Chapter 4: The New Secretary (Part 1)
AN:// Works been too busy lately. With the release of Black Panther it has drained me mentally and physically and now I finally have a day off. Yay :p
Michael PoV:
The vacation was over, wish it lasted longer. We definitely gotta do that again, it was beyond words, the scenery, the food, the cold breeze, it was a good way to escape but now its back to reality. I fell asleep on the ride back, we spend the last day relaxing, even relaxing takes a mental toll, I'm not one to stay at the same place, like how could one be surrounded by so much beauty and not grasp at it. It was a truly peaceful week, minus the paparazzi following us everywhere we go...
Now it's Friday morning and i gotta go back to work.
"I'll drop you off and Taylor will pick you up later", says Christian.
"Can't i drive? I don't need a pickup you know", i say.
"Its much safer this way, plus paparazzi will be following you, Taylor knows how to deal with them", says Christian.
"Then why do i possess a car?", i say as I grab the keys to the Veyron.
"I'd rather you be safe", he says.
"I'm not a child you know and you know, I also happen to be a badass", i say as i smirk.
"That recklessness is exactly why you're not driving", he says as he grabs the key.
"You suck", i sigh.
"You swallow", he says as we walk out the door.
"Good morning Mr. Grey's", says Taylor as he greeted us.
"See, Taylor is in a good mood today", i say as we walk to the car.
"He's supposed to be", says Christian.
"When last did you give him a vacation?", i ask as Taylor hops into the car behind us.
"He's never had one", says Christian as we hop into the car.
"Doesn't he have a family?", i ask.
"Yes a wife and two daughters", says Christian as he starts the car.
"That's cute, Taylor works hard, he's at your call at any given time, he has a family to, you should contribute a vacation for he and his family", i say.
"We need protection", he says.
"From?", i ask.
"Paparazzi and we never found out what that hooded group wanted, they could still be after us", says Christian.
The hooded group.... brings back un-wanted memories, the thing i kept from you was just that Christian. Your brother was the mastermind behind it all.... but i can't tell you that ... you'd probably murder him, i guess he promised he'd never do something like that again, the only reason I didn't beat his sorry ass is cause Candice loves him dearly, I can't risk it if it means Candice will be sad ... he hasn't made any moves lately and Candice is happy so everything should be okay now. I don't have the hooded group to worry about anymore.
"Whatever... he needs a vacation", i say as Christian drove off.
Taylor drove behind us as Christian sped through downtown.
I was deep in thought thinking about Taylor and his family that I didn't even realize we arrived at Diamond Star.
"Have a great day at work babe, Taylor will pick you up at 5", says Christian as he kissed me.
"You to my love", i kissed him as I get out the car.
I walk into Diamond Star as I headed to Josh's office to the fifth floor.
I knock on the door and entered as I see him and Leo having breakfast.
"Michael", says Josh as he smiled.
"Josh, Leo, good morning", i say as I smile.
"Had a good vacay?", says Josh.
"Indeed I did. What did I miss?", I ask.
"20 missed calls for Mr. Drake. He needs to see you, have you read his draft?", says Josh as he ate his waffles.
"Oh crap...", i say as Leo gave me the death glare.
"Michael ...", said Leo as Josh laughed awkwardly.
Crap... i was supposed to read it when I went to Greece... i took it with me and completely forgot...
"Mr. Drake is an important assest to us Michael. This is not acceptable", says Leo.
"You're right. I'm terribly sorry", i say in disbelief.
Crap. I screwed up my first task. I'm beyond screwed.
"Don't look so down Michael. You learn from mistakes", says Josh.
"Mr. Drake gave me a copy as well.", says Leo as he got up and headed to Josh's desk.
"He gave you a copy to?", i ask.
"Correct, read the draft and get back to me on it, I'm curious to hear your opinion", says Leo as he hands me the draft.
"Yes sir, I'll get on that right now", i say.
"Sir? You're the boss now", says Leo.
"Knowledge is power Michael and experience is key, in time you'll be the best editor, nothing happens overnight", says Josh as he smiled.
"Mr. Drake will be here at 3pm. Be ready", says Leo.
