Grey Arc ~ (4) - Daybreak After a Storm
The real Alexandra stand's in front of Chrisitan, is she friend or foe?
Christian Pov:
"You know who I am?", I say,
"Everyone and their grandmother know who Christian Grey is", says Alexandra.
"You called him brother, does that mean you know?", asked Anna as the door opened.
"Alex, come inside now", warned the woman.
"Mother, not all Grey's are evil", says Alexandra.
"Do not make me talk again", she warned as she coughed.
"Mom. Did you take your medicine?", says Alexandra as she rushed to her.
"I'm out", she says as she coughed.
"Come inside, I'll explain", says Alexandra to me and Anastasia.
"Do not invite those people into our home!", warned the woman.
"Mother it's fine, I trust him", she says as she looked at me.
We walked inside, the place looked so run down. I can't believe they lived like this, the floor was stained and rotting and the ceiling has collapsed.
"We're meant to fix that", smiled Alexandra as Anna and I sat on a chair.
Alexandra then took her mother to the next room as she continued to cough. She then came back out as she smiled.
"What's wrong with her?", asked Anna.
"Mother is very sick", says Alexandra.
"I can't believe you live like this", I say as Anna smacked me.
"We do the best we can", she smiled.
"Sorry, Christian is not in touch with his emotions", says Anna.
"It's fine", says Alexandra.
"So what happened here?", I ask.
"Mrs. Sparks happened... my adopted mother, Mrs. Drake and my adopted father Mr. Drake sued Mrs. Sparks for what happened, it would seem their daughter Emily died in the care of Mrs. Sparks and no definitive answer was given as to why. My mother suspected Malpractice was involved. Mrs. Sparks lawyer did everything they could to win the case, they had the money and we didn't. They were poor and could barely afford a lawyer. When Mrs. Sparks won she drained them of everything, money possessions, everything. Soon after my father died and Mrs. Drake raised me all on her own, age seemed to have caught up to her now, she's very ill. When I was 18 she told me about my birth mother, Mrs. Grey. I saved up for about a year and finally went to see her, she told me everything and even about my brother, you Christian, I couldn't believe it", says Alexandra.
"Why didn't you come to me?", I asked.
"Didn't think you'd believe some dopey eyed girl claiming she was your sister", says Alex.
"I'm sorry for what they've done to you and your family", I say as I held her hand.
"Life's hard", she says as she faked a smile.
"Alexandra, I've come to take you home", I say to her.
"I can't just pack up and leave my life here, my mother needs me", she says.
"I can get her the help she needs, both of you", I say.
"Speaking of mother, she wants to see you", she says to me.
"Okay", I say to her.
"She's in the next room", she says as I get up.
I head into the room as I see her mother lying in bed, she looked so sick and pale, it was like her life was held by a thread.
"You've come for her", said Mrs. Drake as a tear fell from her eye.
"You've fought a good fight Mrs. Drake but I'm here to help", I say as I wipe her eye.
"We don't need your help", she says hoarsely.
"I've learned that it's not wrong to ask for help, someone will come to you", I say to her.
"And that someone is you?", she scoffed.
"Grey Enterprises has amazing health benefits, let me help you", I say as I extend my hand.
"The Greys, the Sparks, all they've done is cause me pain and suffering", she said with hurt in her voice.
"You've met the wrong Grey's, I'm a mix of both of them, the better half", I say as I smile.
"I'm, I'm afraid", she says as she starts to cry.
"What are you afraid of?", I ask.
"I can't provide for Alex anymore, I don't have the energy", she says.
"You don't need to now, you've done the best you can as her mother, now rest, you deserve it", I say.
"Make her happy", says the woman as she grabbed my hand.
"I definitely will", I say.
I then lead her outside as Alexandra and Anna look at us.
"She said yes, didn't she?", says Alexandra as she sighed.
"Yes she did", I say.
"I'm not leaving you alone", says Alexandra as someone knocked at the door.
"Who could that be?", says Mrs. Drake as she coughed.
"Christian", says Dr. Collins as he entered.
"This is the patient", I say as I point to Mrs. Drake.
"Dr. Christian Collins", says Alexandra in shock.
"I can't believe it", says Mrs. Drake.
"You know him?", I say to both of them.
"When mother needed surgery, Dr. Collins was our best bet but we didn't have the money to go to him", says Alexandra.
"How do you know Dr. Collins?", says Mrs. Drake in shock.
"He's a friend as well as my doctor", I say.
"Nice to meet you", he smiled.
"He'll take care of your mother from now on", I say to her.
"We can't accept this Christian", says Alexandra.
"Well I can, it's the least those Sparks kindred can do", says Mrs. Drake as she gave me the death stare.
"She's taken care of, now it's your turn, come with me", I say to her.
"I should be with my mother", says Alexandra as she looked at Mrs. Drake.
"Your mother is waiting for you", says Mrs. Drake as she kissed Alexandra.
"I'll do whatever I can to help your mother and you can visit her at any time", says Dr. Collins to Alexandra.
"Okay, let's go", says Alexandra in excitement.
Taylor then took us home after a long drive, I then noticed my dad's car parked outside, strange, I wonder what he's doing here? We went along inside to see them casually chatting and drinking wine, they seem quite playful with each other.
"Oh my god, you had sex", I said in shock as they stare.
"We did not have sex Christian", says Mr. Sparks.
"Mother", says Alexandra as my mother stares in shock.
"Alexandra...", she says as a tear fell out of her eye.
"I'm home", she smiled.
"Welcome home", she says as she smiled.
After all the pain and suffering through the storm, daylight finally comes and the Grey's are finally reunited.
To be Continued in the Alternative Ending 1 of 3: Grey Arc ~(5) - Family.
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