Welcome to Undertale Inc. Part 1
//I smile lightly it's great they had supported me with my new job.
I close my phone and reach for the door.
"Well here I go...."//
Walking out into the hallway I close the door behind me and rush towards the left so I can reach the elevator in my apartment complex.
As I pass the multiple doors I can't help but notice the monster goat? And small child in front of the elevator waiting.
Sighing softly I continue forward and slip by them when the door opens and apologizing when I accidentally bump into the monster.
"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! I'm just in a rush!"
The monster goat smiles in a mothering way and speaks softly "It is quite alright child it is of no bother to me, by the way my name is Toriel and this is Frisk"
I glance downward when I feel something tugging my jacket. I notice the small kid from before looking up at me? Is it really looking I can't tell.
"Oh it's nice to meet you both but really I'm in a rush for a job of mine so....."
I quickly press the button to floor number 1 or the main lobby as some people might say.
" Oh of course we were just heading down that way as well"
I glance at them awkwardly, Why would she be so calm about this? Eh best not to worry about it.
((Time skip brought to you by a mysterious temmie in the elevator))
Rushing out of the building I move straight towards my car and get in the driver's seat.
I glance at my cars clock as the car starts up. 11:37 am great...I am going to be late on my first day! (Sarcasm) Won't Mr.Blue be happy about that? I mean come on I don't even know the monster but he could be mean.
Driving out onto traffic I rush my car as fast as I can to Undertale Inc. which I might say was the biggest building built in (Y/T)
//Your town or City//
When I finally get there my phone buzzes causing me to grab for my purse and including me almost dying by the choke hold of the seat belt.
Looking at the screen I notice on my texts is a message from my boss......
One new message from Mr.Blue
Heya Y/N you're kinda late so would ya please get your butt in gear and get out of the parking lot or I might have to call security to come get ya for parking and evading work
-From S.
"I am so fired......."
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