being sent home today meant I had the rest of this evening and all of tomorrow off since Kassie said the next day I'd be working was Friday. I thought I'd be working with Howard tomorrow, but she told me I should probably take a day to figure out my nose.
"Goddamn it!" I outwardly cursed as soon as a realization hit me.
The ice pack I had meant to grab, was still back at Fight Club.
I'm such an idiot.
I sighed, making the walk of shame into my kitchen as began the desperate attempt of finding something cold to put on my nose. All I had in the fridge at the moment was a bag of food Ben put together for me, and a bottle of water. I could try freezing the water, I thought.
Those thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a loud knock on the door.
I hesitated, honestly wondering who it could possibly be. I hadn't met anyone here yet, and I wasn't expecting anything delivered... plus it was almost approaching ten at night. I felt that all too familiar feeling of my heart quickening in pace. My palms began to sweat uncontrollably.
It... it wasn't him right?
My body stilled first a moment.
No, I told myself firmly. He doesn't know you're here. No one does.
Once I made it to the door, I took a look through the peephole. Who I saw standing across from me was possibly the last person I could ever expect to see here. Literally. My sweaty hands gripped the knob tight, preparing myself as I yanked it open.
Blonde hair blue eyes was standing in the hallway still in the same workout clothes I had seen him in earlier. He was holding an ice pack in his hand. I glanced down at the ice pack, then back up at him.
"Hi." He spoke first.
"Hi." I replied just a smidge bit too quickly. "What are you doing here?" As soon as those words left my lips, I damn near smacked myself. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that-" blonde hair blue eyes was quick to wave it off.
"Don't sweat it," he insisted, "I know this is a little unexpected. I just noticed that you left without the ice pack, and thought I'd run it over to you. Kas said she sent you home a little early so she told me to try here."
He was eyeing me up and down. It suddenly made me self conscious about what I was wearing. I saw his eyes glance past me to the apartment, and all that did was make me even more self conscious. I literally had no furniture in a place that was already just shy of a dump.
"That's really kind of you, thank you." I replied, taking the ice pack as soon as he extended it to me.
"No worries. Just make sure you keep it iced. Should be good before the weekend." I watched as his hand pushed a strand of hair back behind his ear. It looked like he may have just left the gym. I thought he was going to turn to leave, but he stopped himself at the last moment. "Hey, earlier today... I, um.... I didn't say anything to offend you did I? If I did, I swear I really didn't mean it. Sometimes I talk out my ass and-"
"Oh no no no, I swear." I cut in almost immediately. Shit, of course he thought he offended me. I fucking Usain Bolted it the fuck out there like a crazy person. "I just- I remembered I had something to take care of for Kassie. I'm so sorry I made it look that way." I straight up lied.
Blonde hair blue eyes didn't look like he was buying that excuse, but he decided not to pry. "Okay good. If I do say some stupid shit, please call me out on it. I have no intentions of offending you."
I know it was such a basic thing that anyone would say, but my heart still did that flitter flutter bullshit, and I broke contact to look anywhere but at him.
"Thank you." I forced out finally.
"No need to thank me." He insisted. "Hope to see you around, Dante." He turned to leave, but this time I was the one who stopped him.
"Wait! Sorry." He turned to look at me. "I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, especially after you helping me so much... but I don't think I've caught your name."
I watched as the corners of his lips twitched into a small smile.
"It's Sammy." My eyes grew large at those words. "And in case you're wondering, it is short for Samuel." He chuckled to himself when he witnessed my reaction play out. "Have a good night." Was the last thing he said before he turned around and disappeared down the hallway.
I thought back to the conversation I had with Dante, while I walked home. It made me feel good to know that he wasn't upset with me for something I said. I didn't quite believe the excuse he gave about running an errand for Kassie, but I'm also sure there were things he wasn't ready to explain to a complete stranger. As long as he knew my intentions, that's all that mattered.
That last bit of our conversation had definitely put a smile on my face. I wondered how he hadn't connected the dots with my name yet, but I couldn't really remember Kassie mentioning it to him. Kassie did tend to completely skip over things like that.
I slid my key into the front door of Fight Club, and made my way inside the dark gym. I knew where the door was to my flat like the back of my hand, so I didn't see any reason to flip the lights.
The steps up to the top level were long which was irritating because I was more than ready to retire for the night. Today had indeed been a long one. I barely made it onto my bed before I realized I hadn't taken a shower yet...
I swear this job was getting more and more difficult every year I got older.
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