Deception Arc ~ (1) ~ Betrayal (Alt Ending 2 Arc)
AN:// This is super late and I apologize, it has been a busy couple of weeks and my mental energy was non-existent. I bring you the second of three alternative endings. This is a continuation from Chapter 20 (Momento Mori) [Michael had just died]. This is my personal favorite arc/ alternate ending arc.
You get to choose the alternative ending you'd prefer, I give you three of them, 21 - 29 or 30 - 39 or 40 - 50. You get to choose your personal favorite. These three special arc's continue from Chapter 20, this is how it'll go:
20 > 21
20 > 30
20 > 40
Christian burried Michael and was left in shock as he see's Michael's toothbrush and loses it as he finally accepts the death of his true love.
1 Week Later ~ Grey Enterprises ~ 8 AM.
Christian POV:
"Welcome back Mr. Grey", says Andrea as she smiled.
"Good morning", I say to her as I smile.
"Your father is waiting on you in your office", says Andrea.
"Alright, go to Starbucks and get me a venti Macchiato", I say to her as I head to the elevator.
It felt like I've been gone for so long, I took a one week break after Michael's death and now it's back to business. I arrived at my office where my father greeted me.
"Good morning", he says as he sat in my chair.
"Good morning", I say wavering him to move as he hands me some files.
"What the latest info?", I say as I open the file.
"We did some digging but we still can't find them, it's like they disappeared off the face of the earth", says my father as he sighed.
"The missings persons report had been approved?", I asked.
"There are two leads but you're not going to like it", says my father as I look at the report.
"Is this legit?", I say in shock.
"I'm afraid so", I say as I gulp hard.
About 3 days ago, Anna, Josh, and Liam went missing, the only three who were there the night Michael was murdered, Leo reported to me that Josh didn't come home that night, it would also seem that Anna and Liam were also taken, in fear they were kidnapped we filed a missings person report but to no avail, no traces of them had been found and no one had last seen them. The obvious point is that they were kidnapped by the people who killed Michael, they were taken to shut them up about that night.
"We should have seen this coming, those three would have been able to positively ID Michael's killers, we acted foolishly.", I said clenching my fist as I slammed the file on my table.
"No one would have known", says my father.
"So where does Stefan and uncle Steve fit into this? Why would they betray me like that", I say gritting my teeth.
"Security camera's picked him up dropping out a package at an old building 3 day ago, the same day Anna and company disappeared, I mean what is the coincidence of that", said my father.
"Highly likely", I say enraged as I grab my phone.
"You always have a habit of rushing into something without thinking", says my father as he grabs my phone.
"What do you suggest we do?", I ask.
"Observe, we have to think and act carefully, we cannot let them know we know anything", says my father.
"By then it would be too late", I say.
"That is how a king wages war", says my father as he snickered and headed to the door.
"Will they really be okay?", I say.
"I promise you, I will find them", says my father.
"I hope so", I say.
Stefan is the main suspect, he and Steve set Michael up then kidnapped Josh, Anna, and Liam. Please be safe you guys, I'm coming to save you.
4:45 PM, Santorini, Greece
Third person POV:
He took a puff of his cigarette as he tanned out on the balcony of the Penthouse suite.
"Since when did you pick up smoking Josh?", asked Anna as she returned with three drinks.
"I've seen Michael doing it and it helps him with stressful events so I thought I'd give it a try to help lessen the stress", says Josh as he coughed.
"Is it helping?", says Anna as she hands Josh a drink.
"It really is", says Josh as he sips his drink and smiles.
"It's a blue Tuesday, we need some alcohol", says Anna as she cheers.
"We honestly do", says Josh as he smiled.
"Why thank you, could use some de-stressing", says Liam as he joins them.
"Should you really be outside? I think you have a death wish", says Anna as she sipped.
"He's not here right now, so he's not going to yell at me for leaving my room", says Liam as he sighed.
"Is this really the right thing to do, I mean we just disappeared?", says Josh.
"It's not like we had a choice, it was the only way", says Anna.
"Why didn't you just leave me be? I was basically kidnapped", says Liam as he frets.
"And not allowed visits to the outside", warns Anna.
"I'm going back in, in a few minutes", says Liam as he gulps down his drink.
"This place is beautiful though", says Josh.
"Yeah that's true, we have quite the thoughtful kidnapper", says Anna.
The door then opened as Liam jumped.
"He's back!", says Liam in fear.
"Calm down", says Anna as she got up.
He then came to the balcony as he smiled.
"Liam... what the hell are you doing outside?", he asked as Liam gulped.
"We invited him", says Anna.
"I'm not going to leave if that's what you're worried about", says Liam as Josh looked away.
"Do not make me ask again", says Michael enraged.
"Michael, calm down!", says Anna.
"Go back to your room", says Michael as he slams Liam's drink to the floor as Liam whimpered.
The boy is.... I mean the bitch is back, what's up with Michael? What would cause him to fake his death?
To be Continued in Deception Arc ~ (2) - The Story.
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