Chapter 5: The New Secretary (Part Two)
AN:// Seeing as I owe you 2 weeks worth of content, i shall give you double chapters.
Jeremy... Christian's new twink Secretary...
I'd like to kick my foot halfway up his ass....
About 10 minutes had passed, it was shocking no one here recognized me.... like how do you not recognize your bosses husband... that isn't logical ...
"Michael?", says a voice behind me.
I turned around and saw Anna as she smiled.
"Anna", i say as I smiled.
"Hey what's up?", she asked as she hugged me.
"I was kicked out of Grey Enterprises", i say in embarrassment.
"Are you serious?", she says in disbelief.
"Yeah, no one recognized me, the new secretary called security to escort me out, he thought I was a creepy stalker", i say as she burst out laughing.
"Who Jeremy but he's such a sweetheart", she says.
"He's a demon...", i say.
"Well I was heading to see Christian, i needed a recommendation", she says.
"A recommendation?", I asked.
"Yeah, I'm job hunting, i need money to pay rent and maintenance for both me and Kevin", she says.
"How's Kevin? I need to spend a day with him. I miss him", i say.
"He's great, he's very fond of you", she said.
"You wanted to be an editor right?", i ask.
"Correct, that's my dream but I'm afraid it'll take up too much time now, i can't leave Kevin all day at a daycare center while i fulfill my dream", she said.
"That's understandable, in fact I'm looking for an assistant right now at Diamond Star", i say to her.
"Oh my god you are?", she says in excitement.
"I'd love to hire you, seeing as your dream is being an editor, this gives you a chance to see what it's like", i say to her.
"That sounds amazing, so an assistant huh?", she smiles.
"Yeah the basic things, answer phone calls, make appointments, you know", i say.
"That would be great", she says.
"Then you're officially hired", i say as i extend my hand.
"When do I start?", she says as she shakes my hand.
"In the morning would be great, I can take care of Michael's daycare fees though, he's like my own child and I love him dearly", i say to her.
"Oh no no. I would never ask you to do that", she says.
"I want to", i say as i smile.
"Your kindness knows no bounds Michael", she smiled.
"Now I have to get into Grey Enterprises, I need my cellphone,", i say to her.
"Then let's give him a call", says Anna as she pulled out her phone.
Christian: I'm in the middle of a meeting Anna, is everything okay, where's Kevin?
Michael: That's so cute. Daddy Christian.
Christian: Michael? Why do you have Anna's phone.
Michael: I forgot mines in your car. I need it.
Christian: I'll send Taylor to fetch it for you and bring it to you.
Michael: I'm in front of the building.
Christian: How? I have the car.
Michael: There's this awesome thing called taking a taxi.
Christian: You took a taxi here?
Michael: Please get me my phone, I need to get back to work.
Christian: I'm in a meeting, come up and get the keys.
Michael: Tried to, your secretary kicked me out of the building.
Christian: what the fuck? I'm coming.
"What did he say?", asked Anna as i handed her back the phone.
"He hung up", i say.
"Seems like he's pissed", says Anna.
"Like how do you not know I'm Christian's husband?", i say.
"He's new", says Anna as she laughed.
Christian then came down as he handed me my phone.
"Jeremy will be dealt with later", he said.
"I like him...", i say as Anna and Christian stared at me with a confused look on their faces.
"You like the guy that just kicked you out of your husband's building?", says Anna.
"If he could kick me out then he wouldn't welcome any uninvited guests, his work ethic is strong", i say.
As embarrassing as it was being kicked out of Grey Enterprises, Jeremy was just doing his job, i would kick anyone to the curb if i didn't know who they were and trying to get to Christian. His work ethic is impressive.
"Well I gotta get back to my meeting", says Christian as he kissed me and walked back inside.
Jeremy then walked outside with a sad look on his face.
"Umm... excuse me... I'm terribly sorry", he said apologetically as he bowed his head.
"It's fine", as I smile.
"You gotta get back to work, I'll take you there", says Anna.
"Oh you will?", i ask.
"Yeah, i got my car", she says as she pulled out the keys.
"Thank you Anna", i smile.
We picked up lunch as we headed back to Diamond Star as Anna dropped me off.
"See you in the morning boss", she smiled as i headed inside.
I headed back to my office to find Mr. Drake awaiting me.
"Mr. Drake", i say.
What was he doing here so early? His appointment isn't for another 2 hours.
"Finally", he said as he sighed.
"You're early", i say.
"Yes. I sent you an email earlier to reschedule 2 hours earlier", he says.
"I'm the one that reschedule appointments .... not my authors", i say.
"The guy that brings you a lot of money is a first priority author, as my editor you should work with my time", he says.
Ughh.... what the hell was with this guy? He's so rude ....
"Well when I find that guy, I'll let you know", i say as I open my office door.
"Adam always made me his first priority..", he says as he walks into my office.
"As I said countless times before, I'm not Adam", i say as i sit down.
"Did you read the drafts?", he asked as he sat down.
"I'm willing to publish if changes are made", i say to him.
" What type of changes?", he says as he raised his eyebrows.
"Those drafts were poor, after reading it you got me thinking you're a one hit wonder", i say as i fold my arms.
"Are you always this rude to your clients?", he said.
"You're not a client, i don't need to impress you, i thought i would be impressed after reading your draft, seeing as your first novel did so well but i was wrong and I'm the Head Editor so its up to me whether to not to publish you, so how about you skip the attitude and stop playing games", i say as he laughed.
"Now that's the only sensible thing you said to me since our meeting.", he said.
"Now tell me Mr. Drake, are you going to give me good content or are you wasting my time?", i say as I fold my arms.
"The drafts were made by my 8 year old son, let's just say I'm testing the water", he says.
"What do you mean?", i ask.
"If Adam was still here I would give him the real draft, a while has passed since I've been here and I've heard owners changed. I gave you a crappy draft so see if you'd just accept it knowing i was a best selling author", he says.
"Well is your assessment done, you've wasted time i can't get back", i say.
"Yes. Its done", he says as he folds his arms and gives me the death glare.
"So are you going to hand me the real draft or not?", i ask.
"Here you go Mr. Editor", he said as he handed me some papers.
"Awesome, well be back here tomorrow at 11am for my final assessment", i say to him.
"Are you asking me or telling me Mr. Grey?", he asked.
"Isn't it obvious", i say.
Someone then knocked on the door as they entered.
"Mr. Grey, the horror editor needs your opinion on something but if you're busy I'll come back later", the man said with papers in his hand.
"Oh no we're done here", i say as i get up.
"We are?", says Mr. Drake.
"Yes Mr. Drake, I'll give you my final word tomorrow morning after I've read your draft", i say as i smile.
"Hmm... looks like you do have the balls after all... now I see what Leo sees in you", says Mr. Drake as he laughs and walks outside.
Guess you needed a firm talking to Mr. Drake.
I've always thought if you show respect you'd gain it but in your case Mr. Drake you got commanded respect.
I didn't think I'd have what it takes to be an author. I was always so soft and timid. I've changed a lot over the past year and a half.
Everything changed when i met Christian, all the crap we been through made me mentally and physically stronger.
I'm no longer the boy that would cry over a cut or graze, now I'm the boy that would put a band aid on and continue my task at hand .....
To be Continued in Chapter 6: The Profile of Michael Grey
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