I hurry downstairs to my floor as the editors greeted me, there's still a few that gave me death stares and ones that avoided eye contact.
I hurry to my office as I read the draft, the novel was unnamed but i got an idea of the plot. It was about 5 chapters long and I got an idea of where it was going... it was of the Action/Adventure genre, it seemed so predictable and the writing was so poor with no passion whatsoever. This is definitely not the work of a best selling author.....
"Looks like your finally done", says Leo as he walks into my office.
It was 11:30AM... it took me an hour and a half to read and analyse the story.
"Yeah I'm finally done", i say gulping as I put it down.
"What do you think?", asked Leo.
"Its hard to believe this was written by a best selling author", i say to Leo as he nodded.
"You're right, this work is poor and there's many things it lacks", says Leo.
"I can't publish this... without a few tweaks", i say.
"What would you change?", asked Leo.
"I'd omit chapters 4 and 5, the hold no significance to the story, it's filler, filler is good in some senses but not so early on the story", i say.
"You have a keen eye", says Leo.
"What did you think", i ask.
"The exact same thing. We cannot publish this but that's up to you Mr. Editor.
"Indeed..", i sigh.
Will we lose a best selling author or will.he understand and make some changes?
"Where's your cellphone? I tried contacting you on it but you didn't answer", says Leo.
"It's right here", i say as i grab my pocket but my phone wasn't there.
"Crap. I left it in Christian's car", i say.
"Your memo's are in it.. you need it", says Josh.
He's right, my daily memo's on that phone, I need it. From what I recall, i should be interviewing some more people today for the assistant post as well as overlook the new horror series.
"I'm taking my leave now", says Leo as he headed out.
I headed to Josh to tell him that I'm headed to Grey Enterprises to retrieve my phone.
If i missed a call from a client then I'm screwed.
I headed outside only to remember Christian took me to work so I don't have the car. I hailed a taxi as it headed straight to Grey Enterprises.
It was 12pm and I needed to go back by 3pm for my meeting with Mr. Drake and the interviews should begin at anytime after that, i have two interviews today.
I walk into the Grey Enterprises as i headed straight to the elevator.
"Umm.. excuse me", a voice yelled out.
I turn around to find a boy, he looked about my age, he had messed up blonde hair and he was definitely a twink.
"Hello there", i say as i turned around.
"How can I help you?", he said.
Ahh.. i see, he must be the new secretary Christian was telling me about.
"I'm here to see Christian", i say.
"You can't just causally stroll in and head straight in the elevator without some form of identification", he says.
"Didn't think I'd need one", i say.
"Do you have an appointment?", he asked.
"No.. I just came here to collect my phone", i say to him.
"What's your name?", he asked.
"Michael....", i say.
"Last name?", he asked.
"Grey...", i say as he raised an eyebrow.
"That's a convenient lie. Do you have an ID?", he asked.
"Is that really necessary, I'm just here to retrieve my phone from Christian?", i asked as I hand him my ID.
"It's Mr. Grey for you ... and your ID says Michael Reyes.... not Grey", he says as he hands me back my ID.
"You seriously don't know who i am?", i ask as he raised an eyebrow.
"You seem like some crazed stalker trying to make his way to Christian, now you should leave before I get security", he says.
"You're not serious .. I'm Christian's husband", i say annoyed.
"Maybe in your dreams", he says as he wavered for security.
"Do you have a name Mr. Secretary?", i say grinding my teeth.
"Jeremy...", he says as he scoffed and walked away.
A male security then came as he stood in front of me.
"Are you serious?", i say.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave", he says as he folds his arms.
"You don't know who I am either?", i ask.
"Leave or i will remove you by force", he warned.
I was then escorted out the building as onlookers watch an gasp.
Rage then took over as i gulp hard.
What the actual fuck just happened? .... Am I dreaming... was I really just kicked out of Grey Enterprises as a suspicious character?
I then looked inside as I saw the male secretary sit down in his desk as he resumed his tasks.
Jeremy was it?
Oh Jeremy .... you have messed with the wrong bitch.....
To be Continued in Chapter 5: The New Secretary (Part 2)
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